captain marvel monologue

Fury then sighs before reaching into his pocket to grab his pager], [Fury stands up, walk across the room and begins typing on his pager]. Medical Examiner: Yeah, well. A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. Carol Danvers: [The text on the pager reads "DETAINED WITH TARGET. What's your name? Vers: No. Proceed with caution. Carol Danvers: Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall]. General Talos (voiceover): Am I the only one who's confused here? How do we know you're not one of those shapeshifters? Stan Lee (1922-2018 R.I.P): [continuing his lines] Trust me, true believer. Carol Danvers: [Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D]. You struggle with your emotions, with your past, which fuels them. I'm not gonna fight your war. Yon-Rogg: [The scene suddenly changes back to inside the Supreme Intelligence building and the wires slide back to underneath Vers' feet. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight earlier this month, Ant-Man star Paul Rudd, who appeared alongside Renner in 2016's Captain America: Civil War and 2019's Avengers: Endgame, said his co-star was doing "well". Stop. Dammit, Goose. But what happens (Carol pulls outthe chip attached to her neck, causing the energy from her fists to spread to cover her entire body) when I'm finally set free? [Carol gives Fury his pager] Carol Danvers: ), [Scene changes to Vers falling over. [Vers begins fighting the Skrulls, with her hands still in the restraints. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. But you won't succeed in changing the subject. Hey. Yon-Rogg: Alright, prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. [Wendy Lawson turns around and walks away]. Is that why we never hung out? [tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge] Noble warrior heroes. Take the Flerken with you. I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story. First impressions are everything in the entertainment industry. Carol Danvers: [the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing]. Minn-Erva continues to shoot the locals surrounding Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr, with Soh-Larr sitting exhausted against a rock.]. [General Talos tasers Vers before the screen turns black.]. Fury: You're sure that's what Marvel would want? Fury: You're good to go here til you recover, but you and your family will need a new look. For the good of all Kree, Commander, the infestation will be eradicated. Carol: Thanks, Lieutenant Trouble. Supreme Intelligence: Vers leans down to pet Goose before Dr. Wendy Lawson walks towards her]. Korath: Yep. All around the crash site, rocks are turned into dust and trees disintigrate. Not unlike the file I started on you. But you won't succeed in changing my mind on the subject. Got a smile for me? While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. Suddenly, Vers reaches for Lawson's gun and points in the direction of the attacker. You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos? There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you, Vers, but Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. How about a smile for me, huh? I'm no thief. Nick Fury: Fury: So um. Nick Fury: She stares at the rope in front of her.]. | The franchise is produced by Marvel Studios. How to Draw Great-Looking Comic Book Women, Annunci: draw great looking comic book women You call me 'young lady' again, I'll shove my foot up somewhere it's not supposed to be. Vers: Shape-shifters. Ronan: Several Skrulls anywhere is a threat to Kree everywhere. You can have me. Vers then observes her surroundings, looking for a way out before hitting Fury and gesturing towards a plane, which has a striking resemblance to a Star Wars ship. Talos: Leaving so soon? You're not one of them. Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least. Maria puts the CD in the computer tower and the computer begins loading the tape. Carol Danvers: Maria Rambeau: It's too dangerous. Can't they, mom? But look, I just need your help decoding some coordinates. I got more [Monica shows Vers photo after photo, starting with Monica, Vers and Maria sitting in front of a Christmas tree, then a photo of young Vers dressed as a pilot, then a photo of Vers sitting in a bar]. Talos jerks backward in his seat) like that, yeah I'm gonna keep giving him all the love and hugs he needs, right? [Carol realizes something and pulls out the computer in her arm. Maria Rambeau: Yon-Rogg: Coulson: Glad to have you back, sir. Congratulations to you Star Force Lady. [Vers turns around to see Wendy standing behind her]. General Talos (voiceover): This can't be right. [learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty] Supreme Intelligence: Monica: They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom? Kree Star Force. Maria: No. To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable. Agent Coulson: clarity benefit solutions debit card. Kree: Take them to the hangar too. Imposters who silently infiltrate, then take over our planets. Carol then proceeds to take on the Kree, attacking them individually. Nick Fury: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: The Kree then swim from their ship before removing their masks.]. Correct? [Yon-Rogg walks into the center of the plane and begins presenting a holographic presentation.]. Talos: [Supreme Intelligence sighs. She replaces the green with bright red and the yellow replacing the grey stripes], [Monica presses the buttons again. Yon-Rogg struggles to stand up, and watches Vers from his seated position. Talos: Come on. You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap. [Vers picks up Goose, and holds him out towards Talos. Maria: That was all that survived the crash. Goose likes you. Nick Fury: Vers: Pararescue's on the way. I'll be back. Maria Rambeau: [Fury continues to fawn over the cat, even picking up Goose but Vers continues walking through the corridor looking for the records. You slipped. I'll be back before you know it. Carol Danvers: Maria: There's no way I'm going baby. It's stinging through my pelvic bone. Correct? Mar. We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. And this is how you right after you graduated (Monica continues to talk, but the words start to mix together). But you would never tell me who. Dead or alive. Suddenly, a meowing sound can be heard from the back of the plane. Flying your planes never feels like work. [Yon-Rogg draws his gun and points it towards Vers]. When she hits the ground, there is an image of her thrown backward because of blue and orange flames, before the image returns to her hitting the ground on the course. I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a venus fly trap. I'm no thief. She wanted you to help us find the core. Kree glyphs? Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming, crowd moves away and gradually disappears, suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. Humor is a distraction. Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. We'll blast them all into space. The two events are not related. You should see what I can do with a paperclip. I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof. Vers: I found evidence that I had a life here. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. Fury then walks through the aisle, before peering his head around. Talos: Does she not understand? Vers then walks over to a wall covered in pictures of Air Force fighter jets, before fixating on one with the Pegasus logo on the tail. Nick Fury: Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Security Officer: Yeah, I understand you. Vers walks onto the hexagon and extends her arms beside her. Supreme Intelligence: Without us you're only human. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. Vers: I know Lawson was Kree. Why would it? Vers: Yes, ma'am. Talos: Supreme Intelligence: With what exactly? Carol Danvers: She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats, Referring to Earth, by its Kree code number, Vers activates her beacon before Fury knocks on the payphone booth, Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D, a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. [to Carol during the chase with the Kree during the flashback scene] Just let me unravel this puppy and we'll Nick Fury: Vers: No! Who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. They kill innocents. You'll get there soon enough, Ace. Quickly, the kettle begins to boil, blowing steam out and making a whistling noise]. I always told you you'll be ready the day you can knock me down as yourself. Lawson: I have to destroy it before they get here. Supreme Intelligence: Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. Supreme Intelligence: Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered nextunless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. He walks down the path and into a small house in the middle of the forest. MOTHER FLERKEN!!! [Soh-Larr shocks Vers with a Skrull weapon, paralyzing her. Maria:You are Carol Danvers. Not even our own men. Vers then chases the train down the platform and jumps on top of it. Threat: High. We need to find more. Know your enemy. The core that powered it is in a remote location. ], [Scene changes to outside of the house, where Monica gives Carol her leather jacket.]. Uh, I'd like to ask you some questions. Where are they? (Carol pushes herself behind the wall, and sees a screen of her younger memories on Earth playing) You're flawed. I'm offerin' to help you. You didn't need that did you? Maria Rambeau: Carol then gives Monica a thumbs up], [The scene then changes to the outside of the house, with Maria walking towards a car, with her parents inside. [urgent knocking] [Maria closes the door, but Vers continues to stare at Tom. [The scene changes to a flashback of Vers at an Airforce base. What do you want? Talos: Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. Samuel L. Jackson is currently embodying the bad ass and sometimes poor tempered Fury. Is this normal, like space turbulence? Nick Fury: [Yon-Rogg shoots Carol, causing her to fly backward. General Talos (voiceover): Do we have the location? [While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear], Fury: You sat there and watched me play with tape? Vers:: Did you have a rough day Agent Fury? [Carol reaches out and grabs the Tesseract from its position in the reactor. Is everyone ok, what happened? Vers watches Lawson fall and sits there in shot watching the assailant. This is a tremendous idea! Tied my boss up, stole his identity. Nice diversion. This is What If Peggy Carter got the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Vers then is forced onto the floor, and her fist begins to glow orange] Yon-Rogg: Control it. Are we in the right? Vers: Name a detail so bizarre a Skrull could never fabricate it. "You know this is wonderful! Vers nods towards the door], [Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled "Records"]. Huh Goose? I'm sending you with a message. [Yon-Rogg continue to fight. Excellent work Nicholas. Natasha Romanoff: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Vers: See anyone you know? Homeless, ever since we resisted Kree rule and they destroyed our planet. But I enjoyed it. Lawson: I've got to blow this engine before they find it. [Vers and Fury walk into the records room. Talos: It's okay, it's okay. That's right, look at the coordinates. This monologue is appropriate for a male actor any age from eighteen and up. Talos: I know I don't deserve your trust but you were our only lead. The final words of Ho Yinsen served as a wake-up call for Tony Stark and inspired him to become a hero. Aren't you cute? Vers: The Skrulls messed with my mind. Carol: Prepare for takeoff Lieutenant Trouble. Know what's hard? [The door knocks, and Maria moves forward to answer the door], [Fury and Vers walk towards the door and try to see who is outside. They believe that she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus. Nick Fury: You have two minutes until you're surrounded. [The director points towards the men in the other cars before himself and Fury walk towards the elevators]. A race of noble warriors? If I could just piece together what happened that morning maybe it'll all make sense. Yon-Rogg: They struggle for the gun before Fury turns the car into an oncoming bus, killing the Skrull], [The scene changes to Vers alone outside of a building. She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. Yon-Rogg: Cadets: You don't belong out here! Do not let your emotions undermine your judgment. Can't you make it go away? This jacket? For emergencies only. I'm trusting you not to eat me. Maria Rambeau: Yon-Rogg (amused): I see what you're trying to do. Carol Danvers: Do you have the thing? On Hala, you were reborn, Vers. Just let me unravel this puppy. Tom: Pleased to meet you. Talos: (both Maria and Vers laugh for a bit) When I got to the hanger, Lawson was agitated, she said 'she had lives to save'. They need their own home. But I see you've changed it up a bit since then. Phil Coulson enters the room with a suitcase in his hands.]. Nick Fury: Nick Fury: Fury: Huntsville, Alabama. Just, don't kill me. Supreme Intelligence: It's cute how hard you try. She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats]. So is it true? Nick Fury: [As Romanoff turns around, she finds herself face to face with Carol Danvers. The writing "Project Pegasus, Joint NASA USAF Facility" appear on the screen when the car enters the tunnel. [notices the small crowd] Freeing you to do what all Kree must. Supreme Intelligence: Carol Danvers:

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captain marvel monologue