five positive effects of colonization in ghana

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This post may contain affiliate links. like Lenin formed an unlikely consensus with colonial administrators in believing that European colonization would have very positive effects on African economic development. That notwithstanding, it does not override the fact that colonialism had negative impacts too. Leaders who failed to follow the rules of the colonial masters were deported and sometimes killed. The sustained wars waged against states like Asante to rule them and the deportation of chiefs (e.g. WHAT WERE THE EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN PRESENCE IN GHANA? Colonialism has a long history, with the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Persians all establishing colonies across their empires. Peachy Essay, registered as PEACHY ESSAY LLC (company number 000950125) 30 N Gould St Ste N, Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801, US: a professional writing service that provides original papers. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. It was basically to enable African learn how to Read and write the language of the colonial masters. 4. Also, colonialism reduced the prestige that was given to many African leaders. A revolution in Ghanaian history was initiated by the establishment of direct sea trade with Europe following the arrival on the coast of Portuguese mariners in 1471. Reduced Poverty Gap. Speaking on behalf of Secretary-General Antnio Guterres, he also reminded the participants of the challenges which face the so-called Non-Self . Colonial powers often built governance structures in the regions they governed, which may benefit political stability. In 1956 the trust territory of British Togoland (see Togoland) chose by United Nations plebiscite to integrate with the Gold Coast. Many other social activities were also introduced during the colonization period, many social infrastructure and amenities were raised. The new wealth, tools and arms, and techniques and ideas introduced through close contact with Europeans initiated political and social as well as economic changes. In this tutorial on the History of Ghana and West Africa at large, I will give you straightforward points to assist you to answer any History question on the effects of the coming of Europeans to Ghana and the rest of West Africa. The colonial masters literally controlled the leaders through threat and humiliation. university courses After that, you can then look at the negative political effects of the European presence in Ghana and West Africa. While writing on colonization in Africa, it is evident that in this period binderies were drawn and walls were built in the mind of Africans regarding many factors that come into play and what they know before and what they learned during this era. Others, on the other hand, highlight the negative repercussions and injustices done to indigenous peoples and civilizations. It is also worth mentioning that many previously colonized nations experience economic issues due to their colonial past, such as debt and a lack of economic self-sufficiency. When a nation is colonized, it loses its sovereignty and the power to define its fate. Kindly watch the video below for more on the positive and negative effects of Colonialism in Africa: In conclusion, i must say that the era of colonialism in West Africa wasnt really a period of unmitigated disaster. The effects of European presence in Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone and other parts of Africa were both positive and negative. Where there doesn't/didn't appear to be anyone in charge or ruling. Poor education system: Apparently, the system of government introduced by colonial masters to Africa wasnt as good as foreign education system. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This was the Ashanti tribe and they kept on selling slaves to other European countries where slave trade was still legal. However, it is crucial to note that these advancements were often unequally distributed, with colonial elites having greater access to education and healthcare than the average populace. We'll get it done. In Nigeria for instance, political parties like NCNC, UPC, NNDP, AG etc, were established to stand against colonialism in the country. From what we have discussed so far, it is apparent that colonialism also had positive effects in Africa. The British colonizers tried to control . As founder and director at CEGAST, he has successfully coached thousands of students in English, Literature, and related subjects for major international examinations. In 1482, the Portuguese built a fort called Fort St George at Elmina. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. In Southeast Asia, colonialism did have the positive effect of European investment and construction of canals and irrigation systems. Finally, the benefits and drawbacks of colonialism are complicated and nuanced subjects with arguments on both sides. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals -- often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. Government schools typically focused on training for low-level civil service occupations. It divided Africa into French speaking countries and English speaking countries and that is one of the major problems of the Economic Commission of West Africa States (ECOWAS). Prempeh I) stifled the development of native political institutions. We shall first look at the positive effects of European presence in Ghana. Some of the negative impacts that are associated with colonization include; degradation of natural resources, capitalist, urbanization, introduction of foreign diseases to livestock and humans. Therefore, all our works will be submitted with a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report. Senior High School Literature He drew attention to new working methods, that allow the Committee to hear first from the territories before considering related resolutions. senior high school English The teaching and training Africans were given was one of the hardest training. These effects of European presence in Ghana were social, political, economic and linguistic, among many others. The new wealth, tools and arms, and techniques and ideas introduced through close contact with Europeans initiated political and social as well as economic changes. But this was hardly the result of deliberate policy. Colonizing nations could take significant resources and wealth from colonial lands, which aided their economies and accelerated industrialization. The argument for reparations and restitution for colonial misdeeds is also an essential and continuing subject. For example, some of the African countries used traditional methods of farming which were ineffective and hindered their development (Allison 2012). practised by some tribes were abolished. For instance, Nigeria is a country that has over five hundred different languages, and each tribe considered its language superior to other tribes, thereby leading to disunity. A foreign power dominates a nation or area to take resources and income. In this way many of his poems show this conflict between feeling coconut, onion, garden eggs, okro, rice, cocoyam, (from Asia); cassava, sweet potatoes, maize peanuts or groundnuts, pawpaw, pineapple, guava, oranges, melons (from Europe), 6. Frank Ogodo Ogbeche Over time, colonizers often came to prefer certain ethnic groups in a colony over others, reinforcing or even exacerbating ancient ethnic tensions. Your Peachy Essay purchase is secure and we're rated 4.5/5. Their natural way and social ways were uttered and were converted to the technological approach which was not so before the colonization of the countries. Development of morden transport and communication systems: Majority of the celebrated technologies that has helped to make transportation easy in Nigeria and other parts of Africa were put in place by the colonial masters. : i. Johannes Zimmerman Ga, ii. History Dissertation Help Many of the structured and practices that were seen in most African countries is a similitude to the British country that colonized them. Information on the effects of colonization. What are the Effects of colonialism on Ghana? They arrived at the coast of Shama in 1471. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cegastacademy_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',609,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cegastacademy_com-leader-2-0');SEE ASLO: Top 7 Reasons for the Colonization of Africa. The new centres of trade thus established were much more accessible than were the Sudanese emporia, and this, coupled with the greater capacity and efficiency of the sea-borne trade compared with the ancient overland routes, gradually brought about the reversal of the direction of the trade flow. Nkrumahs administration, the 1966 coup, and the return to civilian rule, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Which Country Is Larger By Population? He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. This was the case in Africa until some educated Nigerian nationalists started to enlighten the people and oppose the government. As Europeans moved beyond exploration and into colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people, from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. Take a quick look at the major positive effects of the coming of the Europeans to Ghana and the rest of Africa. The ever-increasing assimilation of European ways by the people on the Gold Coast had already made possible there the introduction of such organs of government as a legislative council (1850) and a supreme court (1853), but for many years Asante and the Northern Territories remained the sole responsibility of the governor, whose officials were from the 1920s onward encouraged to work with and through the authorities of the indigenous states. Forts and Castles: These were built as warehouses and for security. Is there any Impacts Of Colonialism In Africa either positive or negative, the answer to this question is clear, as it takes only people who do not know what colonialism is all about and how it begins to argue there is no footage of this act left behind and well written in the wall of all Africa countries today. Works Cited Boahen, Amos. There are some ancient and historical elements and artifacts that were stolen from Africa countries and taken to the British Museum. colonialism in St. Lucia, where he grew up. sorrow for the fate of the island and showing understanding of the A man identified as Oumar, who was at risk of statelessness, holds his father's identity card from French colonial times. Conclusion. While they were in charge and at the helms of Africa affairs, some of the decision taken was not in favor of Africa, some of the decision is taken without the consent of Africa, some of the decision were not useful to the nation of Africa and some are malicious decision that is still affecting most Africa nation up to today. After independence, they have served as the seat of government (Christiansburg Castle at Osu until recently), Prisons (Ussher fort) and Museum (Elmina Castle) 2. government questions Besides, through colonization, there was an improvement in the African infrastructures. very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of This might benefit people who feel Western culture and values are better since they enable these ideals to spread to other regions. Nevertheless, the negative might be what Africa has not recovered from and might not recover from, but the same thing goes down to the positive aspect of it, it is only reversible if better options come up. Also, the spread of religion helped in empowering the girl-child and eliminating the discrimination in the treatment of different genders. Government & Politics We are a strong believer in academic integrity and have a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. Essay Writers for Hire 50 Pros and Cons of Being a Guardian Dog Owner, 33 Pros and Cons of Free Education: A Comprehensive Guide, Economic advantages for conquering countries, Colonialism often spread Western culture, including language, religion, and notions about government and democracy, Infrastructure development in colonized countries, Colonialism also introduced modern medicine and education to many regions of the globe, Democratic ideas and practices were fostered in several conquered nations due to colonialism, Some claim that colonialism protected them from external dangers since the colonizing power often served as a military defender for the colonized region, The exploitation of natural resources and labor, Suppression of indigenous cultures and traditions, As the colonizing state strove to impose its beliefs and ways of life on the conquered people, 20 Intriguing Pros and Cons of Becoming a State National, Pros And Cons Of Higher Education For Police Officers. The introduction of a central bank which supplied all the French colonies the same currency helped to promote inter-state trade among the colonies. Due to colonialism, new technology was introduced to conquered nations, which may be a healthy development. Accordingly, the difference countries which colonized Africa also caused disunity in some way. The establishment of colonial rule over the African interior (c. 1880-1900) reinforced Africa's commodity export growth. The legacy of colonialism may have long-term consequences for colonized nations, such as economic inequality and continuing political and social challenges. Today we see many Africa countries that cannot exist without the British Government. For example, the older railroads in Uganda were constructed by the British colonizers. Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) find that dummy variables for colonial origin have a jointly insignificant effect on per capita income, while Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson and Yared (2007) Introduction of money currency: Trade by Barter was the only way of transacting in Africa until the introduction of colonialism. Importance of the Study of African History Methods and Sources, Top 6 Achievements of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), Objectives and Achievements of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP).

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five positive effects of colonization in ghana