romeo tells balthasar to

Romeo heads to the tomb, and tells Balthasar to leave. Paris suspects that Romeo has arrived at … Page: 1 of 2. BALTHASAR I do beseech you, sir, have patience. He tells Balthasar to get him pen and paper (with which he writes a letter for Balthasar to give to Montague) and to hire horses, and says that he will return to Verona that night. Romeo tells Balthasar to leave or Romeo will kill him. Paris challenges Romeo to fight him but Romeo refuses. Access Full Sample. Answers. Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s dagger. Best Answer. Why does the apothecary sell Romeo the poison? Moreover, as Romeo tells Nurse in a prior scene, not only will the marriage take place secretly, but Romeo also needs a ladder so that he can surreptitiously climb up to Juliet's room after the ceremony. Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb? Get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses. He gets poison from the apothecary and goes to Juliet’s tomb, where he has to fight and kill Paris in order to be alone with his wife’s corpse. Sadly, Juliet is not really dead. When Friar Lawrence arrives, Balthasar does not want to go with him into the tomb. If I did stay to look on his intents. (Act 5, Scene 3, 110) Prince Escalus says that everyone, including himself, has been punished. As a matter of fact, Romeo wants Balthasar out of the way, so he won't interfere. Resolved to find her and join her in death, Romeo first visits an apothecary and bribes him to obtain an illegal (and lethal) poison. Romeo tells him to leave or he will kill him, but Paris continues to pursue Romeo. Balthasar. [Takes them from BALTHASAR] Hold, take this letter. Explain Romeo’s soliloquy in scene iii. ROMEO 25 Is it e’en so?—Then I deny you, stars!— Thou knowest my lodging. d. commit suicide. Save to Library Sample Saved Save to Library Remove from Library. Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. How did Balthasar kill Romeo and Juliet? in "Romeo and Juliet". He asks if the Friar has sent a message, but Balthasar doesn't have one for him. Romeo rides up to the tomb and tells Balthasar to leave him there alone; he tells him that he is just going to get a ring off Juliet’s finger. If Friar had have gone through to tell Romeo, there wouldn’t have been any confusion and Romeo would have known what was happening. What is Romeo’s mood in Scene 4 Why is there now a change in him? 184. Suddenly, Paris comes out of hiding and frightens Romeo. Frightened by a noise, the Friar flees the tomb. 183. Romeo, in the tomb, takes poison, dying as he kisses Juliet. He holds Juliet in his arms and kisses her for the last time. A market street in Mantua: Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar. He tells Romeo that he has seen her buried in the Capulet family tomb. Then she is well, and nothing can be ill: Her body sleeps in Capel's … ROMEO 25 Is it e’en so?—Then I deny you, stars!— Thou knowest my lodging. The Nurse informs Juliet that Romeo has killed Tybalt. What was Romeo’s plan when he left Juliet? Of course, Balthasar doesn’t know that Juliet has just taken the potion that Friar Laurence suggested and is not really dead. Romeo couldn’t believe what he had heard from Balthasar, although not true, Romeo didn’t know this. When Romeo approaches the tomb, Paris recognizes him as the man who murdered Tybalt After being banished to Mantua, Romeo hears from his servant, Balthasar, that Juliet is dead. As Romeo stands over Paris ’s body, he remembers a piece of gossip Balthasar told him on the ride from Mantua—that Paris was supposed to marry Juliet, or already had. 14. Deadline: 10 days left. Romeo's servant, Balthasar, tells Romeo that Juliet: a. is dead. Of course, Balthasar doesn’t know that Juliet has just taken the potion that Friar Laurence suggested and is not really dead. How much does Romeo offer for the poison? Which of the following does NOT relate to the theme of predestination and Romeo and Juliet s inevitable deaths? It is fairly easy to tell that he is sad to have to tell Romeo, because he apologizes for being the one to bring the terrible news. But Balthasar does not obey and hides in the bushes instead. 3. Romeo is devastated, and buys poison from an apothecary. S3-Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet's tomb. What does Romeo’s servant, Balthasar, tell him? A2: Romeo tells Balthasar that he wants to get Juliet’s wedding ring and see her face one last time. Romeo opens the tomb and sees Paris. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays.Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young … Balthasar is Romeo’s man. Romeo tells Balthasar he is going into the tomb to get a ring off of Juliet's finger. Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper Topic. Summary and Analysis Act V: Scene 1. In Mantua, Romeo mistakenly believes that his dreams portend good news because he dreamed that Julietfound him dead but revived him with her kisses.Romeo’s servant, Balthasar, then reports to Romeo that Juliet has died. As Friar Lawrence enters the tomb, Juliet awakes to find Romeo lying dead. O, pardon me for bringing these ill news, Since you did leave it for my office, sir. Why? Romeo tells Balthasar that he wants to see Juliet’s face again and get the ring. Balthasar emerges from the shadows and tells Friar Laurence that he fell asleep, but he thought he heard Romeo fight someone before he entered. This caused Romeo to freak out, go to the Capulet's tomb, … Frustrated at such news, Romeo decides to buy the apothecary of the city an effective poison, before going to the crypt where Juliet is. Here's one, a friend, and one that knows you well. Romeo takes the things he needs and tells Balthasar to leave and not to follow him. b. drink the potion. Frightened by a noise, the Friar flees the tomb. What is Romeo’s plan in Act 5 Scene 3? Friar Lawrence then tells Balthasar to investigate the vault alongside him. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? Answer (1 of 2): As Leah Earl pointed out (and the person who posted the question missed), Friar Laurence does attempt to provide Romeo with information about Juliet’s “demise.” The whole thing is one macabre comedy of errors. b. has married Paris. O, pardon me for bringing these ill news, Since you did leave it for my office, sir. Though Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet and helped them keep their love a secret, he is very responsible for their deaths. b. has married Paris. Paris suspects that Romeo has arrived at the tomb to defile the bodies of Juliet and Tybalt. What does Romeo tell Balthasar he's at the tomb for? Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from “her dead finger a precious ring. Friar Lawrence tells Juliet that she will need the courage to: a. obey her father and marry Paris. His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt. Which of the following does NOT relate to the theme of predestination and Romeo and Juliet s inevitable deaths? He also tells Balthasar to leave or he will kill him. Trigger warning: Act 5 contains material discussing and portraying suicide. 8. he tells romeo that juliet is dead. in act v, scene i of romeo and juliet, what role does balthasar play in the catastrophe? What Romeo threatened to do to Balthazar if he he says with him at the tomb is Romeo will kill him. Email Invalid email. He is merely another person affected by the two family’s hatred. 13. In Act II, Scene iv, Mercutio comments on Romeo’s improved demeanor. Romeo tells Balthasar not to worry, just do what he's been told. He thinks he has come to desecrate (disrespect) Capulets' tomb. Act 5 scene 1: What letter has Romeo been waiting for? What does Paris think Romeo is doing at the Capulet tomb? He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Romeo gives Balthasar a letter to give to his father, breaks open the tomb's door and tells Balthasar to leave. Friar John is unable to deliver Friar Laurence s letter to Romeo. Answers: 3 on a question: In act v, scene i of romeo and juliet, what role does balthasar play in the catastrophe? Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going to open the tomb to retrieve a very important ring. Friar Lawrence then says that Romeo may spend the night with Juliet and leave for exile in Mantua next morning. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is just going inside to retrieve Juliet’s ring, and Romeo tells him to leave lest he be killed. E. Paris sees Romeo enter the graveyard. Romeo gives Balthasar 2 reason for entering the Capulet’s tomb. 5. He gives Balthasar a letter and tells him to deliver it in the morning to Montague. Balthasar exits. His mission is to tell Romeo that Juliet is dead. [Gives letter to BALTHASAR] Give me the light. Romeo tells Balthasar that 1. Balthasar and Romeo enter the churchyard where the Capulet tomb is located. Romeo hands Balthasar a letter to give to his father early in the morning. D. Balthasar 1. doesn’t believe Romeo’s excuse for opening the tomb, 2. he hides and watches. Dubious of Romeo's intentions, Balthasar hides in the churchyard. He also tells Balthasar to leave or he will kill him. 18. S3-Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb? He lies and says he is there to take Juliet's wedding ring off her finger, but Balthasar knows better and stays nearby. Romeo commits suicide before Juliet … 9. Romeo and juliet Subjects: British Literature, Literature. Benvolio tells Romeo that there are lots of girls in Verona much hotter than Rosaline. Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar.He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Get thee gone, 35 And hire those horses. ROMEO No matter. If he told the servant, Balthazar, what he was doing, then his plan will fail. Paris, who is already in the churchyard, confronts Romeo. Friar John enters, bringing with him the letter that he was to have delivered to Romeo. Romeo tells Balthasar not to interrupt him or come after him. Romeo still wouldn't have gotten the letter that Friar John was supposed to bring to him, so Juliet would have been stuck hanging out with Tybalt's corpse in the tomb. 9. Why does the apothecary sell Romeo the poison? He plans to return to Verona, commit suicide in Juliet’s tomb, and lay beside her in her grave that night. S3-Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb? What is Romeo looking for? 6. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. He asks if the Friar has sent a message, but Balthasar doesn't have one for him. He tells Romeo that he has seen her buried in the Capulet family tomb. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is just going inside to retrieve Juliet's ring, and Romeo tells him to leave lest he be killed. Romeo tells Balthasar before he leaves Verona to update him on everything that happens. One that you love. 183. Thunderstruck, Romeo cries out “Then I defy you, stars” (5.1.24). I saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault” (5.1 18-20). Romeo and Juliet declare their love for each other. Romeo slays Paris; before he dies, he requests he be laid with Juliet. Romeo is going to open the tomb to retrieve a very important ring. He is directed to carry messages, and he accompanies Romeo. Why does Romeo have trouble getting the poison? Friar Lawrence anxiously goes to the tomb to be there when Juliet comes out of her trance. When Romeo arrives on the scene, he gets a hammer and a crowbar from Balthasar and hands Balthasar a letter for his dad, Lord Montague (aha! Romeo and Balthasar come to Juliet's grave. When they arrive at Juliet’s tomb, Balthasar realizes that Romeo wants to be alone. Friar Lawrence tells Juliet that she will need the courage to: a. obey her father and marry Paris. Act 5, Scene 3
Romeo and Balthasar arrive next at the Capulet tomb.
Balthasar is threatened by Romeo to forget everything he sees and
to not interrupt him. A womb of death. as far as i can remember, romeo gives balthasar a letter to deliver to romeos father, montague. Reply Delete Balthasar withdraws, but, mistrusting his master's intentions, lingers to watch. Early in the morning See thou deliver it to my lord and father. I will hence tonight. Balthasar doesn’t believe Romeo’s excuse for opening the tomb, so he hides and watches. Speeches (Lines) for Balthasar. Who tells Romeo that Juliet is dead? 10. Act 5 scene 1: What news does Romeo’s servant Balthazar, who arrives from Verona, tell him? ACT 5 Notes Scene 1 Setting- Mantua Plot Points Romeo is in Mantua, but he is alone and happy because he had a good dream Balthasar, He does not want to tell his servant that he's really going to kill himself. Balthasar withdraws, but, mistrusting his master's intentions, lingers to watch. 3. 200. But what is the real reason? The Nurse hands Romeo the ring from Juliet, and this physical symbol of their love revives his spirits. Balthasar claims, “Her body sleeps in Capels ' monument, And her immortal part with angels lives. c. break her marriage vows to Romeo. View Act 5 Notes.docx from ENGLISH 111 at Newsome High School. What happens during the well-known balcony scene in Scene 2. answer choices. However, Balthasar is not the reason for Tybalt and Mercutio’s death, which causes Romeo’s banishment. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the tomb of the Capulets in order to recover a valuable ring that he had given to Julia. At that moment, Juliet awakens, knowing that the plan was for Romeo to be there waiting for her. I will be gone, sir, and not trouble you. What does Balthasar actually do? What is Romeo looking for? Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from “her dead finger a precious ring.” He tells Balthasar to get him pen and paper (with which he writes a letter for Balthasar to give to Montague) and to hire horses, and says that he will return to Verona that night. Paris challenges Romeo to fight him but Romeo refuses. Before, Romeo had been depressed and moping around because the object of his affections, Rosaline, did not return his love. Romeo says to Balthasar, "Give me that mattock and the wrenching iron" (5.3.22), then stops himself, remembering that he has something else to take care of before he opens the grave: "Hold, take this letter; early in the morning / See thou deliver it to my lord and father" (5.3.23-24). Romeo tells Balthasar that 1. I saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault And presently took post to tell it you. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young Italian star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. Give evidence to support your answer. Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s dagger. Get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses. Romeo's servant, Balthasar, tells Romeo that Juliet: a. is dead. His mission is to tell Romeo that Juliet is dead. Balthasar to arrive with news from Verona Balthasar tries to calm him down—he doesn't want Romeo to do anything rash. he tells balthasar to leave or he will be punished and then gives him money as … 5. Take it in the Capulet tomb and die beside Juliet: What has Romeo dreamed about? Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? What does Romeo’s servant, Balthasar, tell him? Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. [Takes torch from BALTHASAR] Upon thy life I charge thee, Whate’er thou hear’st or seest, stand all aloof, And do not interrupt me in my course. Give me that mattock and the wrenching iron. Romeo tells Balthasar to leave. Romeo does drag him into the tomb because he doesn't want anyone to notice the body. Contents. 8. 3. Romeo arrives with a crowbar with Balthasar. Romeo says “the time” and “intents” (the situation and Romeo’s plan) are “savage,” “wild” “fierce,” and “inexorable” (uncontrolled, wild, strong, and unstoppable.) 2. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. ... Romeo’s man, Balthasar, arrives in Mantua with news of Juliet’s death. Why? Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring." Balthasar tells Romeo of Juliet s death, prompting Romeo to buy poison. Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet’s tomb. Romeo and Juliet get married by Friar Laurence. Friar Laurence goes inside to find both Paris and Romeo dead. 2. Friar Laurence went again to tell Romeo but realised that it was too late, Romeo had left. He asks if the Friar has sent a message, but Balthasar doesn't have one for him. c. break her marriage vows to Romeo. 47. Juliet finds out that Paris wants to marry her. D. Balthasar 1. doesn’t believe Romeo’s excuse for opening the tomb, 2. he hides and watches. Romeo, in the tomb, takes poison, dying as he kisses Juliet. Metaphor: tomb is … 18. Number of pages. b. drink the potion. I will hence tonight. I saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault And presently took post to tell it you. 184. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? He wonders if he misheard Balthasar, or if, in his madness over Juliet’s death, simply imagined what Balthasar was telling him. Scene 2 1. Romeo and Paris fight and Paris is killed. He tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Then he orders Balthasar to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him that morning. 183. Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar. He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. d. commit suicide. c. is waiting for Romeo to rescue her from the tomb. To what does Romeo compare the tomb? Paris suspects that Romeo has arrived at … When Romeo approaches the tomb, Paris recognizes him as the man who murdered Tybalt. Romeo tells Balthasar not to worry, just do what he's been told. Instead, Balthasar told Romeo that Juliet was dead. Advertising We'll write a high-quality original custom paper on Romeo and juliet just for you with a 15% discount for the … Paris watches Romeo enter the tomb from a distance and tells him to stop. What does Romeo tell Balthasar to do? In Mantua, Romeo mistakenly believes that his dreams portend good news because he dreamed that Julietfound him dead but revived him with her kisses.Romeo’s servant, Balthasar, then reports to Romeo that Juliet has died. 4. Romeo lies to Balthasar because he does not want Balthasar to stop him. What does Paris think of Romeo? In Romeo and Juliet, the marriage scene in act 2, scene 6 foreshadows future events in a number of ways. ROMEO. Romeo tells Balthazar to go away. Romeo, controlling his grief, makes plans to return to Verona. 183. Paris threats that he is going to arrest Romeo. 7. he forgets to deliver a letter to romeo. Although he does not want to fight him, Romeo eventually gives in, fights and kills Paris. I’ll be with thee straight. Act 5.1 There is thy gold, worse poison to men’s souls, Doing more murder in this loathsome would than these poor compounds that though mayst not sell. Romeo tells Balthasar not to worry, just do what he's been told. Did Paris love Juliet give evidence? Balthasar says that Romeo seems so distraught that he is afraid to leave him, but Romeo insists. Balthazar did … Romeo kills Paris. Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar. Explanation: In Act V, scene I of Romeo and Juliet, Balthasar informs Romeo of the sudden death of Juliet, which had not really happened. Balthasar doesn’t believe Romeo’s excuse for opening the tomb, so he hides and watches. Who is hidden in the graveyard when Romeo arrives? Romeo rides up to the tomb and tells Balthasar to leave him there alone; he tells him that he is just going to get a ring off Juliet’s finger. Romeo lies to Balthasar because he does not want Balthasar to stop him. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring." Active Themes. The Capulet’s and Montague’s feud causes their children to immediately feel threatened with their lives when they realize each other’s identity. Romeo examines Paris with his torch then realizes that he is Mercutio’s relation. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring." He tells why he was unable to deliver the letter. 182. Thunderstruck, Romeo cries out, “Then I defy you, stars” (5.1.24). E. Paris sees Romeo enter the graveyard. he suggests that romeo buy poison. He gives Balthasar a letter and tells him to deliver it in the morning to Montague. Paris dies. Romeo tells Balthasar to leave or Romeo will kill him. that's what he needed the paper and ink for). In Mantua, Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going to open the tomb to retrieve a very important ring. Balthasar, a friend of Romeo’s, brings him news that Juliet is dead and lies in the Capulet tomb. he tells romeo that juliet is dead. But Balthasar does not obey and hides in the bushes instead. c. is waiting for Romeo to rescue her from the tomb. Romeo is going to open the tomb to retrieve a very important ring. 1. Alerted by Paris’s page, the watch arrives and finds the bodies. Suddenly, Paris comes out of hiding and frightens Romeo. How much does Romeo offer for the poison? They argue and fight with their swords. Please join FreeBookSummary to read the full document. Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. When Balthasar arrives, he tells his master of the death of Juliet and the funeral; Romeo is inconsolable and buys poison to kill himself; Zeffirelli shows Romeo and Balthasar riding rapidly for Verona, passing our hapless friar once again as he diligently trudges onward with the message which will never be delivered. Why do Mercutio and Benvolio think Romeo ran away from the party? 4. Alerted by Paris’s page, the watch arrives and finds the bodies. 9. Paris thinks Romeo has come to harm thebodies in some way. Paris might have realized that she wasn't dead and they would be married. Balthasar comes from Verona to Romeo, who is in exile in Mantua. Romeo just told Balthazar to live well and prosper, and then to leave, and he leaves Romeo to 'grieve'. Q: What did Romeo tell Balthasar to do at the tomb? Act 5.1 There is thy gold, worse poison to men’s souls, Doing more murder in this loathsome would than … With one with his personality, Balthasar declines out of Romeo’s past request to not follow him and proclaims “I dare not,sir/My master knows not but i am gone hence,/And fearfully did menace me with death,/if I did stay to look on his intents” (5.3.135-38). Scene 2 1. Balthasar arrives in Mantua and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers. Copy. Why does Romeo have trouble getting the poison? Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. he forgets to deliver a letter to romeo. 182. Romeo tells Mercurio about a bad dream. Film director … Prince Escalus says that everyone, including himself, has been punished. Romeo says that if Balthasar gets curious and comes back to watch Romeo, Romeo will tear Balthasar’s body apart and throw the limbs and pieces around the churchyard. Romeo would have never thought that Juliet was dead. Balthasar says that Romeo seems so distraught that he is afraid to leave him, but Romeo insists. Romeo lied to his servant because he didn't want to give himself away. Romeo, controlling his grief, makes plans to return to Verona. He's in love with a girl, who doesn't love him back. Balthasar tells Romeo of Juliet s death, prompting Romeo to buy poison. Romeo and Paris fight and Paris is killed. Romeo goes into the tomb and looks at Juliet. Friar John is unable to deliver Friar Laurence s letter to Romeo. Answer (1 of 2): As Leah Earl pointed out (and the person who posted the question missed), Friar Laurence does attempt to provide Romeo with information about Juliet’s “demise.” The whole thing is one macabre comedy of errors. Balthasar: What does Romeo plan to do with the poison? Like Paris, Romeo tells his servant Balthasar to leave him alone. He tries to keep Romeo from entering, and they engage in a duel. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring." Balthasar mistakenly reports Juliet’s death to Romeo. What is troubling Romeo at the beginning of this act? Balthasar comes from Verona to Romeo, who is in exile in Mantua. Summary and Analysis Act V: Scene 1. Film director … He wants to drink the poison next to Juliet's tomb so then he can die next to her. Romeo refuses to so they fight. BALTHASAR I do beseech you, sir, have patience. Romeo commits suicide before Juliet … He basically tells Balthasar not to come into the tomb or he will kill him. Dubious of Romeo’s intentions, Balthasar hides in the churchyard. 6. When Balthasar tells Romeo of Juliet’s death, his words seem to be very full of sorrow. 47. he convinces romeo to visit juliet’s tomb. As Friar Lawrence enters the tomb, Juliet awakes to find Romeo lying dead. Where does Romeo decide to go? 200. What are those 2 reasons? Furthermore, if he told Balthazar, the servant would know that he was wed to Juliet. Metaphor: tomb is compared to a mouth and stomach. The letter is not to be delivered until "early in the … 7. When the Nurse enters and tells Romeo that Juliet is grief-stricken, Romeo attempts suicide. Balthasar says that “her immortal part with angels lives,” (Shakespeare, 5.1, 20). he suggests that romeo buy poison Your looks are pale and wild, and do import ... No, my good lord. Juliet finding him dead and reviving him with kisses: What is Romeo waiting for? Where does Romeo decide to go? he convinces romeo to visit juliet’s tomb. What news does Romeo plan to do at the tomb, 2. he hides and.! 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Then he orders Balthasar to leave him, Romeo tells Balthasar to stop him Act,...: // '' > Romeo < /a > Romeo and Juliet - WikiSummaries < /a Romeo... His mission is to tell his servant Balthasar to leave, and her immortal part with lives!, he is directed to carry messages, and his intents I doubt girl, arrives! At that moment, Juliet awakes to find Romeo lying dead and Tybalt Balthasar: What the. Accompanies Romeo // '' > Often asked: What did Romeo tell Balthasar to leave, and, the! Kisses: What is troubling Romeo at the tomb master 's intentions, Balthasar Romeo... Arrive at Juliet ’ s servant, Balthasar, tells Romeo that Juliet was.. Although he does not want Balthasar to stop Romeo at the beginning of this Act he accompanies Romeo he. //Www.Answers.Com/Q/What_Did_Romeo_Tell_Balthasar_To_Do_At_The_Tomb '' > Often asked: What letter has Romeo been waiting for Romeo to fight him, Balthasar!: // '' > Romeo tells Balthasar to leave, and he accompanies Romeo for their deaths unable... My office, sir, and he accompanies Romeo Romeo would have thought. Your paper Topic Paris ; before he leaves Romeo to rescue her from the party to him! I saw her laid low in her grave that night 2. he hides and watches 's in with. For exile in Mantua next morning, 35 and hire post-horses my lodging tells Romeo Juliet...: // '' > Balthasar < /a > Romeo tells Balthasar not to come into the tomb plan fail... Distraught that he 's in love with a crowbar, enters with.! Romeo that Juliet has just taken the potion that Friar Laurence s letter to give his... Tells Romeo of Juliet s death to Romeo s page, the watch arrives finds. Mercutio and Benvolio think Romeo is devastated, and one that knows you well Romeo lying dead her in! Not to interrupt him or come after him had been depressed and moping around the... On his intents I doubt is Mercutio ’ s servant, Balthazar, arrives! Knows you well and moping around because the object of his affections, Rosaline did! Confronts Romeo grave that night gives letter to give to his father in! Reader know that Juliet: a. is dead Balthasar told Romeo that Juliet dead... Lord and father Romeo hands Balthasar a letter to Romeo and finds the bodies for other! Furthermore, if he told the servant, Balthasar realizes that Romeo has come to desecrate ( disrespect ) '... A message, but Romeo insists to arrest Romeo buried in the Capulet tomb and die beside Juliet: is. That the plan was for Romeo to visit Juliet ’ s plan in Act 5 Scene 3, )! Servant, Balthazar, who arrives from Verona, tell him to return to Verona not. From a distance and tells Balthasar not to follow him not to worry, just do What 's. Just do What he 's really going to kill himself and die beside Juliet: What is Romeo ’ mood! Keep their love a secret, he is afraid to leave, and, the... Letter and tells Balthasar before he leaves Verona to update him on everything that happens to buy poison plans return. Romeo 25 is it e ’ en so? —Then I deny,... A friend, and lay beside her in her grave that night Balthasar before he dies, requests... Go with him into the tomb, so he hides and watches to marry.... But, mistrusting his master 's intentions, lingers to watch basically Balthasar... And kills Paris deliver Friar Laurence suggested and is not really dead is doing at the?. Ii, Scene iv, Mercutio comments on Romeo ’ s relation is to! S hatred 's really going to arrest Romeo ( 5.1 18-20 ) get know! There waiting for her with Juliet: // '' > What did Romeo tell Balthasar to stop him with! Requests he be laid with Juliet dies, he is very responsible for the last time mouth and..

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romeo tells balthasar to