WordPress offers several ways to list your blog posts elsewhere on a website, yet sometimes you have to configure the right settings to ensure they show up properly. Regardless, you must bulk edit these featured images so that youre not spending hours editing each and every one of them. All you have to do is click on the icon to insert it somewhere on the homepage. The first is OG, which comes in handy for adding the Open Graph protocol to turn any webpage into rich objects for social media. I agree Pedro, I have never liked working Gutenberg editor, It has a way of messing things up. Its usually located at the top of the post or page. Below well cover every problem we know of when it comes to featured images and outline the steps you can take to fix them. Here are some common reasons that lead to issues with featured images in the first place: A few errors are more common than others when uploading images to the Media Library in WordPress. You can troubleshoot a featured image not showing up or edit each featured image manually. However, we usually recommend clicking the Select Image button, as that provides a few extra choices for deciding on a source for the featured image. This section is outputting a style with a .site-header background image with a relative url; and is overwriting whatever it outputed before with the conditional is_page() codes. First, you have to decide what youre trying to achieve. Kinsta Hosting already offers Open Graph support, along with the possibility to control this using Yoast SEO. My guess is your Head navigation is not called in header.php check you file page.php and see the lines following <?php get_header (); ?> if the lines below introduce header navigation either move them into header or copy them into same location in your single.php file Share Improve this answer Follow answered Nov 16, 2016 at 16:03 Artem Ankudovich Feel free to go back and choose more images if you missed any. Search for the Cover block and click to add it. The only problem is that it doesnt tell you which of your Media Library images have been previously uploaded as featured images. It does this by halting the loading of images on a page until they come into view on the screen. Get premium content from an award-winning cloud hosting platform. Some other buttons that appear include the Select Image, Replace Image, and Remove Featured Image. However, if you use any other hosting provider, it may prove useful. If youve uploaded your posts or pages featured image correctly and it still doesnt appear, then there can be several reasons. Insert any content you want for the blog post. Or they simply arent updated, leading to all sorts of conflicts. Fix the HTTP Error When Uploading a Featured Image 2. The Auto Featured Image plugin provides a unique option for fixing featured image problems. Go to Posts > Add New to create a new blog post. If allowed, you can also change the PHP memory limit on your own by editing your sites wp-config.php file. Click the Homepage dropdown field to reveal the list of pages you currently have active on your website. The Multiple Featured Images plugin boasts several features that come in handy when troubleshooting and resolving your featured images problems. Page header meta box says it's using my featured image. An even page header\footer. Its most likely because youve uploaded a featured image while also including the same image in your content as a cover or regular image. The solution often involves going to the theme settings and locating the featured images custom area. Sometimes other settings override this, but its not a bad idea to mark down the dimensions to ensure you at least know the optimal width for a featured image. Another Screen Options dilemma comes into play when you do not see the actual field to upload and insert a Featured Image. The first few settings dont have anything to do with the featured image, but they can affect how the posts show up in the block and make your featured images look strange. The next best method is using a managed host like Kinsta, which already has Open Graph configured for you. You never know when a human error may result in a featured image not being uploaded to your website. Is there a way to do that without using an external plugin? In the Astra theme, launch the edit screen of your desired page and expand the Astra settings tab from the bottom right corner. This plugin seeks out all empty featured image fields and fills them in with the default option. A theme or plugin usually defines it. Now I just need to fix everything else on my website that I had turned off and messed around with while going slowly insane trying to trouble shoot a problem that was nothing to do with WordPress, themes or plugins GRRRRRRRR. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? The Pexels collection isnt much different from your Media Library, except you have the luxury of finding beautiful photos without having to take them yourself. Fix the Plugins or Themes 3. A lot! Fix Featured Image Not Showing on a Blog Post Gallery Page 7. Click the Background Image section of the Customizer panel. We recommend checking boxes for the Title, URL, and Description. Although automating the process isnt for everyone, there are tricks to ensure that a WordPress featured image is always shown for posts and pages, minimizing the chance that an author forgets to upload one. We particularly like its ability to set rules for your past and future featured images. First, the plugin opens up the default limit that WordPress sets of having one featured image per post. Several tools are available in the Edit Image pop-up, but the most trusty of them is listed on the right side, and its titled New Dimensions. You can also do this with pages or click on the All Posts option if youre interested in adding a featured image to a previously generated post. Clicking on that brings you directly to the WordPress Media Library. You probably have the Different First Page box checked in the Options section of the Header & Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon. WordPress Featured Image Not Showing Properly (Or Not At All) - Kinsta Thats a problem, so follow the steps below to ensure your featured image is always ready to go for social sharing. The last page presents the bulk edit results, with details about the posts that now have new featured images. For instance, all of your featured images could have a black and white filter. You have the option to choose one and click the Set Featured Image button. Your theme, or a plugin, has an error or is causing a conflict with your featured images working. Twenty Seventeen Header not showing full image - WordPress.com I later deactivated the plugin, but that hasn't made a difference. Topic: Header image does not appear. | WordPress.com Forums We recommend taking a look at his guide to walk you through those steps in detail. Again, the images from Pexels are free, but you must give a linked credit to the photographer, which is automatically inserted when using Pexels through WordPress. WordPress Featured Image Not Showing: Causes and 7 Solutions All of these come into play when highlighting your recent posts and ensuring they look presentable while also displaying your featured images. Uploading massive files to your WordPress site causes performance issues and could put too much of a load on your hosting servers. After all, its difficult to shrink, resize, and crop every image manually you plan to upload. If you switch it to the Thumbnail option, those images shrink slightly and usually become perfect squares. If you find that its missing, follow the next few steps to activate it. Although not all featured image correction plugins complete the same tasks, there are a few that we recommend looking into before trying any drastic changes with your website. Luckily, as WordPress has evolved, the errors have become a little less ambiguous, making it somewhat easier to determine their cause. Its also rather common to adjust the cover to fill the pages full width, making it even more effective to introduce an article or a separator between sections. It could be a good thing but it downgrades the development experience. For instance, if your article has tips on using Instagram, the featured image better have elements that reference Instagram (legal ones, of course), along with creative items that make the article look appealing. Not all themes have the same featured image settings. Make sure the area that says Your homepage displays is set to A Static page. For instance, you could cut down each featured image to 25% of its original size. Each file/page calls the header.php and displays it. Its also a good idea to make adjustments to child themes instead of the core WordPress files. I have experienced similar issues, I exported my post from another website to another new site I am building when I tried importing, it didnt come with the featured images. Another option is to take action with no selected image, like removing a featured image that repeats several times on multiple posts, or if you need to remove all featured images without existing image files. Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. The following screenshot shows a post working well on Facebook since it includes a summary of the post content, with a link, the title, and the featured image. The Ixion theme supports featured images on single Posts and Pages. As promised, three choices appear when uploading an image through a Kinsta-hosted website: Choose one based on whether or not you have your own photos and where theyre stored. No featured image complements the posts when sharing on Facebook. Other times, you may notice that a theme presents a featured image in a different spot than whats expected. The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. Your themes coding often structures the featured image location and formatting. Giving it a new position within the template will also tell WordPress that it should render somewhere else on the frontend. Still, its far easier to know the core approaches to featured images to minimize problems in the first place. However, you may have to update previously published posts for the default featured image to show up on those. You dont have to upload a second version of that same image every time you shareits already pulled from the original content. Consider any WordPress issues that may be causing the problem with your featured image, like conflicts between plugins or a. Or if the featured image fails to show up on social media, but its working fine on your website. Creating a website with stunning content to find that featured images dont show is both frustrating and potentially harmful to your brand. Locate the section titled Actions with a single image. Find the Add Open Graph Meta Data switch and make sure its set to Enabled. Even if they tell you that the image is too big, how do you move on from there? Select the Twitter Cards tab to show the settings to configure your Twitter Card Tags. In those cases, you may go with the first or third options. The featured image may not be in the right place inside the page or post template. Again, check to see if the featured images are showing up after all plugins are deactivated. Its important to test out how the Default Featured Image works on your site. Now, go to Settings > Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags. Featured images dont show up as thumbnails in your lists of posts and pages on the dashboard. You can upload a featured image to every post and page. The image src is the full file path. Each social network has its own display for shared content, but Facebook is a solid starting point considering its the most popular one. To begin, go to your WordPress dashboard. Finding free images for personal and commercial is hard. After that, feel free to drag it up or down on the homepage so that its located in the proper position. Both cover and featured images function in similar ways, providing large photos at the top of posts and pages, yet they have some differences. You can see that two of my posts now have a new featured image, and theyre the same images. Furthermore, an engaging story isnt complete without the introduction, and thats exactly the purpose of a featured image. It results in an image duplication issue like this: Obviously, you dont want this. As a good rule of thumb: If you didnt take the photo yourself or pay for rights, you might not be able to use it. At some point, you may realize that several old posts could use new featured images. Thats a sure-fire way to eliminating legal problems. Make sure the right featured image is selected in the Media Library. Because of this, pasting and Debugging the URL in the Sharing Debugger Tool from Facebook could actually solve your problems altogether. Hence, this issue is exclusive to those using it. Twitter Cards are a little different than Facebook sharing modules, so you can go through these settings to make sure everything looks good. It allows you to swap out several previously listed uploaded featured images, making all of them the same image. This usually means that theres something wrong with the image itself, or you need to allow larger uploads to your WordPress site. We often encounter people who want that featured image and simply thought that the content editor was the place to put it. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. Overall, its best to opt for a plugin that optimizes your images on a third-party server. Then scroll down through the settings. There can be up to 3 different headers (and footers) in a document, or each Section of a document. This way, the thumbnails remain proportional, and you dont see any unexpected cropping effects. It also helps break up the monotony of text and adds life to your content. The Preview button also does the trick for testing a featured image, but the public cant see it until you hit Publish. Just make sure to test your featured images are uploaded and set properly before embarking on more advanced solutions. Type in the new dimensions and click the Scale button. After the plugin is installed and activated, go to Featured Images > Bulk Edit. You have the option to crop the featured image thumbnail to the exact dimensions. The following block of code is what you can insert (or look for) in the functions.php file: Lazy Loading serves as one of the many methods used for optimizing images to improve site performance. Once everything is configured, hit the Publish button. Upon activation, you can go to Code Snippets Header & Footer from your WordPress dashboard. Theres a field for choosing where the image should come from when sharing a post or page to social media. Some of WordPress built-in image editing features include: The Crop tool is usually the most important, so click on that to activate the edit module. Simply, the above code is informing WordPress that if someone opens the page, which is 'about' then WordPress will display a file called header-about.php if it is existing. Honestly, I really dont like the Gutnberg editor. I checked several of your other pages and do not see any with narrower header images like on that page, so I've limited this change to only that specific page by using its unique page id CSS class from the opening body html tag. It is primarily used for replacing featured images in bulk. Stick with landscape sizes over portrait photos. If a featured image isnt assigned to a post, it will show a blank space in its block instead. As always, we recommend backing up your WordPress site before making edits to the code. To begin, go to your WordPress dashboard. If the problem isnt fixed, proceed to deactivate all plugins. Maybe you encounter one of the following: Luckily, WordPress already includes a wide range of photo editing tools for you to ensure the featured image looks professional. 2 Answers. Unfortunately, you discover that the featured image doesnt look quite as nice as you had hoped it would. Its separate from the main content. So after a serious research, I realized that, I need to export both post and media as well. You can do this by simply asking the theme developer, reading the documentation, or going to the functions.php file. Kind Regards, Skandha. Its used to show the start of a new section or an article. The only thing to do next is to review and publish the post. The most important piece of image metadata is its Alt Text, which can be found by opening your featured image in the Media Library. Click the featured image thumbnail to access its various settings. Wrong file permission or ownership. For instance, you could add or remove items like tags, categories, and the author. You can search for the Cover block or scroll through the library to find it. Scroll down to find a new field called Default Featured Image. The most important option right now is the Include Image field. An image optimization plugin does much of the work for you, ensuring that your featured images actually show up and dont slow down your website. Begin by installing and activating the Default Featured Image plugin. Once thats all said and done, click on the Debug button to process all URLs in the list and make it so that the featured images, and all other relevant post data, appear when shared on Facebook. I have created several files/pages, such as; index.php, front-page.php, page-about.php and single.php for example. WordPress not showing images in all browsers - Stack Overflow However, only the front-page.php file shows the image. As you can see, the two posts shown from before had their featured images swapped out by the one I had wanted. Though theres no recommended size for a WordPress featured image, we suggest starting with 1200 x 628 pixels. It promises to make the featured image upload process a little easier for website owners. However, Lazy Loading often causes problems with featured images since some Lazy Loading plugins treat featured images as regular images. The plugin is lightweight and doesnt offer any other features, making it ideal for those not interested in anything besides fixing the Open Graph issue. Fix wordpress images missing after migration easily - Bobcares Upload the image here and click the Save button. This allows you to type in new dimensions, both the width and height, so that the already uploaded featured image shrinks. Therefore, I am trying to use the custom field name "header_image with the value using the the correct url. A lazy loading plugin may be preventing the featured image from showing up or loading quickly. Your theme layout does not support featured images. You would usually find the featured image right below the title and above the first line. Thats because theres no need to activate an Open Graph plugin with Kinsta. The featured image has its own section for uploading, away from the content editor. It greatly benefits the website by turning what could very well be a dull website into something beautiful. Deleted all plugins. This tells us the plugin is doing its job by adding the default featured image to the right posts and leaving out the ones that already have featured images. You may be having trouble uploading the featured image the right way. Another way to use featured images is by listing a feed of your blog posts on your sites homepage (or any other page). You must host the image in a third-party location and ensure that it will be hosted there for the future. The Default Featured Image plugin offers a simple way to override all instances where a featured image is not set for a page or post. Featured images often carry the weight of your websites visual appeal. Scaling a photo up is a big no-no. Get a personalized demo of our powerful dashboard and hosting features. Another specific Open Graph module from this plugin is for Twitter. If youre having problems with the SEO plugins discussed above, or you simply dont plan on using an SEO plugin (and therefore, dont have access to a quick Open Graph activation button), there are a few other options to activate Open Graph. An easy way to see if the Open Graph code is activated on your site is by utilizing an SEO plugin. The thumbnail images arent showing up as the right sizes. We recommend solutions like Optimoleand Imagify. This means you can upload several featured images and choose which one of them gets shown on different parts of your website. To move forward and see the featured image in action, click the Publish button. Click the Preview Filtering button to see which bulk replacements will occur. No matter the reason, you may find that your WordPress theme doesnt offer support for standard featured images. It eliminates a significant amount of manual upload work that could be waiting for you. In some cases, you will have to upgrade to a bigger hosting plan that offers more resources for your site. Try to set the images as featured images for the Posts and the pages. Simply select the image by clicking on it, and then click on alignment button from the block toolbar. How to Remove the Header in WordPress (3 Methods) If you find yourself in this situation, we recommend returning to the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool and clicking on the Batch Invalidator option. Once on the Developers Debug Tool page, find the Sharing Debugger tab, and paste the URL in question. After that, youre able to insert the new version of that image into a post, page, as a featured image, or wherever you want it to show on your site. Many image optimization plugins offer lazy loading functionality as an add-on. Think about installing a plugin that resolves problems for featured images without you having to do much work. If the featured image is showing on Facebook, then theres a good chance it also appears on other social sites. Every hosted image, including featured images, has metadata crawled by the search engines to figure out what your post or page is all about. You may also want to set a Default Image URL to appear if a post doesnt have a featured image assigned to it. As an alternative, its often a better idea to leave the Crop Thumbnail box unchecked, so the Thumbnail dimensions are used as more of a guideline. But, several systems (about 25% of known systems) don't show the images, only a blank rectangle with a small image icon in the center. Click on the Select Default Featured Image button. The featured image also appears in the embeds when a post or page is shared on social media sites. You can also do this with pages or click on the All Posts option if you're interested in adding a featured image to a previously generated post. However, plugin conflicts are a different story. Rather, quickly explain whats in the picture and potentially add the keyword to boost your rankings. A cover image, or any image placed in an articles content area, wont show up elsewhere (like in a Recent Posts list) as the featured image. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions about featured images or problems with WordPress featured images. The Add Block button looks like a + sign. Incorrect references in image URLs. For example, you might complete an action with multiple pages. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. Whether youre overriding existing featured images or trying to fix ones that werent existent in the first place, the Quick Featured Images plugin does the trick for all of that. This is particularly important if youre highlighting your recent posts on the homepage. Set the selected image as the new featured image. Therefore, it serves as a backup to the real featured image field, just in case you forget to upload the featured image but still want something to show up. Therefore, we recommend using tools for cropping, compressing, and resizing before opting to increase your PHP memory limit. Its a must-read to speed up your WordPress site. We usually recommend editing an image before uploading it as a featured image (third-party editing tools have more advanced features). To remove that image block, click on the three-dot icon after selecting the image block. However, with the Default Featured Image plugin active, all you have to do is click on the posts Update button. Your dashboard settings could have the featured image fields completely turned off. The new dimensions are also listed on the right side of the pop-up window. Thats because having four columns will require having much more space (and smaller images) than a block with two or three columns. Both can be accessed and implemented by going to the Posts or Pages menus and creating a new item or visiting an old page or post. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. Here's the definitive guide to fix WordPress featured image not showing properly on your site , reach out to your current hosting provider, reading our guide on WordPress user roles, cut this piece of code and paste it somewhere else, Kinsta bans the majority of Open Graph plugins, The Ultimate Guide to Fixing and Troubleshooting the Most Common WordPress Errors (70+ Issues), Visual Content Strategy: How to Use Visuals to Get More Traffic, 10 Stunning Places to Find Free Images For WordPress. However, if you right click this rectangle and choose 'View image', the correct image is shown. The featured image field is missing when youre trying to edit or create a page or post. I suggest you to upgrade to pro. Why does an image in "header.php" only display in one page? I don't understand why the image only works in . Yet, leaving your larger, high-resolution photos in their original formats will surely cause loading problems. This means you must make a page and assign it as the Homepage in the WordPress Reading settings. To adjust the location of a featured image, go to the page or post template being used. Remove the selected image as the featured image. This is the only section of the dashboard that gets changed by the Default Featured Image plugin. Incorrect permalink setup. Here, youll see a Progress Bar at the top of the page. I don't think I've changed anything in setting to cause this. This is a frustrating one because its a simple setting in the dashboard that tells WordPress to either show the Featured Image section or not. Click the Choose Image button to proceed. That means only those images will get replaced by the new image. As an alternative, the Media Library also has a tab to Upload Files, where you select from the files on your computer and upload them to your WordPress Media Library. Why WordPress Images Aren't Showing and How to Fix them The reason it shows on that page is because the header image has white areas on the left and right. Note: You can upload WordPress featured images to posts and pages, but that basic rule expands once you start adding things like WooCommerce product pages and custom post types. Post thumbnails are what featured images used to be called in WordPress from its early days. Select one of your blog posts that dont already have a featured image. You can reach out to your current hosting provider and ask them to expand the PHP limit. Did we miss anything important? This step involves choosing the image youd like to have shown as the new featured image for a few of your current posts or pages. The first problem arises when you cant see the featured image thumbnails in your list of pages or posts. You can also test this out for the other social networks like Twitter and Pinterest. There are several steps you can take to mitigate the problems: Thats a simple three-step process, but theres much more detail behind fixing your featured images. You may have to switch it from Page to Block. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the communications received. Header image not showing on homepage | WordPress.org It would be troubling and potentially illegal to simply search for an image online, take its URL, and use the image for your featured image, as you do not know where the image URL is hosted. You can also configure settings to have a default Post Image Source, like pulling the first image from a post or going with the Featured Image. A thumbnail of the image you go with shows up under the Featured Image panel in your Post Settings. Header not showing on following pages in Word 2016 Still, WordPress provides simple editing features which may prove easier for some users, or for those who want to edit featured images that have already been uploaded to WordPress. Wordpress Header Not Showing on Sub Pages If you see the same photo under the Featured Image tab and in your content, thats causing the problem! It helps with cleaning out those posts where you forgot to add a featured image or, at some point, removed it due to the original featured image not holding up to your standards. The plugin also has a wonderful native search engine that pulls from places like Google, Pixabay, and Unsplash. Go to the post in question, click on the Share to Facebook link, and see if the featured image appears in the pop-up window.
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