gilroy unified school district staff directory

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Ascencion Solorsano Middle School Menu. The Glendora Unified School District equips our students with knowledge, skills, and character to succeed in college, career, and life in an ever-changing global society. Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy Menu. 95020 (669) gilroy high school district Verified 1 days ago, Gilroy High School Aeries Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab); After School Program (opens in new window/tab); Bell Schedule; Breakfast and Lunch Menus (opens in new window/tab); Dress Code (opens in new window/tab); Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures; Instructional Calendar Attend a Community Input Session at Gilroy High or Christopher High on Thursday, March 2. Principal: Beatrice Magdaleno 850 Day Road Gilroy, CA 95020. Principal: Jean Wells-Southland Goal 2: Maintain fiscal accountability and require sound fiscal management practices, Goal 3: Recruit and retain a highly qualified staff, Goal 4: Provide a positive and safe school climate, Goal 5: Provide equitable learning and working environments, Goal 7: Consistently communicate with employees and community, Residency Verification for Incoming 9th Graders, Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA), Archived Board Meeting agendas (through Feb. 22, 2022), Board of Education Trustee Areas & Elections. GUSD offers TK programs at El Roble Elementary School,Eliot ElementaryandLuigi Aprea Elementary School. Christopher High School Cougars: Using our Hearts and Minds well. School Locator (opens in new window/tab) Site Map link; TItle IX Information . RUSD does not discriminate in any employment practice . El Roble Elementary School, 930 3rd St, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA, Glen View Elementary School, 600 W 8th St, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA. 325 Santa Clara Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020. Madonna High School | Address: 8750 Hirasaki Ct., Gilroy, CA | Phone: 669-205-5500 Skip To Main Content. An exception to this statute allows schools that have adopted an early primary program (extended-day kindergarten) to exceed four hours (EC 8973).By state statute, the maximum school day in kindergarten is four hours (EC 46110). Birth verification: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport Title IX Information. Our program is focused on college scholarship and admissions preparation, and instilling a life-long appreciation for music in our students., Hirasaki Court The Gilroy Unified School District has repaired, as needed, 1,200 heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units and has implemented other air circulation mitigation measures. Office coordinator:Lisa Oneto Your search returned job postings for a total of job vacancies. Gilroy High School, 750 W 10th St, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA. P: (669) 205-5300 | F: (408) 847-7256. Bell Schedule; Breakfast and Lunch Menus . Gilroy Historical Museum | Gilroy, CA - Official Website Four other GUSD schools received the California Gold Ribbon Award: Las Animas Elementary in 2016, and GECA, Christopher High, and Brownell Middle in 2015. Our Staff - Las Animas Elementary School 2022. January 19, 2023. Gilroy Unified School District is located in the southernmost region of Santa Clara County in California. California School Directory . Gilroy Unified School District 2022. Senior Information - Gilroy High School 2022 - Gilroy Unified, Mt. If you graduated from El Portal, Adult Education OR before 2001 please complete the rTranscript Request Form (see below) and mail in along with a copy of your photo ID and a check or money order payable to GUSD to the following address: attn: Liz Barron, 7810 Arroyo Cr., Gilroy, CA 95020. Marina girls' wrestling repeats, 5 local wrestlers win state titles From left, Marina's Destiny Marquez, Newport Harbor's Duda Rodrigues, Fountain Valley's TJ McDonnell, and Marina's Saiheron Preciado. School Locator (opens in new window/tab) Site Map link; Title IX Information . Demolition of the South Valley Middle School campus commenced in summer 2021, and the projected completion date is late 2023. Sessions in English are 6:00-6:45 pm. In addition to a rigorous academic experience, students at Christopher High have the chance to explore a number of extracurricular opportunities that can challenge them socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. **Grades 4 & 5 - 1:30 dismissal on Wednesdays, 11:30 dismissal on May 26, 2023 and June 9, 2023. Residency Verification for Incoming 9th Graders, Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA), Archived Board Meeting agendas (through Feb. 22, 2022), Board of Education Trustee Areas & Elections. Website: Our School Bell Schedule Bell Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday only MMHS Cycle Calendar-2021-22 NOTE: 6th period is Credit Recovery Period. Our Staff - El Roble Elementary School 2022 Assistant to the Superintendent You will be directed to create a username and password which will enable you to also log in at a later time if you do not complete the enrollment process in one session. Other signature District programs include the Dual Immersion program, GATE program, Biomedical Science Academy, Computer Science Academy, Future Farmers of America, and the Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA). Back to district. P: (669) 205-4400 | F: (408) 842-1237 Physical Address: 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020. What documents do I need to register my child? Santa Clara County was home to 1,918,044 residents in 2015, according to the United States Census Bureau. Clickherefor GUSD school site contact information. Please review theseSchool Registration Requirements. Las Animas Elementary also received the CABE award for its Dual Immersion program in 2016. Gilroy, CA95020 Gilroy Unified School District 2022. 9300 Wren Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020. A civil . 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. P: (669) 205-5000 | F: (408)-848-4154 . Gilroy Unified schools for this district: NCES District ID: 0615180: State District ID: CA-4369484: Mailing Address: 7810 Arroyo CIR. Staff: 495.69 : Student-teacher ratio: 23.94:1: Other information; . Residency Verification for Incoming 9th Graders, Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA), Archived Board Meeting agendas (through Feb. 22, 2022), Board of Education Trustee Areas & Elections. Staff Directory; Organizational Chart; Volunteers; Employment Opportunities; Calendar; Program Governance. Follow. Website: Reviews from Gilroy Unified School District employees in Gilroy, CA about Pay & Benefits. Teacher:Michelle Gilleland The county seat is San Jose. Office coordinator: Luigi Aprea Elementary Gilroy Unified School District | 623 LinkedIn. An exception to this statute allows schools that have adopted an early primary program (extended-day kindergarten) to exceed four hours (EC 8973). Website: Name Title Phone; Deborah A. Flores, Ph.D. Our Staff - Rod Kelley Elementary School 2022 - Gilroy Unified All Rights Reserved. Sense ells no existirem. Our Staff - Luigi Aprea Elementary School 2022. In the Gilroy Unified School District, we believe excellence starts at the top and is demonstrated through our more than 1,100employees. All Rights Reserved. The District has also replaced the aging portables in the math wing at Gilroy High School with a new two-story, 20-classroom math building, which opened in the 2018-19 school year, the installation of solar panels in the parking lots at Gilroy High and Christopher High, and a new pool at Gilroy High School. The Computer ScienceAcademy provides fouryears of preparatory classes with hands-on opportunities to learn computer science skills using curriculum developed by Project Lead The Way (PLTW). Teacher: Kelly Kreidler Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for Gilroy Unified IES NCES National Center for Education Statistics Surveys & Programs Annual Reports Annual Reports Condition of Education Digest of Education Statistics Projections of Education Statistics Topical Studies National Assessments National Assessments Interim Principal: Mike Nebesnick (District) Icon Boxes. Phone: (669) 205-4700 Phone: (408) 846-4909 To begin, click the Enroll A New Student button. 2: Continue working with the Gilroy community on decisions that impact Gilroy Unified, 1: Create and maintain effective internal District communications 0. Teaching staff: 78.26 (FTE) Grades: 9-12: Enrollment: 1,805 (2018-19) . Gavilan College honored our long-time and retiring employees at a Staff Recognition & Retirement Celebration Brunch Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 13, held outdoors at the Theater Quad. It blends social and emotional experience with academic learning, so that students not only learn essential pre-literacy, pre-math, and other cognitive skills, but also develop social and self-regulation skills needed to succeed in school and life. Puente is a vital program on our campus that offers students mentoring,. Gilroy High School, 750 W 10th St, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA. Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment. Find salaries. student and staff demographics, expulsion, suspension, and truancy information and a variety of test results. Santa Clara Unified School District. Principal: Velia Codiga Gilroy Unified School District 600 West Eighth Street Gilroy Unified School District 2022. Our Staff - Brownell Middle School. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (PRESCHOOL) Preschool Office: 240 Swanston Lane. Measure E funds have provided Information Technology (IT) improvements throughout the District in order to provide upgrades and improved services to students and staff; new science labs at Christopher High, Gilroy High and GECA; and many other capital improvements completed throughout the District. Agram a retevis rt22 password i bastrop county district clerk records el material que oferim als nostres webs. District Profile: Gilroy Unified (CA Dept of Education) SCHOOLS Encinal Elementary . Trustee Area 6 Dr. TJ Owens Biography, Tuyen Fiack TK offers children with birthdays from September to February a developmentally appropriate curriculum taught by credentialed teachers from K-12. 6550 Cimino Street Attendance Policy; Bell Schedule and School Calendar Arts & Culture Commission 408-846-0460. Return the completed registration packet and copies of the required additional documents into the manila envelope to the same school. Academics; Ag Program (FFA) Attendance; Bell Schedules; Biomedical Science Academy (BSA) . Gilroy, CA 95020 Community Room. Start your review today. Greg Kapaku . Gilroy, CA95020 I am Vocational Counselor at the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Gilroy Branch office. Local School Directory Rating . View All News. Trustee Area 3 Our Staff GILROY HIGH SCHOOL | Address: 750 W. 10th St., Gilroy, CA | Phone: 669-205-5400 Administration Greg Kapaku Principal Elaine Carne Assistant Principal Jeremiah Brantner Assistant Principal Academic Coordinators Office & Support Staff Gilroy, CA 95020 Please contact our Help Desk for assistance. P: (669) 205-5300 | F: (408) 847-7256., Melanie Corona Gilroy Unified School District 2022. Superintendent's Office; Business Services; Human Resources; Educational Services; Student Services; Superintendent's Office. Student Media. Phone: (669) 205-4300 Nicole Black Principal . My child speaks Spanish. Postsecondary Our School. Office coordinator:Mary Ann Clements-Mukai Willard City Schools Staff Directory We're Social! Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. Velia Codiga Principal GHS JV Boys Volleyball vs. Westmont HS. Superintendent Gilroy Unified School District | LinkedIn Gilroy Unified School District; Gilroy Welcome Center; Parks and Facilities; Police Department; Recreation; Street Maintenance; Traffic Engineering; Campus Contacts & Information. A student that has six unexcused absences or six . Please call or email your neighborhood school about enrolling in GUSD. Office coordinator:Leticia Zepeda Search: Search. 2: Identify potential cost savings and options for revenue generation Search: Search. Phone: 408-846-0223., Kay Guenther Gilroy Unified School District superintendent Deborah Flores said Le was disciplined because of the vulgar 2014 text messages, but he was allowed to return to teaching in the classroom. Christopher High School Menu. home gilroy unified school district 2022 Jan 14 2019 . Our School. Parents or guardians do not need to re-submit enrollment paperwork for a current GUSD TK student tobegin kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year. Our Staff - El Roble Elementary School 2022. CONTACT. Skip To Main Content. Gilroy Unified School District 2022. Instructional Calendar - Gilroy Unified School District 2022. Staff. Chief Business Officer/Associate Superintendent. Site Map link. They are all idiots. 0. Seven district schools have been recognized as California Distinguished Schools: GECA (2013 and 2019), Las Animas Elementary (2008), Rod Kelley Elementary (2018), Solorsano Middle (2007 and 2013), Glen View Elementary (1997) and Gilroy High School (1994 and 2009). Ngan Le-Shanahan. BOARD MEETING DATES & VIDEOS. Details: WebThis directory provides quick access to our county's schools districts and schools, community colleges, and SCCOE staff and programs Contacts Phone: 408-453-6961 schools in santa clara county And, in recent years, young people have proven their mettle by stepping up to lead progressive. Jun 8. After you complete the enrollment process, please submit the online Meal Application form. The combination of online courses and teacher-directed courses allows students more flexibility and control over the way in which they learn the subject matter. Public School Directory Madonna Continuation High School Our Staff - Brownell Middle School 2022 - Gilroy Unified Live Oak High School - Staff Directory, Glen View Elementary Bell Schedule; Breakfast and Lunch Menus . The Chamber Board sets policy and has the fiduciary responsibility over the financial health . The current principal is Joseph Heffernan, Ed.D. Please also review theParent InformationHandbook, as well as theMedia Opt-Out Formfor Gilroy Unified. Principal: Dianne Padilla 850 Day Road OFFICE & SUPPORT STAFF. 7800 Carmel St Gilroy, CA 95020. Phone: (669) 205-5000 State Avg. Gilroy Unified School District | LinkedIn Phone: (669) 205-5100 offering club membership in hotel script; 12 week firefighter workout; yokayo elementary school staff; By . Special Education Dept. - Fremont Unified School District However, the Gilroy Unified School District is still providing free lunch and breakfast despite the school closures at all 17 of its sites. If your child will be 5 years oldon OR before Sept. 1, 2023. All Rights Reserved. (669) 205-4026, Health benefits available and information may be found on the Gilroy Unified School District web site under . Term Ends 2026. 1 2 > showing 1 - 10 of 11 constituents. Gilroy Unified - School Directory Details (CA Dept of Education) 4. 7881 Murray Avenue Being part of the CHS Choirs is one of GUSD's legacy programs pioneered by Mr. Phil Robb. By: Staff Report. Office coordinator:Yvonne Lopez Office coordinator:Angela Rodriguez Our Staff - South Valley Middle School 2022 - Gilroy Unified Mustang Athletics - Gilroy High School 2022 - Gilroy Unified Immersion. Office coordinator:Sofia Lopez I have been with DOR since 2009 and work primarily with high school and college students ages 16-21. 2245. Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. 199. Mt. The District administered the CAASPP assessments in the spring of 2022 after two years of not administering these assessments due to the pandemic and distance learning challenges. Mar 6. If you graduated 2002 or after, please place your order Accessiblity. At all three levels (elementary, middle and high), Academic Coaches and Instructional Specialists have supported teachers through modeling, coaching and curriculum development at each of our school sites. Principal: Nicole Black Gilroy is a wonderful place to teach but teachers cannot afford to live and therefore teach there on the salary the district provides. 1: Maintain the district-wide focus on programs regarding appropriate behavior and character, 1: Maintain fiscal accountability for capital funds CHS offers 20 different sports throughout three different seasons during the school year. GECA, Gilroy High, Christopher High, Las Animas Elementary and Rod Kelley Elementary were all recognized as California Honor Roll schools in 2020. This reflects how much annual revenue per student this district has compared to the state average. 4.1 out of 5 stars. There are a number of ways to get involved at CHS, including over 30 on campus clubs for any area of interest, student leadership and more! Board of Education - Gilroy Unified School District 2022 Moved here last summer, came to district office to get GHS packet for new students and they don't have them, go back to the school no one is even there, go back to DO and they do not know what to do. Activities. All Rights Reserved. staff and schools. 2: Develop and support an effective employee recruitment plan Gilroy Unified - Home - Christoper High School 2022 Trustee Area 4 1. Thanks to their collective efforts, our students learn in school environments that are safe, well-maintained, and that provide for the development of the whole child through a wide range of programs and activities. Website: 7800 Carmel Street Gilroy, CA 95020. We also continue to offer the GUSD Virtual Learning Academy, an online learning option, which is a student/ caregiver-led program, where teachers act as advisors for learning. SB9 contains important. Gilroy Unified School District Gilroy Ca - Gilroy High School. Our Staff Our Staff CHRISTOPHER HIGH SCHOOL | Address: 850 Day Road, Gilroy, CA | Phone: 669-205-5300 Administration Jeremy Dirks Principal Julie Berggren Assistant Principal Kay Guenther Assistant Principal Directors Academic Coordinators & Counselors If your child will turn 5 years oldbetween September 2, 2023and April 2, 2024. Skip To Main Content. 2. 2022-23 STUDENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVES. If your student is joining the Class of 2026 from another school district, . Incoming CHS class of 2027:visit the incoming freshman hubfor information about enrollment, specialized programs, and life on campus. Our School. Search: Search. Gilroy High Schools Biomedical Science Academy was the recipient of the Santa Clara County School Boards Association Glenn W. Hoffman Exemplary Program Award in 2017; and. 7810 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy, CA 95020. Bell Schedule; . GUSD: a dynamic TK-12 public school district in Silicon Valley empowering 21st century learners for college and career. Phone: (669) 205-4400 "We are continually in process of updating all sections of the Geyserville Unified School District website. The revenue per student figure offers a helpful way to compare districts, since total revenues will vary greatly between large and small districts. Incoming Freshmen Hub, Clearance, Eligibility & Tryout Information, Dr. TJ Owens Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA), Opportunities for community input on the search for the next GUSD Superintendent, February 9, 2023 update from Dr. Flores: Superintendent search, SRO contract renewed and other events, February 7, 2023 update from Board President Piceno: Special Board Meeting, Wednesday, February 8, at 6 pm. Rachel Zlotziver - Coordinator of Communications - LinkedIn Donna Buenaventura. Term Ends2024 Principal: Maricela Rivera 12 month libor rate 2021 . Website: (669) 205-4091 Nobody knows what is going on. District News Opportunities for community input on the search for the next GUSD Superintendent February 9, 2023 update from Dr. Flores: Superintendent search, SRO contract renewed and other events

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gilroy unified school district staff directory