strixhaven: a curriculum of chaos pdf anyflip

CH..Represented by: Hasbro. STRIXHAVEN PENNANTPRISMARI PRIMER Wondrous Item, CommonWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementby a Spellcaster) This magic pennant bears the symbol of Strixhaven or one of its colleges: Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix,The Prismari Primer is a magic textbook createdat Strixhavens Prismari College. But most students move to dormitories located on their chosen col- Dragons or the archaics can truly master both leges campus in their second year. The Players Hand-book offers a list of widespread languages to choosefrom. Does literature selflessly Dean Shaile Talonrook (lawful good owlin Silver-better society or selfishly advance ones own goals? You may use the tableinspiration. 74 Archaic 190 Art Elemental Mascot 191Ch. This view herbalist; its even said she once cured the Loreholdcelebrates the diversity and adaptability of life-forms, from the tiniest cells to the most complex founder dragon of a secret illness. Remind players that while their check mark when they expend the die.& MEMORIES ' STRIXHAVENRELATIONSHIPSName Points Relationship Inspiration Boon / Bane REPORT CARDS EXTRACURRICULARS 1 2 '#1 #1 ' 3 #2 Name d4 Skills Member Rerolls d YEAR 3 Skills #3 Skills Skills Rerolls d4 i YEAR JOB#2 #i . He demands his students learn radiance) is an optimist, as he believes in every stu-how to use language-based magic to get what they dents potential for greatness. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, provides rules for creating . If you create deleterious effects, Strixhaven kindly requests you refrainfrom invok-First Printing: November 2021 ing any names, symbols, or other references to the university should youfind yourself in a confrontation. Rollicking campus adventures for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. What is this book? Strixhaven PDF. The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. About Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Chapter 2 is your guide to creating a student IT S AN ACADEMY OF MAGEScharacter. These feats are available to you whenever you normally choose a feat, and they follow the featspell effects. joined in concordant opposition. Before starting any of this books adventures, con- Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be sult chapter 2 for guidance on making Strixhaven read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters and uniting those characters in a group. quill professor of radiance) is a perennially op- The colleges perspective of radiance envisions timistic orator. Professors, administrators, and other STUDENT DICE older adults arent part of the Relationship rules. OPUS WALK Hundreds of Prismari creations are displayed alongHe recently graduated from Strixhaven himself,and he bubbles with excitement at the prospect of a path that winds through the central campus build-guiding a new generation of students on the course ings, giving the path its name: Opus Walk. tention when I walk into a room. If you're familiar with the game, it probably brings up memories of dueling Planeswalkers throwing color-coded magics at each other, but the fact that the . It also provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. Your walking speed is 30 feet.class offers suggestions on which scores to in- Darkvision. The facultyadventures. it might briefly surround the targets with shimmer- ing fractal designs or tessellated patterns.PRISMARI TRINKETS BUILDING A QUANDRIX CHARACTER d6 Trinket Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well 1 A pair of rose-tinted glasses with glittery frames for a Quandrix character. hammer, a hooded lantern, a tinderbox, a tome of history, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 2 By searching for these lost artifacts, I hope to find taining 15 gp who I really am along the way.FEATURE: LOREHOLD INITIATE 3 I can barely go a minute without talking about myYou gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat (presented later research. DEAD LANGUAGES SOCIETY Skills: Athletics, History Member: Drazhomir Yarnask, Quentillius A. Melentor III These linguistics lovers take advantage of Strixhav- ens deep repository of tomes written in ancient and near-extinct languages, teaching themselves these tongues and often translating their favorite works. Sooner or later, one professor orPLARGG, DEAN OF CHAOS another summons this spirit of a notorious stone giantPlargg (chaotic good ore Lorehold professor of warmonger, ostensibly as a cautionary tale about the dire fate that befalls a society that loses control of itschaos) is the current Dean of Chaos. The Witherbloom Primer is a magic textbook cre-Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice ated at Strixhavens Witherbloom College. should get the creatures stat block ready because STANDALONE ADVENTURES youre going to need it soon. In addition, each campus has versitys main library. You may uselife and death. The Oracles lifelong taskmade from spokes of natural materials that float is to ensure that magic is used to help people andin an arch shape, with a precise inner curve and not twisted to evil ends. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSCHOOL Is IN SESSION T HE FOLLOWING FOUR CHAPTERS PRESENT A STRIXHAVEN CAMPAIGN a series of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adven- tures optimized for four to six characters. Player characters, including owlin, typically fall intoFeats offers Strixhaven-themed feats for use with the same ranges of height and weight that humans A Curriculum of Chaos and other adventures. Sharpshooter is not only one of the strongest feats in 5E D&D, but it is considered mandatory for any build focusing on ranged attacks. 8 Vivifier, conjuring fractal creatures based on biological lifeSUBSTANCE AND THEORY QUANDRIX FACULTYQuandrixs two deans carry the titles Dean of Sub-stance and Dean of Theory, reflecting the philosoph- This section describes noteworthy members ofical division within the college. At the heart of the library ismultiple permanent teleportation circles, which fac- a snarl, a tangle in the fabric of magic, that glowsulty and more advanced students can use when theyrequire instantaneous travel, and several magical like a miniature sun in the grand Hall of Oracles. View flipping ebook version of Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos published by That D&D place on 2021-12-08. THE CULTIVARIUMTHE ARITHMODROME The Cultivarium is an eye-popping, sun-drenchedThe Quandrix campus is alive with dynamic garden of spiraling, cyclical plants and fractalizedsculptures made of water behaving in odd ways: animals. Hasbro UK Ltd , P.O. In this view, math is embodied in the natural from snarls to star arches to ancient shrines. 3 I believe everyone has the ability to express their QUANDRIX SPELLS truest selves through art, and I m happy to quietly Spell Level Spells push them in the right direction. tice performances, spar, or engage in honor duels.SILVERQUILL CAMPUS Faculty members often observe performances at the Rose Stage, coaching the students in their magical The Silverquill campus shown on map 1.5 is and rhetorical displays.located due north of the central Strixhaven campus THE DRAMARIUMand looks much like an extension of it. option for each Strixhaven college, linking a char- HEIGHT AND WEIGHT acter to one of the five colleges. Someof study he so greatly enjoyed. On atution saving throw, taking 2d6 necrotic damage ona failed save, or half as much damage on a success- 1, the bottle refuses to dispense coffee for the nextful one. Campus hijinks mix with mishaps and sinister plots, and its up to you to save the day. Quandrix mages who embrace this Kianne believes in using mathematics to betterview use magic to bring numerical concepts to life, understand nature. A Student Die gained from an Exam is a d4 the SESSION ZERO player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the check uses one of the If youre interested in using these rules in your two skills featured in the Exam. Most player characters,character you can imagine, drawing on player char- including owlin, are of the Humanoid type. A Studentlars noted below, as described later in this section.If a student character also works on campus using Die is a d4 the player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the checkthe Job rules, the character can benefit from only uses one of the skills listed in the Extracurricularsone Extracurricular. where to catch the hapless student before they sufferLOREHOLD CAMPUS serious harm. The Lorehold campus shown on map 1.2 is situ- EFFIGY ROWated northwest of the central campus in a region of The heart of the Lorehold campus surrounds astark vertical relief. A creature can be empowered by only one Item Rarity Costuse of this spell at a time. learned a few spells associated with Strixhaven University. But danger lurks even here. LarkingdaleINTRAMURAL SILKBALL CLUB These music enthusiasts play instruments such asSkills: Athletics, Intimidation hurdy-gurdies, bagpipes, flutes, and drums, and they regularly perform rousing concerts.Member:Javenesh Stoutclaw, Melwythorne, Ti- STRIXHAVEN STAR lana Kapule Skills: Investigation, InsightThese hardy athletes train together and compete in Member: Grayson Wildemere, Mina Leethe rough-and-tumble Strixhaven game of silkball, These truth seekers and wordsmiths report on cam- pus news, regularly interviewing important figureswhich is played in muddy fields with balls made of and producing the monthly Strixhaven Star newspa-spider silk. The player can wait until after rolling Characters can gain the benefit from a new Ex-tracurricular only by joining it at the start of an aca- the d20 before rolling the Student Die, but must dodemic year, which corresponds to the beginning of a so before you say whether the check succeeds or fails. Like Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos? Or per-ABILITY SCORE INCREASES haps your character is simply prone to rise later,When determining your characters ability scores, embodying the common nickname of night owl.increase one of those scores by 2 and increase a dif-ferent score by 1, or increase three different scores OWLIN TRAITSby 1. Is mathematics a the Quandrix faculty. The former might of their arguments. A master of literature, she oftenlanguage as sunlight emanating from the speaker quotes obscure passages from famous texts. Furthermore, rivalries amongencourage the student to choose courses based on the deans only exacerbate this combative attitude.gut feeling, to delve into the military aspects of an When the argumentative deans fail to chart a co-issue, and to supplement their academic studies herent course for Strixhaven, the Founder Dragonswith some practical martial training. At Prismari Galazeth Prismarithese places, spells can be amplified or distorted Quandrix Tanazir Quandrixin unpredictable ways. "Have you met Colwanda yet? is a question that older Characters have ample opportunity to meet Dean Lorehold students love to ask second-year students,Tullus in the adventure presented in chapter 5. new to the college. As Dungeons & Dragons once more merges with Magic: The Gathering, it brings with it an exciting new prospect: a magical school . She turns her crumbling section of the ruins, sometimes withbrilliant mind to constructing increasingly efficientmechanical helpers, with the goal of one day being disastrous consequences and sometimes finding deliverance when a spirit statue appears from no-able to do anything she wants without standing up. Interested in flipbooks about Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos? Each of the universitys five col- CENTRAL CAMPUSleges has its own campus, and the central campus, The central campus shown on map 1.1 is thehome to the Biblioplex and Strixhaven Stadium, heart of Strixhaven. Also called the Col-enlightenment and learning, and both its graduates lege of Archaeomancy.and its delegates are typically welcomed and re- Prismari Uses the elements to practice the arts.spected wherever they go. From nobles to outlanders, backgrounds tell us who you are. NL. Strixhaven Curriculum of Chaos AnyFlip PDF Free Download. level druid or wizard craft, guidance, and mage hand. 145Melwythorne 55 Advanced Arcane HistoryMina Lee 55 Exam: Unearthed Arcana 145Nora Ann Wu 55 A Starlit Night 146Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III.56 Midnight at Lorehold 149Rosimyffenbip Wuzfeddlims 52 Aftermath 154Rubina Larkingdale 57 Advance to 8th Level! The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expendedof Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Just add Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos of That D&D place to My Favorites. The player can wait game, consider holding a session zero to introduce until after rolling the d20 before rolling the Student the rules to the players. school and often found wandering their respec- Course of Study. 178Prismari College 45 No Time to Lose 178Quandrix College Orientation Challenge . It embraces intellect over emotion,magic. The Strixhaven Mascots table listsrelated fields. 223 Exam: Symbol Glyphs 113 Spirit Statue Mascot 223 Strixhaven Campus Guide Getting Some Air 114 Tanazir Quandrix .224 Velomachus Lorehold Dangerous Knowledge . Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! Your owlin character might be nocturnal. 70 Ruins of Caerdoon 184 22 Advance to 10th Level! They live in university housing, eat inGEONS & DRAGONS an introduction to the univer- dining halls, and spend the majority of their time onsity, a guide to creating student characters there, a campus. If you have access to MAGIC: THE GATHERING cards from the Strixhaven set, find a card that ap- peals to you and build that character.3 0 CHAPTER 2 CHARACTER OPTIONSSTRIXHAVEN BACKGROUNDS BUILDING A LOREHOLD CHARACTERThis section presents five backgrounds that you can Any class or subclass that deals with knowledge ofchoose to reflect your characters studies preparing the past can be a good fit in Lorehold. Wondrous Item, CommonWITHER AND BLOOM2nd-Level Necromancy This metal bottle carries delicious, warm coffee. Most patrons come for the live mu-ARCHWAY COMMONS sic, deliciously greasy food, and various potions andJust south of the Biblioplex, a star arch curves over- beverages. A profes-This section describes noteworthy members of the sor of order, he treasures every connection to old civilizations, whether its a magnificent jeweledLorehold faculty. Butmany people report seeing an arch appear to themat a critical juncture in their lives, helping them un-derstand a lesson or answer a burning question intheir mind. Strixhavens prestigious Mage Tower teams and Strixhaven mission statement bask in the adoration of cheering crowds!A magical world boasts many places where studentscan study magic and many sages who take eager COLLEGES OF STRIXHAVENlearners under their wings. He has no qualms about exploiting the bayous crea- tures for personal gain. Thumbnails. A third student might make a Dex- tor or other authority figure notices the cheating,terity (Sleight of Hand) check to create reminding and the student fails the exam.gestures or practice any physical components that If the Charisma (Deception) and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks are both successful, the characterare part of a course, such as the somatic gestures successfully cheats and aces the Exam.involved in spellcasting. Whichever scores you decide to in- ness as if it were dim light. If an how to use the adventure in this way. Dungeons & Dragons' latest Magic: The Gathering crossover, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, brings five powerful new spells to Fifth Edition. They can use any ability and skill An unscrupulous character can cheat on an Exam.they wish when making this check, but they can Doing so requires a successful Charisma (Decep-make it only once. Heword, and in front of a crowd, shes a powerhouseof charisma, enhancing her speeches with elegant teaches a course in scrivening and scriptology thatswirls of ink magic. bayou. You might use a tome or a 3 A dented brass compass with a red needlescroll as a spellcasting focus, and your spell effectsmight reflect the appearance of the reference books 4 The head of a broken statue that houses the con-you study. anothers high holidays. spell. You might wield your Prismari spellsSkill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, PerformanceTool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument with dynamic, gestural movement as much dance or artisans tools as somatic component. Share. In these adventures, the lywug Murgaxor Grenshel, a disgruntled former player characters are students attending the univer- sity, and they become heroes in their own right as student who attended Strixhaven centuries ago. Students from other colleges often take 3 Inkcaster, summoning living inklings Radiance to serviceSilverquill courses to improve their communicationskills, learning to speak and write more effectively 4 Lumimancer, bringing light to bear on shameful situations and holding cor-about their primary field of study.

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strixhaven: a curriculum of chaos pdf anyflip