stratovolcanoes examples

Kilauea last erupted in 2020. Etna in Sicily are all examples of stratovolcanoes. Mount Rainier is the tallest mountain in both the Cascade Range and the state of Washington. More example sentences. In detail, however, stratovolcano shapes are more variable than these classic examples, primarily because of wide variations in eruptive style and composition. Stratovolcanoes and Cinder Cones. Cinder cones are commonly found on the flanks of shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas. Pinatubo, Mt. Two Decade Volcanoes that erupted in 1991 provide examples of stratovolcano hazards. Some volcanoes typically produce highly explosive eruptions, such as in the subduction zones of Alaska and the Pacific northwest, and others produce less energetic eruptions, such as in Hawaii. The volcanoes of Galapagos Islands include the following: Sierra Negra Volcano. Examples of strato volcanoes include Mt. For example, stratovolcanoes and shield volcanoes build from the top downwards. A good example of a shield volcano is the Island of Hawaii (the "Big Island"). The eruptions create a cone shaped volcano with a crater at its summit. Mayon in the Philippines, and Mt. Over time, exogenic processes erode stratovolcanoes, creating new landscapes. Here are some examples of stratovolcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire:MOUNT FUJI: Mount Fuji is a dormant stratovolcano that last erupted in the early 1700s.MOUNT RAINIER: Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano and is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington.ANDES MOUNTAINS: The Andes Mountains run along the western side of South America and is dominated by stratovolcano.More items... Agua in Guatemala. Steep, conical volcanoes built by the eruption of viscous lava flows, tephra, and pyroclastic flows, are called stratovolcanoes.Usually constructed over a period of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, stratovolcanoes may erupt a variety of magma types, including basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite.All but basalt commonly generate highly explosive eruptions. Those relatively quiet effusive eruptions produce the lava flows, which are more fluid: in other words, less “viscous.” (Viscosity is a liquid’s resistance to flow.) Composite Volcanoes ("Stratovolcanoes") Composite volcanoes are built by multiple eruptions, sometimes recurring over hundreds of thousands of years, sometimes over a few hundred. Stratovolcanoes are sometimes also called "composite" volcanoes. The 3 types of volcanoes are stratovolcano (also known as a composite volcano), cinder cone volcano, and shield volcano. Stratovolcanoes Stratovolcanoes form in subduction zones as towering volcanoes like Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Rainier in Washington, and Mount Spurr in Alaska. noun plural noun stratovolcanoes. Due to the higher viscosity of magmas erupted from these volcanoes , they are usually more explosive than shield volcanoes . Most composite volcanoes occur in chains and are separated by several tens of kilometers. St. Helens, Mt. Mount Pinatubo and Mount Saint Helens are examples of more recent stratovolcano eruptions with devastating effects. Fuji in Japan is an example of a stratovolcano. Volcaniclastic facies depend ultimately upon magma composition, whichgoverns eruptive rates, types of particles, manner of emplacement, totalvolume and therefore type of volcano. Stratovolcanoes of the World, 2000. Examples of stratovolcano in a Sentence. A composite volcano, also known as a stratovolcano is a cone-shaped volcano built from several layers of lava, pumice, ash, and tephra. They are formed from viscous, sticky lava that does not flow easily. The Sierra Negra volcano on Isabela Island hit the headlines in June 2018 when it began erupting, an event which continued over the summer months. Fuji, Merapi, Galeras, Cotopaxi, and super plenty others. In subduction settings, andesite todacite suite magmas construct high-standing Fuji and Monserrat (which is an island arc). Cinder cones are smaller volcanoes made almost entirely of volcanic rocks about the size of a walnut. In the State of Utah there are many examples of the three main types of volcanoes. Think of them as the Three Stratovolcanic M's. However, when it comes to size and the ability to pack a serious punch, stratovolcanoes outclass cinder cones in a big way. strato1.jpg strato2.jpg Cinder cones are generally much smaller than shield volcanoes or stratovolcanoes. Moreover, sudden unloading of the volcanic edifice … Figure 7 shows two classic examples of stratovolcanos. MOUNT RAINIER: Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano and is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington. Several of these have volcanoes where the volcano itself is the national monument, such as Hawaii’s Mauna Loa is a famous example of a shield cone volcano. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Mt. Stratovolcanoes (also known as composite volcanoes) are built of successive layers of ash and lava. A stratovolcano is a tall, conical volcano composed of one layer of hardened lava, tephra, and volcanic ash. Basaltic volcanism can produce a range of complex geomorphologies. Examples of shield volcanoes are Kilauea and Mauna Loa (and their Hawaiian friends), Fernandina (and its Galápagos friends), Karthala, Erta Ale, Tolbachik, Masaya, and many others. When a particularly explosive eruption occurs, the stratovolcano could collapse and form a large depression called a caldera. Composite volcanoes tend to occur in chains, with each volcano several kilometers from the next. Another type of classical cone-shaped volcano is the stratovolcano. Stratovolcanoes typically alternate between explosive and non-explosive, or “effusive,” eruptions. Each one is different in its own right and provides unique clues to the geologic history of the region and information about how the volcano formed and what we can expect in the future. A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is a tall, conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Tavurvur, an active stratovolcano in Papua New Guinea. Credit: Pete Kelly / Alamy Stock Photo. Stratovolcanoes. St. Helens, Mt. Examples of stratovolcanoes include Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier in Washington, Mount Vesuvius in Italy, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, and Mount Fuji in Japan. As Eva-Maria shows us here on the example of the Volcán Villarrica in Southern Chile, stratovolcanoes have got their name from the sequence of layers (or strata) of different origin, colour, thickness, and resistance against weathering and erosion. The Cascade Range volcanoes are all stratovolcanoes, for example. Explain the differences between low silica (Hawaii) and high silica (Mt. Another type of classical cone-shaped volcano is the stratovolcano. Andesite commonly erupts from stratovolcanoes, where they form small-volume flows that typically advance only short distances down the flanks of a volcano. Fuji in Japan, Mt. When ash falls or lava flows, it solidifies and makes a narrower cone. St. Helens, Mt. They most often form on the continental overriding plate in a subduction zone. Cotopaxi, Mt. Tavurvur, an active stratovolcano in Papua New Guinea. Stratovolcano. Recent Examples on the Web Episodic low-level ash emissions and minor explosions have been detected by a webcam set up on the summit of the … Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, … A volcano built up of alternate layers of lava and ash. A composite volcano, also known as a stratovolcano is a cone-shaped volcano built from several layers of lava, pumice, ash, and tephra. St. Helens and Rainier in Washington, Mt. Stratovolcanoes are also called composite volcanoes because they are built of layers of alternating lava flow, ash and blocks of unmelted stone, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Trevor Nace on July 21, 2017 1 Comment. A third type of volcanic cone is a composite cone. Famous examples of composite cones are Mayon Volcano, Philippines, Mount Fuji in Japan, and Mount Rainier, Washington, U.S.A. Famous examples of stratovolcanoes are Mt. ‘Nevado del Ruiz volcano is an andesite stratovolcano located in the northern Andes of Colombia.’. They are also what people usually think of when they hear the word “volcano.” When cinder cone volcanoes erupt, they send bits of lava into the air. The lava flowing from stratovol… A stratovolcano(also composite coneor composite volcano) is a tall, conical mountain(volcano) composed of both hardened lavaand volcanic ash. High eruption rates typical of many basaltic volcanoes build massive edifices, but internal (e.g. Cinder and tephra cones usually occur around summit vents and flank vents of stratovolcanoes. While there are many examples of shield volcanoes, a few are particularly notable due to factors like their size or how active they are. Famous examples of composite volcanoes include Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Rainier and Mount St. What type of lava does a composite volcano have? Stratovolcanoes have relatively steep sides and are more cone-shaped than shield volcanoes. Sorted by last update. Examples of Flood Basalts Parana Basalts 750,000 km2 Deccan Basalts >400, 000 km2 Rainier, Mt. There are similarities and differences. Rainier, Pinatubo, Mt. Hawaii's Mauna Loa is the largest shield volcano in the world. Mauna Loa is a … However, where the ash accumulates more than a few centimetres, collapsing roofs and failure of crops are major secondary hazards. Stratovolcanoes show inter-layering of lava flows and pyroclastic material, which is why they are sometimes called composite volcanoes. If you asked a child to draw a volcano, the shape they are most likely to come up with is the conical, steep-sided shape of a stratovolcano. There are 59 national parks and 117 national monuments in the U.S., with 78 of the national monuments managed by the National Park Service. Mayon in the Philippines. At the peak, stratovolcanoesusually have a small crater. But if you blow the whole thing away, … Crop failure can occur over large areas downwind from major ash … View of Mount Rainier, a stratovolcano. Therefore, hazards detailed below are not necessarily In recent years, several improvements have been made for monogenetic volcanic fields focused on, among other things, the development of spatial models to deal with one of … All of the volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands are shield volcanoes. Viscosity is important in volcanology. Sunset Crater Volcano and Capulin Volcano are cinder cones. Erosion strips away their conical forms, leaving masses of resistant volcanic rock that continue to wear down. How are Cinder Cones Formed? Stratovolcanoes- Also known as composite volcanoes, stratovolcanoes erupt both as flows and violently. Mt. Some of the Earth's grandest mountains are composite volcanoes--sometimes called stratovolcanoes.They are typically steep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimension built of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs and may rise as much as 8,000 feet above their bases. Unlike shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes are characterized by a steep profile with a summit crater and periodic intervals of explosive eruptions and effusive eruptions, although some have collapsed summit craters called calderas. Cinder cones Cinder cones are small volcanoes that erupt for a short period of time. These volcanoes have been, and still are, referred many times as to “stratocones” implying a conical shape. Fuji and many others. The following is a brief introduction to Utah’s volcanoes; only several of numerous volcanoes are mentioned. Unlike stratovolcanoes that are composed of viscous lavas and ash, shield volcanoes are made of fluid basalt lavas flows, that flow much further, thus giving them their characteristic shield-like shape. Composite volcanoes. The Science Behind Volcanoes A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface. and this makes the mounts appear as a composite volcano or a stratovolcano (divided into layers). ‘Between 30 and 40 million years ago, eruptions from a cluster of stratovolcanoes blanketed the area with ash beds and volcanic mud flows, reaching a … Some of the prominent stratovolcanos in the world include Ojos Del Salado of Chile, the highest volcano in the world, and iconic mountains, such as Mount Kilimanjaro of … Felsic: Derived from the words feldspar and silica to describe an igneous rock having abundant light-colored minerals such as quartz, feldspars, or muscovite.. Mafic: Derived from the words magnesium and ferric (Fe is the chemical symbol for iron) to describe an igneous rock having abundant dark-colored, magnesium- or iron-rich minerals such as biotite, … Unveiling changing eruptive style after sector collapse in basaltic, arc stratovolcanoes: Examples from the western Pacific December 2020 … beneath the continental crust. volcano - volcano - Ash falls: Ash falls from continued explosive jetting of fine volcanic particles into high ash clouds generally do not cause any direct fatalities. Cinder cones- Short, steep volcanoes associated with limited eruptive events. Stratovolcanoes. What are the Main Lava Formations of Kibo? ‘Nevado del Ruiz volcano is an andesite stratovolcano located in the northern Andes of Colombia.’. A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is a conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava and tephra. While there are many examples of shield volcanoes, a few are particularly notable due to factors like their size or how active they are. The two types of volcano form in different places and have very different characteristics. Rainier, Mt. They form towering volcanoes like Mount Rainier in Washington. Agua. stratovolcanoes with a dome complex Last activity: 1953 MARTIN Type: Stratovolcano and lava flow field Last activity: February 1953 NOVARUPTA Type: Plinian pyroclastic vent with plug dome Last activity: 1953 MAGEIK Type: Composite volcano Last activity: 1946 PEULIK Type: Stratovolcano with summit and flank domes Last activity: 1852 A stratovolcano is a tall, conical volcano built up by many layers ( strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Composite volcanoes, also known as stratovolcanoes, are found on convergent plate boundaries, where the oceanic crust subducts. These little bits of lava are referred to as tephra, and after they land they rapidly c… Mt. Lava flows erupted from the base of the cone eventually covered two towns. Composite volcanoes or stratovolcanoes make up some of the world's most memorable mountains such as Mount Rainier, Mount Fuji, and Mount Etna. Cinder cones form at subduction zones caused by convergent boundaries. Besides Mount Meru, examples of stratovolcanoes include Mt. St. Helens, Mt. As Eva-Maria shows us here on the example of the Volcán Villarrica in Southern Chile, stratovolcanoes have got their name from the sequence of layers (or strata) of different origin, colour, thickness, and resistance against weathering and erosion. Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Mayon in the Philippines, and Mount Etna in Italy are examples of stratovolcanoes. They form in much the same way that stratovolcanoes do. They form when different types of eruptions deposit different materials around the sides of a volcano. Unlike shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes are characterized by a steep profile and periodic explosive eruptions and effusive eruptions, although some have collapsed craters called calderas. Canlaon Volcano is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines and part of the Pacific ring of fire. volcano - volcano - Stratovolcanoes: Stratovolcanoes such as Mayon Volcano in the Philippines, Mount Momotombo in Nicaragua, and Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania are steep cones built by both pyroclastic and lava-flow eruptions. A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano,[1] is a conicalvolcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Mt. magmatic intrusions) and external structural weakening from rapid growth may make them gravitationally unstable, triggering landslides and sector collapses. Cotopaxi, Mt. The Earth's most historically active cinder cone is Cerro Negro in Nicaragua. Unlike shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes are characterized by a steep profile with a summit crater and periodic intervals of explosive eruptions and effusive eruptions, although some have collapsed summit craters called calderas. Due to its viscous … Associated with subduction zones. Cinder Cones: Cinder Cones are the most common type of volcano. Cinder cones are smaller volcanoes made almost entirely of volcanic rocks about the size of a walnut. Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier are stratovolcanoes. The remarkably regular shape of stratovolcanoes is exemplified by textbook examples such as Mayon (The Philippines), Egmont (New Zealand), Cotopaxi and Parinacota (North Andes), or Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka). On Mount Kilimanjaro, Kibo is believed to have five main lava formations which created the towering mountain that stands today. Examples of other stratovolcanoes besides Mount Kilimanjaro include Mount St. Helens, Mount Fuji, Pinatubo, and Mount Rainier. Stratovolcanoes and Cinder Cones. The gases and water gush out with speed and force. The crater is in the form of a depression that ranges in diameter from several dozen meters to 2–3 km. What is an example of a shield volcano? Craters and Calderas Stratovolcanoes are usually 50/50 pyroclastic material and lava, and because these two are layered on top of each other, stratovolcanos are also commonly called as composite volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes are also commonly called composite volcanoes. This classic stratovolcano shape is exemplified by many well-known stratovolcanoes, such as Mt. Somewhat cooler magma with more dissolved gas is more viscous. In contrast to shield volcanoes, which are usually dominated by solidified lava flows, pyroclastic deposits are more … The slopes of the cone are relatively steep at the peak and flatten out toward the foot. The photo above is of the volcano Mayon, which is in the Philippines. Stratovolcanoes are the most dangerous volcanoes to humans and animals because they are very explosive, producing toxic gas and flying volcanic fragments. Explosive volcanic eruptions, which are common to stratovolcanoes, pose serious threats to aviation travel. An excellent example of cinder cone is Parícutin Volcano in Mexico. Instead of flat shield volcanoes like in Hawaii, they have bigger peaks. Examples of stratovolcanoes include Kliuchevskaia Sopka and Kar-ymskaia Sopka of Kamchatka (USSR) and Mount Fuji (Japan). A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is a conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava and tephra. The cone-shaped form slopes up gradually and becomes steeper (up to 35°) toward the summit, which generally contains a crater. For example, geologists have identified nearly 100 cinder cones on the flanks of Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. Despite their general shape, there are some variations within stratovolcanoes due to various composition and types of eruptions. The "Ring of Fire" in the Pacific Ocean consists of stratovolcanoes. Gas often builds up in the viscous magma, making stratovolcanoes more likely to produce violent, explosive eruptions. Interesting Stratovolcano Facts: Stratovolcanoes have gentle slopes at the base but become steep at their upper end. Stratovolcanoes are more likely to produce explosive eruptions due to gas building up in the viscous magma. Cinder cones are commonly found on the flanks of shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas. More example sentences. For example some of these volcanoes may have features such as These volcanoes have a conduit system inside them that channels magma from deep within Earth to the surface. Composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes) form in subduction zones where an oceanic plates subducts beneath a continental plate. This volcano is categorized as a shield volcano, and translated from Spanish, its name means “Black Mountain”. Fuji and Monserrat (which is an island arc). Traditionally volcanic-hazard assessments have been applied to stratovolcanoes, where volcanic hazard maps represent important tools for volcanic crisis management and land-use planning. Mount Fuji, an active stratovolcano in Japan that last erupted in 1707–08. Here are some examples of stratovolcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire: MOUNT FUJI: Mount Fuji is a dormant stratovolcano that last erupted in the early 1700s. However, when it comes to size and the ability to pack a serious punch, stratovolcanoes outclass cinder cones in a big way. A stratovolcano is a tall, conical volcano built up by many layers ( strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Some examples of stratovolcanoes are Mt. They build up by layering lava, ash, and tephra. The eruptions of stratovolcanoes are often explosive, posing significant threats to nearby life. Stratovolcanoes are tall and cone-shaped. It is on the Big Island of Hawaii. Stratovolcanoes in the World - Thousand Wonders. Unlike shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes are characterized by a steep profile and periodic, explosive eruptions and quiet eruptions. One good example is the volcanic arc of Sumatra and Java, which lies over the subduction zone between the Australian plate and the Eurasian plate. St. Helens, Mt. noun plural noun stratovolcanoes. In contrast to shield volcanoes, which are usually dominated by solidified lava flows, pyroclastic deposits are more … Stratovolcanoes, also known as compound volcanoes, are conical volcanoes made up of several layers of lava intermediate to rocks, ash, and other volcanic debris. Also Know, where are Stratovolcanoes found? An eruption of highly viscous (very sticky) magma tends to produce steep-sided The clouds of ash from the volcanic eruptions present a hazard to aviation. It also erupted in 2005. The highest and most common volcanoes have composite cones. Lava flows erupted from the base of the cone eventually covered two towns. Andesitic lava along with pyroclastic material accumulates in the vicinity of the vent openings leading to the formation of layers, changes to extrusive volcanic features. Triangular shape in profile. Fuji and many others. ... Hawaii is an example of this type feature. While such flows are not especially dangerous to humans, they can destroy buildings and agricultural land. The Big Island is formed of five coalesced volcanoes of successively younger ages, the older ones apparently extinct. The lava therefore builds up around the vent forming a volcano with steep sides. The magma (molten rock) within the volcano is viscous and often contains trapped gas, causing explosive eruptions. It is on the Big Island of Hawaii. Stratovolcanoes are usually 50/50 pyroclastic material and lava, and because these two are layered on top of each other, stratovolcanos are also commonly called as composite volcanoes. This volcano was born in a farmers corn field in 1943 and erupted for the next 9 years. Stratovolcanoes are most found commonly along subduction zones, which are boundaries between two tectonic plates where an oceanic plate is sinking into the mantle beneath another … In fact, it is quite common to find much smaller cinder cones adorning the flanks of these giant mountain-sized volcanoes. They are also called lava domes due to their shape and how they are formed. On June 15, Mount Pinatubo spewed ash 40 kilometres (25 mi) into the air and produced huge pyroclastic flows and mudflows that devastated a large area around the volcano. Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Shasta in California are examples of composite volcanoes. The two examples shown here are short andesite flows advancing down the slope of the Lascar volcano in Chile, and the Colima volcano in Mexico. Answer (1 of 4): STRATOVOLCANOES In recorded history, explosive eruptions at subduction zone (convergent-boundary) volcanoes have posed the greatest hazard to civilizations. Mayon. There are many different kinds of hazards associated with volcanic eruptions, depending on the type of volcano and eruption. They form towering volcanoes like Mount Rainier in Washington. Stratovolcanoes are also commonly called composite volcanoes. Continental landscapes reflect a tug-of war between two opposing processes. St. … In fact, it is quite common to find much smaller cinder cones adorning the flanks of these giant mountain-sized volcanoes. Composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes) form in subduction zones where an oceanic plates subducts beneath a continental plate. The lava spreads in a thin layer before cooling. In contrast, lava that flows from cinder cones is emitted from its sides or near its base. Examples of compound volcanoes include Mount St. One of the strongest volcanoes in the world, Yellowstone, is a huge caldera that has collapsed several times. Pinatubo, Mt. An excellent example of cinder cone is Parícutin Volcano in Mexico. Here are some examples of stratovolcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire: MOUNT FUJI: Mount Fuji is a dormant stratovolcano that last erupted in the early 1700s. MOUNT RAINIER: Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano and is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington. ANDES MOUNTAINS: The Andes Mountains run along the western side of South America and is dominated by stratovolcano. More items... Some examples of stratovolcanoes are Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, and Mt. Volcanic debris is transported onto the surrounding area through direct eruption, wind and water, and landslides from the flanks of the volcano. Volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging. Famous examples of composite volcanoes include This volcano was born in a farmers corn field in 1943 and erupted for the next 9 years. Composite cone volcanoes are also called stratovolcanoes. There are two main types of volcano - composite and shield. Mount Fuji, an active stratovolcano in Japan that last erupted in 1707–08. Mt. Cinder cones are huge in size and have a gentle slope with a large, open caldera. 10 destinations. Fuji in Japan, Mt. Stratovolcanoes erupted in western Utah between about 40 to 25 million years ago. Types of Volcanoes. Fuji in Japan is an example of a stratovolcano. The shield volcanoes of Hawaii are examples of this type of eruption. These are the main types of volcanoes: Cinder Cones, Stratovolcanoes, and Shield Volcanoes. The shape of these volcanoes is characteristically steep in profile because lava flows that formed them were highly viscous, and so cooled and hardened before spreading very far. All of the volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands are shield volcanoes. There are many famous stratovolcanoes in the world. Fuji in Japan and Mt. A volcano built up of alternate layers of lava and ash. Shield volcanoes are almost exclusively basalt, a type of lava that is very fluid when erupted. Cinder cone volcanoes are the most common out of all the different volcanoes in the world. Some composite volcanoes attain two to three thousand meters in height above their bases. Due to its viscous lava, a composite volcano tends to form tall peaks rather than rounded cones. stratovolcanoes. These volcanoes are characterized by a steep profile and periodic, explosive eruptions. Kilauea last erupted in 2020. For example, geologists have identified nearly 100 cinder cones on the flanks of Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the Island of Hawai`i (these cones are also referred to as scoria cones and cinder and spatter cones). Like shield … Besides Mount Meru, examples of stratovolcanoes include Mt. Stratovolcanoes are the most common type of volcanic cone. Hawaii's Mauna Loa is the largest shield volcano in the world.

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stratovolcanoes examples