telehealth research articles

When COVID-19 began, the world had to quickly adapt. In general, telehealth technologies were found to provide roughly equivalent clinical outcomes (i.e., reductions in symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and binge and purge behaviors . Results: The articles included in our review provide some evidence of effective provision of preventive, curative, and rehabilitative telehealth services for older people, but they highlight a greater focus on curative services and are mostly concentrated in high-income countries. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, medical . Telehealth Author & Article Information Online Issn: 1943-7676 . Telemedicine and e-Health. Our consumer research 5 shows that consumers continue to view telehealth as an important modality for their future care needs, but—as expected—this view varies widely depending on the type of care. 2 A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis of telehealth for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions reported that a hybrid model of face-to-face and telehealth services was superior to in-person services alone. In addition, the PACE Framework's domains, subdomains, and outcome measure examples are described along with future directions for implementation in occupational therapy research, practice, and program evaluation. During infectious disease outbreaks, telehealth can enable remote triaging of care and provide rapidly accessible information through technology - such as chatbots, as seen in Singapore during COVID-19. Telehealth may provide opportunities to make health care more efficient, better coordinated and closer to home. The COVID-19 pandemic has created conditions resulting in many tobacco users increasing their . Health Policy. Older people are both major users of telehealth services and . Research about telehealth is still relatively new, but it's growing. Its definition is broader than that of telemedicine, which only includes the remote delivery of health care. It can include everything from conducting medical visits over the computer, to monitoring patients' vital signs remotely. The Peterson Lab at WMU began publishing on telehealth in 2009. But experts say the COVID . William C. Telehealth nursing practice. A total of 60 articles were identified, and through careful selection we narrowed the final number of articles to 42 This Research Topic specifically welcomes articles that will help the scientific and medical community reach conclusions on, but not limited to: 1. 1,2 Video visits require patients to have the knowledge and capacity to get online, operate and troubleshoot audiovisual equipment, and . Background: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several health care programs intended to provide telemedicine services have been introduced in Libya. At least nine key aspects of telehealth service delivery require enhanced research and evidence production if clinicians and patients are . "Before the Covid-19 pandemic, I heard a lot about how telehealth is not effective and how it is not a viable modality. The aim of this systematic review was to identify the role of telehealth services in preventing, diagnosing, treating, and controlling diseases during COVID-19 outbreak. Since eHealth and telehealth are established research interests, the qualitative content analysis was not meant to perform a hermeneutical analysis where every detail of every sentence is interpreted. Despite this fact, the adoption of telehealth remains slow and many factors such as resistance to change are contributory barriers to adopting telehealth by healthcare And research to date shows mental health care delivered remotely—also known as telepsychology or teletherapy—is effective. Telehealth can provide a high-quality service, increase access to care, 19 42 46 48 increase self-awareness 31 34 35 38 and item powers patients to manage their chronic conditions. By March 26, 2020, just 2 weeks later, reported cases had increased four-fold to 531,865, and deaths increased five-fold to 24,073. Survey key findings. 3 Telehealth can also assist with disease diagnosis via video . Evidence to date has demonstrated effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telehealth in rural and remote emergency departments within a variety of contexts. Strong research environments aimed at promoting research both into telehealth and ageing may help Sweden to stand out among other Nordic countries . 16. If you create one for another health profession, please share it with me. For peer-reviewed telehealth research articles discussing the evidence level of this modality for dysphagia services specifically, please see list of citations. Issues with weak signals, misinterpreted data, and patient However, the full potential of telehealth has not been realised with slow and fragmented uptake. 67(6_Supplement), . These are the journal articles on telehealth in physiotherapy that i have collected over the years. 1990 and 2020 related to telemedicine using the following keywords: 'telemedicine', 'telehealth', 'policy', 'COVID-19', 'regulation', 'rural', 'physical examination', 'future'. Both people seeking mental health care and mental health care providers had to immediately switch to teletherapy despite little (or no) experience with it. This 24-hour phone service, which launched in April 2020, allows her to connect to people with OUD and prescribe buprenorphine without conducting an in-person examination. The literature search located 34 articles from ProQuest. The evidence of benefit was concentrated in specific uses. PubMed a bibliographic database of medical research that is maintained by the National Library of Medicine includes over 12,000 citations of published works related to telemedicine or telehealth. 2 Centre for Health Services Research; and The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. INTRODUCfiON . Because, as OTs, our work of helping patients stay as healthy as possible feels more important than ever. Telemedicine is the use of telecommu­ The previous paper in this research methods series considered how to formulate one's telehealth research question and the related task of choosing the type of study and associated methods, through five stages of conceptualisation, design, pre-implementation, imple-mentation and post-implementation.1 This article hones Goodini et al. 1 Telehealth has direct and indirect roles in reducing the spread of infections by enabling physical distancing, tracking symptoms and outbreaks, and supporting policy makers in anticipating needs and deciding appropriate and timely interventions. Effectiveness of Telehealth within Behavioral Health There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of telehealth at facilitating positive health outcomes.9, 5-6 A systematic review conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found sufficient evidence supporting the effectiveness of Telehealth are health services provided over the internet. Teletherapy During COVID-19: What the Research Says. Patient satisfaction is a key indicator of how well the telemedicine modality met patient expectations. A total of 7 articles that support advantages or disadvantages to using telehealth were used. Consumer and provider perceptions of telehealth. telemedicine applications. Telemedicine urgent care volume grew from 82 visits on March 4 to 1336 after 15 days. Telehealth is described as having the potential to not only improve the quality of care but also the accessibility, uses, and effectiveness of healthcare (Van Dyk, 2014). Close Modal. This study describes the awareness, experiences and perceptions of telehealth in an Australian rural community. The Role of Telehealth in Reducing the Mental Health Burden from COVID-19. This webpage serves as a resource guide with practical recommendations for clinicians who want to consider adapting their practices and adopt telehealth solutions for dysphagia . A large volume of research reported that telehealth interventions produce positive outcomes when used for remote patient monitoring, broadly defined, for several chronic conditions and for ps … We identified 1,494 citations about telehealth, from which 58 systematic reviews met our inclusion criteria. Psychologists—along with psychiatrists, social workers and others—have built a substantial literature base on telehealth interventions that work for a variety of problems and populations. Research generally finds that telemedicine works, even for serious medical conditions. Many states are extending telehealth policies adopted during the COVID-19 public health emergency. 6 In addition, telehealth services alone were equivalent to . Solving the disjuncture between research and practice: telehealth trends in the 21st century. Telehealth AHRQ has invested in research and shared information on the benefits of telehealth for several years, through its Digital Healthcare Research Program and Effective Healthcare Program. Background: On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic. However, systematic reviews to date have not focused on the rural and remote emergency departments. It concludes with several recommendations for research, fol­ lowed by a discussion of several specific questions, the answers to which might have a bearing on policy development. Despite the growing number of studies related to the clinical question, telehealth research continues to lack high quality research. When Internet-based telehealth became viable, VA was an early adopter. Role of telemedicine during pandemics; 2. Research Article | Online November 01 2013. Article PDF first page preview. Consumer and provider perceptions of telehealth. Emergency telehealth has been used to improve accessibility of rural and remote patients to specialist care. Over 2,000 evaluative studies related to telemedicine have been published in two journals devoted Dr. Vibin Roy, medical director of Doctor on Demand, types notes as he listens to a patient during an online primary care visit from his home in Keller, Texas, in April. Corresponding . SPROUT currently has members from >75 health organizations in 3 countries and aims to gather data on existing pediatric telehealth services and facilitate multicenter . Telemedicine visits for urgent care were spread across age strata with the largest use in the group 20 to 44 years of age (see Table 1 . Conclusion: The articles had mixed result for advantages and challenges at the healthcare provider level and the patient level. More than 75% of clinicians responding to the survey indicated that telehealth enabled them to provide quality care in the areas of COVID-19-related care, acute care, chronic disease management, hospital/ED follow-up, care coordination, preventative care . Average reimbursements and charges were . Please note that these articles are all Physiotherapy telehealth specific, and don't cover other allied health professions. Therefore, telehealth should be an important tool in caring services while keeping patients and health providers safe during COVID-19 outbreak. Birthe Dinesen, Laboratory of Assistive Technologies - Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, SMI, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers vej 7, Aalborg, 9220, Denmark, Phone: 45 20515944, Fax: 45 98 15 40 08, Email: kd.uaa.tsh@dib. Table 2. The aim of this systematic review was to examine whether patients and their caregivers living in rural and remote areas are satisfied with telehealth videoconferencing as a mode of service delivery in managing their health. This is a live table, so it is always the most . Recommendations for Telehealth Research. Before the pandemic, studies had already shown that teletherapy is effective for . The potential of telehealth. In this systematic review, numerous articles gathered information on patient satisfaction related to telehealth, however, there was a lack of randomized She's also a founding member of the Buprenorphine Telehealth Consortium, a group of leading health professionals urging lawmakers to codify these COVID-era telehealth measures. Whatever you call it, research shows it is a valid method of providing high quality voice therapy for those experiencing a voice disorder. Many physicians have used these services to provide care and advice to their patients remotely. Overall, consumer perception tracks closely to what we believe is possible telehealth uptake by . Since the Ekeland et al.'s study in 2010, there has been recent research showing that telehealth does prove to reduce costs. Adaptation of telemedicine in acute management protocols; 3. Early adopters attempt to use telehealth to deliver high-quality care. 2007;82(2):133-141. . Despite data supporting the rapid adoption of telehealth in the delivery of clinical care in North America, the implementation of telehealth visits in clinical research studies has faced critical . Recommendations for Telehealth Research. Average telehealth reimbursements decreased from $54.61 in 2009 to $42.04 in 2013 while there was a slight increase in charges $123.31 to $126.94. Research team publishes study on telehealth benefits in tobacco treatment for inpatient populations. VA documented the first instance of "telehealth" in the early 1960s, when VA providers communicated with their patients via television 1. Objective: This study aimed to provide an overview of physicians' awareness, knowledge, attitude, and skill in using telehealth services in Libya. Objective To develop a conceptual model for effective use of telehealth in the management of chronic health conditions, and to use this to develop and evaluate an intervention for people with two exemplar conditions: raised cardiovascular disease risk and depression. The Swedish Government has stated that digital skills are in their priority areas, and that the development of telehealth and ICTs supporting older people is vital [ 3 , 57 ]. These journal articles written by the Rural Health Research Centers were recently added to Gateway. (2015) state that information and communication technologies have a great potential to decrease costs of health-care services in developed and developing countries. This list of telehealth OT research articles has been compiled for policy decision-makers, occupational therapy professionals, our healthcare colleagues, and our clients. On that date, there were 134,576 reported cases and 4981 deaths worldwide. The new england journal of medicine 1588 n engl j med 377;16 nejm.orgOctober 19, 2017 Reimbursement Reimbursement is a key determinant in the use Invaluable work done by the above organizations inspired Supporting Pediatric Research on Outcomes and Utilization of Telehealth (SPROUT), a part of the Section on Telehealth Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics, to synergize the above work into a single framework that researchers can use to study telehealth's impact on patients. 3 American Medical Association, 2020. By 2013 VA was treating more than 600,000 Veterans in 1.7 million instances of telehealth care 2. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention. Telehealth expansion will require substantial restructuring of laws and regulations in order to protect both patients and providers. Our consumer research 5 shows that consumers continue to view telehealth as an important modality for their future care needs, but—as expected—this view varies widely depending on the type of care. We will develop a framework for cataloging research on telehealth around the following dimensions: condition, population, modality, setting, outcomes, and study design or other selected dimensions of the quality of the research. There has been a massive shift to telemedicine during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to protect medical personnel and patients, with the Department of Health and Human Services and others promoting video visits to reach patients at home. Because insurance coverage policies differ, it's important to check with insurance providers or your health care provider's billing department directly for the latest information about coverage for telehealth services. Telehealth is an alternative method of delivering health care to people required to travel long distances for routine health care. 13 21 23 28 31 32 48 Healthcare organisations should embrace telehealth because it decreases missed appointments, 44 is a good modality for education, 15 34 44 . Telehealth can offer alternative options for receiving healthcare services in rural locations, improving access and reducing costs associated with traveling for services. article reviews the literature on the effects and medical effec­ tiveness of telemedicine. 2007;82(2):133-141. As telehealth develops and expands research assessing the effects of telehealth in pediatric medicine on patient and provider satisfaction, patient outcomes and cost effectiveness must be prioritized. Telehealth is "the use of electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration." 1 Often, telehealth is used interchangeably with the terms telemedicine 2 or eHealth. Background The use of telehealth steadily increases as it has become a viable modality to patient care. This article describes the development and expert reviewer evaluation of the PACE Framework. Of these visits, 55.3% were COVID-19-related, outpacing the 381 COVID-19 visits in all the NYULH emergency rooms that day. Am J Occup Ther November/December 2013, Vol. Rios, Schenk and Eldridge were motivated to create their own study based on a previous article and 20 years of field research on telehealth. AMA Digital Health Research: Physician's motivation and requirements for adopting digital health—adoption and attitudinal shifts from 2016 to 2019. Telehealth is defined as the delivery of health care services at a distance through the use of technology. Telehealth can increase access to primary and specialty care, and ensure high quality care at lower cost. This article reviews the emergence of telehealth in America, describes modalities of telehealth services, and considers such factors as quality, means, and cost of delivery and need for telehealth services. Telehealth. For example, a 2017 meta-analysis and systematic review of the use of telemedicine for treating chronic heart . Telemedicine is defined broadly by the World Health Organization as the delivery of health care services at a distance using electronic means for "the diagnosis of treatment, and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, education of health care providers" 1 to improve health. Effectiveness of Telehealth within Behavioral Health There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of telehealth at facilitating positive health outcomes.9, 5-6 A systematic review conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found sufficient evidence supporting the effectiveness of Telehealth is an umbrella term for health services delivered at a . Overall, consumer perception tracks closely to what we believe is possible telehealth uptake by . Telehealth has a number of key strengths that can enhance an emergency response when environmental or biological hazards present. Our telehealth and information solutions systems were assessed for functionality and readiness to serve as data collection and monitoring systems along 2 dimensions: (1) patient-centered clinical service delivery and (2) management and research data collection capability. Solving the disjuncture between research and practice: telehealth trends in the 21st century. Some refer to this practice as telemedicine or telepractice while others are more specific using terms like online speech therapy. Health Policy. The present research on EBPs via telehealth includes a growing body of literature and related support for a wide range of diagnoses and treatment approaches. 16. To address this gap, a national pediatric telehealth research network, Supporting Pediatric Research on Outcomes and Utilization of Telehealth (SPROUT), was established in 2015. We will organize the evidence according to this framework to aid in understanding the current evidence base. Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. There is a large volume of research reporting that clinical outcomes with telehealth are as good as or better than usual care and that telehealth improves intermediate outcomes and satisfaction. Adaptation of telemedicine in chronic management protocols; 4. We want you to be able to see the research for yourself. Telehealth is beneficial for specific uses and patient populations. Objective The objective of this systematic review and narrative analysis is to explore the association of telehealth . 2019 Feb 1;25(2):132-6. external icon. It rather contributes to the existing category schema and expands it while empirically nourishing the quantitative research instrument. IrisVision Global, Inc. 5994 W. Las Positas Blvd, Suite 219, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA Email: Sales: +1 855 449 4536 Support: +1 855 207 6665 This paper reports on the multi-layered research into telehealth in the UK conducted through a critical theory perspective. The survey responses show that telehealth is positively influencing four important telehealth goals: Clinical outcomes. The role of telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: a systematic review based on current evidence The use of telehealth improves the provision of health services. Use of telehealth has expanded through advances in technology, availability of training, and improvements in safety. During CoVID with the massive add-on of new codes that are allowed during telehealth, the opportunity for that one visit E/M to have an increase of 30-200% additional reimbursement is there, if captured properly. We identified convenience and affordability as the strengths of . telehealth refers to 'the use of telecommunications and information technology (it) to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance'.1therefore, telehealth can be considered a more broad concept of telemedicine that includes technology used to collect and transmit patient … However, telehealth coverage varies widely from state to state with differences in how telehealth is defined and paid for. Prior to CoVID, the average telehealth visit was 7-12 min with a few minutes for documentation that was reimbursed in the $45-$120 range. In contrast, both average reimbursements ($89.26 to $94.01) and charges ($139.09 to $256.86) for nontelehealth services increased over the same time period. Methods This systematic review was conducted through searching five databases including PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Science Direct. 3 Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. William C. Telehealth nursing practice. New Articles Published on Telehealth, Tobacco, Suicide, and Cancer Screening and Treatment. Telehealth May Be Here to Stay. In 2017 VA acted on a new . The research to support telehealth in physical therapy is limited. Telehealth is a subset of e-health and is the use of telecommunications technology in health care delivery, information, and education according to the Health Resources and Services Administration.1,2Telemedicine is considered to be under the umbrella of telehealth and refers specifically to clinical services. Technology has the potential to improve the quality of health care and to make it accessible to more people. Telehealth also facilitates epidemiological research that informs future health-care delivery. Telehealth has the potential to address the treatment gap, Design The model was based on several strands of evidence: a metareview and realist synthesis of quantitative and qualitative . Telehealth is the use of two-way, interactive technology to provide health care and facilitate client-provider interactions. Telehealth modalities for SMI or SUD may be synchronous (live or real time) or asynchronous (delayed communication between clients and providers). Personalized Telehealth in the Future: A Global Research Agenda. Table 2. On May 5, 2021, Governor Ducey signed House Bill 2454 (the "Bill" or "HB2454") which aims to dramatically expand the use of telemedicine in Arizona and provide greater opportunities for . Gateway lists the journal, a brief summary, and a link to additional information and access to the full text of the article, if available.

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telehealth research articles