great sumatran fault last earthquake

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Therefore, evaluating the stress transfer from these large subduction earthquakes could delineate the highly stressed area as potential-earthquake region along the GSF. We map the fault planes of M≥7.0 earthquakes along the Sumatran fault in Sumatra, western Indonesia, for the period since 1892.To obtain precise hypocenter locations of large earthquakes and identify fault planes of M≥7.0 earthquakes, we relocated 27 M≥6.0 earthquakes from 1921 to 2012 using the modified joint hypocenter determination method. Great Sumatran Fault (GSF). According to officials at the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), the earthuake, which was centred at the sloped of the volcanoes Mount Agung and Mount Batur, occurred on a shallow local fault. Although historical earthquake records have shown that magnitude 7 class earthquakes have occurred during the last century, the slip rates along the Sumatran fault have not been studied in detail. The quake was reported along the Sunda Megathrust or Great Sumatran Fault, a fault line off Sumatra's western . However, the Sumatran Fault and the active volcanic arc present proximal hazards to populations on mainland Sumatra. The Great Sumatran fault 1900 km in length is a major strike-slip fault zone that cuts through the island of Sumatra. This study focuses on the northern portion of the fault system which contains a 200-km-long segment that has not experienced a major earthquake in at least 170 years. Instead, the two plates move at an oblique angle. In January 1917, an earthquake measuring 6.6 killed more than 1,500 people, 80% of which from landslides. The new analysis gives the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake a seismic magnitude of at least 9.1, and possibly as high as 9.3. The Indonesian island of Sumatra is located in a highly seismic area of the world. 2012). Five people were killed in Pandeglang, and more than 220 people were injured. The Sumatran fault is highly segmented, and consists of . The low observed intensity compared to the size of the tsunami has led to its interpretation as a tsunami earthquake. This event may pro-vide information concerning the rheology of the oceanic asthenosphere. The Indonesian island of Sumatra is located in a highly seismic area of the world. This earthquake could be strongly felt in parts of Northern Sumatra, including Padang and Medan. earthquake is the largest intraplate earthquake recorded in history (Delescluse et al. The record-setting earthquake had the longest fault rupture ever observed, about 775 . The Great Sumatran Fault is part of the system where strain partitioning was first described in plate tectonics. Since 1900 and prior to the December 26 earthquake, the largest earthquake along the subduction zone from southern Sumatra to the Andaman Islands occurred in 2000 and had a magnitude of 7.9. The Sumatra region has been the focus of four great thrust earthquakes during the past five years, with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias earthquakes located to the northwest of the 2009 Padang event and the . The Great Sumatran fault zone is a trench-parallel, right-lateral strike-slip fault. The giant 2004 Sumatra earthquake ruptured the greatest fault length of any recorded earthquake, spanning a distance of 1500 km (900 miles), or longer than the state of California. A magnitude 8.4 earthquake occurred in 1797, a magnitude 8.5 in 1861 and a magnitude 8.7 in 1833 . In addition to the subduction zone off the west coast of the island, Sumatra also has a large strike-slip fault, the Great Sumatran Fault also known as Semangko Fault, running the entire length of the island.This fault zone accommodates most of the strike-slip motion associated with the oblique convergence . This 1900 km-long active strike-slip fault zone runs along the backbone of Sumatra pose seismic and fault hazards to dense population on and around the fault zones. In addition to the subduction zone off the west coast of the island, Sumatra also has a large strike-slip fault, the Great Sumatran Fault also known as Semangko Fault, running the entire length of the island. The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake was an event of stunning proportions, both in its human dimensions--nearly 300,000 lives lost--and as a geological phenomenon. The 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake was the largest seismic event on Earth in more than 40 years, and it produced the most devastating tsunami in recorded history ( 1 ). Earthquake. It accommodates the right-lateral strike-slip component of the highly oblique collision zone between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Sunda plate.The Sunda megathrust carries the dip-slip component of the collision with the upper portion of the over-riding plate separated from . The Aceh Fault segment spans 250 km long, passing through three districts: West Aceh, Pidie Jaya, and Aceh Besar, a region of ~546,143 population. earthquake did not occur on the subduction (the oceanic fault) but rather on the great Sumatran Fault (the continental fault). that the Malaysia is located i n a tecto nically stable. In west Malaysia . The largest earthquake in the past 40 years, the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 26, 2004, was an event of stunning proportions, both in its human dimensions--nearly 300,000 lives lost from the subsequent tsunami--and as a geological phenomenon. region. Among the outstanding features of the Sunda trench system is the 1900-km-long Sumatran fault (Sieh and Natawidjaja 2000). The Sumatran fault is a right lateral active inland fault in southern Sumatra, Indonesia. The Great Sumatran fault 1900 km in length is a major strike-slip fault zone that cuts through the island of Sumatra. The Great Sumatran Earthquake and Tsunami of December 2004 The 2004 M9.3 Sumatran earthquake and the mega-tsunami it generated devastated coastal areas throughout the Indian Ocean; stretches of human habitation along the shores of Indonesia, notably Banda Aceh, were obliterated. Great Sumatran Fault (GSF). It tra- verses the hanging-wall block of the Sunda trench from the Sunda Strait to the spreading centers of the Andaman Sea. The Great Sumatran Fault (GSF) 1900 km long active and segmented strike-slip faults. To evaluate the seismic hazard along the Great Sumatran fault (GSF), we installed the Aceh GNSS network for the Sumatran fault system (AGNeSS) in March 2005. During the 2005 M w 8.7 Banyak Islands earthquake, a portion of the 1861 rupture subsequently failed. Therefore , evalua ting the str ess transfer f rom thes e large subduction earthquakes could delineate the highly stre ssed are a as potential-e arthquake region along . The seismically active Sumatra subduction zone has generated some of the largest earthquakes in the instrumental record, and both historical accounts and paleogeodetic coral studies indicate such. We map the fault planes of M ≥7.0 earthquakes along the Sumatran fault in Sumatra, western Indonesia, for the period since 1892. The Indonesian island of Sumatra is located in a highly seismic area of the world. The depth and focal mechanism of the earthquake suggest that it initiated in the downgoing Sunda slab. To obtain precise hypocenter locations of large earthquakes and identify fault planes of M ≥7.0 earthquakes, we relocated 27 M ≥6.0 earthquakes from 1921 to 2012 using the modified joint hypocenter determination method. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 hit Indonesia's south of Sumatra on Tuesday. These segment lengths influenced seismic source dimensions and have limited the magnitudes of large historical fault ruptures to between Mw 6.5 and about 7.7. The recent seismicity started on the 26th December 2004 with a 9.2 magnitude earthquake [Subarya et al., 2006; Chlieh et al., 2007] that ruptured almost 1300 km of the Template:Infobox fault. w 9.0 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake initiated along the Andaman subduction zone, north of the last great Sumatra earthquake along the Sunda Trench in 1861. The boundary between the 2004 and 2005 ruptures broadly This fault is equally seismic. More than half of those killed had lived in Acheh Province, Sumatra, where the tsunami rose as high as 30 m (100 ft.) and traveled more than 4 km (2.5 mi . The earthquake was widely felt along western Java and southeastern Sumatra.In Jakarta the shaking was moderate, in Bandung, Bekasi, and Liwa the shaking was weak.. Damage. The earthquake struck at 21:14 pm (local time), at a moderate depth of 56 km. Knowing the geometry of subsurface structures in this segment is one of the efforts to identify potential disasters in the future. A magnitude 8.4 earthquake occurred in 1797, a magnitude 8.5 in 1861 and a magnitude 8.7 in 1833 . The 1907 Sumatra earthquake occurred on January 4 at 05:19:12 UTC.The estimated magnitude is 7.5-8.0 M s, with an epicentre close to Simeulue, off Sumatra. Malaysia it is low. The 1984 Northern Sumatra earthquake occurred with a moment magnitude of 7.2 on November 17 at 06:49 UTC. The magnitude 9.1 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of December 26, 2004, spawned the deadliest tsunami in history, killing more than 230,000 people in 14 countries around the Indian Ocean. It triggered a widespread and damaging tsunami that caused at least 2,188 deaths. This study focuses on the northern portion of the fault system which contains a 200-km-long segment that has not experienced a major earthquake in at least 170 years. It was the largest earthquake in the past 40 years and was followed by the second largest just three months later on March 28, 2005. Over the last decade, studies of natural hazards in Sumatra have focused primarily on great earthquakes and associated tsunamis produced by rupture of the Sunda megathrust. like in 1926 and 1943 in Padang area). 2,800 houses were damaged, mostly in western Java, where . The sudden rupture of a huge fault beneath the Indian Ocean unleashed a devastating tsunami. It accommodates the right-lateral strike-slip component of the highly oblique collision zone between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Sunda plate. The Sumatran fault is highly segmented, and consists of 20 major geometrically defined segments, which range in length from about 60 to 200 km. Earthquake. The lack of active faults and e arthquakes m ean. The Great Sumatran Fault system in Indonesia is a major right-lateral trench-parallel system that can be divided into several segments, most of which have ruptured within the last century. The quake was the result of shallow strike-slip faulting within the shallow crust beneath the Flores Sea.According to the U.S. Geological Survey (ANSS), the earthquake rupture was on an east northeast-west southwest fault with a right-lateral strike-slip motion.. A finite fault model by the ANSS indicate rupture along a fault . [1] The Great Sumatran Fault system in Indonesia is a major right-lateral trench-parallel system that can be divided into several segments, most of which have ruptured within the last century. In addition to the subduction zone off the west coast of the island, Sumatra also has a large strike-slip fault, the Great Sumatran Fault also known as Semangko Fault, running the entire length of the island.This fault zone accommodates most of the strike-slip motion associated with the . Historic records of the last 300 years reveal 2 great interplate earthquakes (1833, Mw = 83/4; 1861, Mw = 81/4-81/2), which ruptured major segments of the Sumatra fore arc in W Indonesia; a . The convergence between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Sunda Plate is not perpendicular to the plate boundary in this region. Initially a magnitude 7.7, it was downgraded to 7.3. variable magnitudes all along the Sumatra subduc-tion zone. In addition to the subduction zone off the west coast of the island, Sumatra also has a large strike-slip fault, the Great Sumatran Fault also known as Semangko Fault, running the entire length of the island.This fault zone accommodates most of the strike-slip motion associated with the oblique convergence . This suggests that the remaining trench-parallel motion was released during the magnitude 8.6 earthquake on 11 April 2012 within the . [2] The Great Sumatran Fault (GSF) system in Indonesia is a major right lateral trench-parallel fault systems that accommodates a significant fraction of the strike-slip com- ponent of the oblique convergence between the Australian/ Indian and Eurasian plates [Genrich et al., 2000; Sieh and Natawidjaja, 2000]. While the MTL has not experienced a large, destructive earthquakes since at least 1600 AD (Tatsumi and Okada 1996) and possibly longer, the GSF has experienced at least 20 earthquakes of magnitude. Since the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (M w 9.2), the northwestern part of the Sumatran island has been a high seismicity region. The substantial portion of the dextral component of the Sumatran oblique convergence is accommodated by the Sumatran fault. Figure 4 : Significant earthquake which occurred on the Great . The Indonesian island of Sumatra is located in a highly seismic area of the world. Hazard in Sumatra is quite high while in. Since 1900 and prior to the December 26 earthquake, the largest earthquake along the subduction zone from southern Sumatra to the Andaman Islands occurred in 2000 and had a magnitude of 7.9. We study the Aceh Fault segment, the northernmost segment of the Great Sumatran Fault in western Indonesia. The AGNeSS observed co-seismic offsets due to the April 11, 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake (M w 8.6 . Solid arrows relative plate motions from NUVEL-1 [Larson et al., 1997]. It is known to have produced large historical quakes of magnitude larger than 7 (i.e. The sudden rupture of a huge fault beneath the Indian Ocean unleashed a devastating tsunami. The oblique plate convergence indicates that ~20-50 m of trench-parallel displacement could have accumulated since the last megathrust earthquake, only part of which has been taken up by the Great Sumatran fault. The Great Sumatran Fault (GSF) is a 1650-km-long dextral strike-slip fault zone which accommodates part of the oblique convergence of the subduction between the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. One of the segments is the Sumani segment in the province of West Sumatra that passes through a relatively densely populated area. Earthquake. In just the last decade alone there have been three great megathrust earthquakes along the western coast of Sumatra. The epicentre was located off the coast of Sumatra, near the island of Nias, where building damage was reported. The Great Sumatran fault (GSF) sys- On September 29th 2009, a M 7.6 earthquake ruptured offshore of Central Sumatra.

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great sumatran fault last earthquake