probability of exceedance and return period earthquake

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Earthquake Parameters. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test statistics is defined by, D . So, if we want to calculate the chances for a 100-year flood (a table value of p = 0.01) over a 30-year time period (in other words, n = 30), we can then use these values in the . . [4]:12[5][failed verification]. The probability of capacity Nepal has a long history of numerous earthquakes and has experienced great earthquakes in the past two centuries with moment magnitudes Mw = 7 and greater. years containing one or more events exceeding the specified AEP. ^ A 5-year return interval is the average number of years between ( ^ = (8). e . n the designer will seek to estimate the flow volume and duration Critical damping is the least value of damping for which the damping prevents oscillation. There is a statistical statement that on an average, a 10 years event will appear once every ten years and the same process may be true for 100 year event. There are several ways to express AEP. engineer should not overemphasize the accuracy of the computed discharges. ) = Duration also plays a role in damage, and some argue that duration-related damage is not well-represented by response parameters. Aa was called "Effective Peak Acceleration.". The other significant measure of discrepancy is the generalized Pearson Chi Square statistics, which is given by, 4-1. Recurrence Interval (ARI). Anchor: #i1080498 Table 4-1: Three Ways to Describe Probability of . t 2 These parameters are called the Effective Peak Acceleration (EPA), Aa, and the Effective Peak Velocity (EPV), Av. FEMA or other agencies may require reporting more significant digits An EP curve marked to show a 1% probability of having losses of USD 100 million or greater each year. This decrease in size of oscillation we call damping. The study = e That is disfavoured because each year does not represent an independent Bernoulli trial but is an arbitrary measure of time. If we look at this particle seismic record we can identify the maximum displacement. scale. . flow value corresponding to the design AEP. The probability of exceedance of magnitude 6 or lower is 100% in the next 10 years. W = 0 T These ( As a result, the oscillation steadily decreases in size, until the mass-rod system is at rest again. . The 1-p is 0.99, and .9930 is 0.74. G2 is also called likelihood ratio statistic and is defined as, G Some researchers believed that the most analysis of seismic hazards is sensitive to inaccuracies in the earthquake catalogue. It demonstrates the values of AIC, and BIC for model selection which are reasonably smaller for the GPR model than the normal and GNBR. t = design life = 50 years ts = return period = 450 years For earthquakes, there are several ways to measure how far away it is. = Raymond, Montgomery, Vining, & Robinson, 2010; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. viii 2 For example, the Los Angeles Ordinance Retrofit program [11] requires the retrofitting component to be designed for 75% of the 500-year (more precisely 475-year) return period earthquake hazard. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 28(10): 737-752. For Poisson regression, the deviance is G2, which is minus twice the log likelihood ratio. The broadened areas were denominated Av for "Effective Peak Velocity-Related Acceleration" for design for longer-period buildings, and a separate map drawn for this parameter. While this can be thought of as the average rate of exceedance over the long term, it is more accurate to say "this loss has a 1 in 100 chance of being . The recurrence interval, or return period, may be the average time period between earthquake occurrences on the fault or perhaps in a resource zone. The EPA is proportional to spectral ordinates for periods in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 seconds, while the EPV is proportional to spectral ordinates at a period of about 1 second . Steps for calculating the total annual probability of exceedance for a PGA of 0.97% from all three faults, (a) Annual probability of exceedance (0.000086) for PGA of 0.97% from the earthquake on fault A is equal to the annual rate (0.01) times the probability (0.0086, solid area) that PGA would exceed 0.97%. {\displaystyle ={n+1 \over m}}, For floods, the event may be measured in terms of m3/s or height; for storm surges, in terms of the height of the surge, and similarly for other events. If stage is primarily dependent on flow rate, as is the case It is also intended to estimate the probability of an earthquake occurrence and its return periods of occurring earthquakes in the future t years using GR relationship and compared with the Poisson model. Zone maps numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., are no longer used for several reasons: Older (1994, 1997) versions of the UBC code may be available at a local or university library. The exceedance probability may be formulated simply as the inverse of the return period. = Figure 2 demonstrates the probability of earthquake occurrence (%) for different time periods in years using GR and GPR models. After selecting the model, the unknown parameters have to be estimated. The value of exceedance probability of each return period Return period (years) Exceedance probability 500 0.0952 2500 0.0198 10000 0.0050 The result of PSHA analysis is in the form of seismic hazard curves from the Kedung Ombo Dam as presented in Fig. criterion and Bayesian information criterion, generalized Poisson regression ) The most logical interpretation for this is to take the return period as the counting rate in a Poisson distribution since it is the expectation value of the rate of occurrences. The return n . The Durbin Watson test is used to measure the autocorrelation in residuals from regression analysis. M Probability of exceedance (%) and return period using GR model. curve as illustrated in Figure 4-1. The earthquake is the supreme terrifying and harsh phenomena of nature that can do significant damages to infrastructure and cause the death of people. The formula is, Consequently, the probability of exceedance (i.e. Figure 1. 1 Table 6 displays the estimated parameters in the generalized Poisson regression model and is given by lnN = 15.06 2.04M, where, lnN is the response variable. ) ( Also, other things being equal, older buildings are more vulnerable than new ones.). regression model and compared with the Gutenberg-Richter model. ) The same approximation can be used for r = 0.20, with the true answer about one percent smaller. n 1-30 Seismic Rehabilitation Prestandard FEMA 356 Chapter 1: Rehabilitation Requirements where: and the mean return period, P R, at the desired exceedance probability shall be calculated from Equation (1-2): (1-2) where P EY is the probability of exceedance (expressed as a decimal) in time Y (years) for the desired earthquake hazard level. For example in buildings as you have mentioned, there was a time when we were using PGA with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (475 years return period) as a primary measure of seismic hazard for design, then from 2000 onwards we moved to 2/3 of MCE (where MCE was defined as an event with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years . n be reported to whole numbers for cfs values or at most tenths (e.g. 0 Whereas, flows for larger areas like streams may A typical shorthand to describe these ground motions is to say that they are 475-year return-period ground motions. 2 She spent nine years working in laboratory and clinical research. Answer:No. Note that the smaller the m, the larger . Exceedance probability is used to apprehend flow distribution into reservoirs. i It can also be perceived that the data is positively skewed and lacks symmetry; and thus the normality assumption has been severely violated. (13). E[N(t)] = l t = t/m. First, the UBC took one of those two maps and converted it into zones. 1 , The random element Y has an independent normal distribution with constant variance 2 and E(Y) = i. y This conclusion will be illustrated by using an approximate rule-of-thumb for calculating Return Period (RP). ( {\displaystyle T} If location, scale and shape parameters are estimated from the available data, the critical region of this test is no longer valid (Gerald, 2012) . ) A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. There is a little evidence of failure of earthquake prediction, but this does not deny the need to look forward and decrease the hazard and loss of life (Nava, Herrera, Frez, & Glowacka, 2005) . ] 2 Often that is a close approximation, in which case the probabilities yielded by this formula hold approximately. "Probability analysis of return period of daily maximum rainfall in annual data set of Ludhiana, Punjab",, Articles with failed verification from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 02:44. y ^ i 10 In GR model, the probability of earthquake occurrence of at least one earthquake of magnitude 7.5 in the next 10 years is 26% and the magnitude 6.5 is 90%. Tidal datums and exceedance probability levels . When the damping is large enough, there is no oscillation and the mass-rod system takes a long time to return to vertical. (9). Small ground motions are relatively likely, large ground motions are very unlikely.Beginning with the largest ground motions and proceeding to smaller, we add up probabilities until we arrive at a total probability corresponding to a given probability, P, in a particular period of time, T. The probability P comes from ground motions larger than the ground motion at which we stopped adding. 1 the 1% AEP event. Look for papers with author/coauthor J.C. Tinsley. / (design earthquake) (McGuire, 1995) . 1 The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Note that for any event with return period to be provided by a hydraulic structure. This is older work and may not necessarily be more accurate than the CDMG state map for estimating geologic site response. probability of occurrence (known as an exceedance curve) and selecting a return period which it is believed will deliver an adequate level of safety. This study suggests that the probability of earthquake occurrence produced by both the models is close to each other. Probability of a recurrence interval being greater than time t. Probability of one or more landslides during time t (exceedance probability) Note. That is, the probability of no earthquakes with M>5 in a few-year period is or should be virtually unaffected by the declustering process. (MHHW) or mean lower low water (MLLW) datums established by CO-OPS. Answer: Let r = 0.10. + The number of occurrence of earthquakes (n) is a count data and the parametric statistics for central tendency, mean = 26 and median = 6 are calculated. , (7), The number of years, in an average, an earthquake occurs with magnitude M is given by, T to create exaggerated results. for expressing probability of exceedance, there are instances in To do this, we . L ) The result is displayed in Table 2. Likewise, the return periods obtained from both the models are slightly close to each other. n (11.3.1). Probability of Exceedance for Different. If the probability assessment used a cutoff distance of 50 km, for example, and used hypocentral distance rather than epicentral, these deep Puget Sound earthquakes would be omitted, thereby yielding a much lower value for the probability forecast. Thirteen seismologists were invited to smooth the probabilistic peak acceleration map, taking into account other regional maps and their own regional knowledge. (5). i 1 1 For example, flows computed for small areas like inlets should typically In order to obtain the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) scaled records with 2500-year return period, standing for the earthquake having 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, a factor of 1.8 is required to be multiplied by the ULS scaled factor as per NZS1170.5 [20]. Empirical result indicates probability and rate of an earthquake recurrence time with a certain magnitude and in a certain time. However, it is very important to understand that the estimated probability of an earthquake occurrence and return period are statistical predicted values, calculated from a set of earthquake data of Nepal. The primary reason for declustering is to get the best possible estimate for the rate of mainshocks. Dianne features science as well as writing topics on her website, The very severe limitation of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test is that the distribution must be fully specified, i.e. Similarly, in GPR model, the probability of earthquake occurrence of at least one earthquake of magnitude 7.5 in the next 10 years is 27% and the magnitude 6.5 is 91%. log The USGS 1976 probabilistic ground motion map was considered. N The Anderson Darling test is not available in SPSS version 23 and hence it is calculated using Anderson Darling normality test calculator for excel. Our findings raise numerous questions about our ability to . ^ 4 ) When very high frequencies are present in the ground motion, the EPA may be significantly less than the peak acceleration. e The earthquake of magnitude 7.8 Mw, called Gorkha Earthquake, hit at Barpark located 82 kilometers northwest of Nepals capital of Kathmandu affecting millions of citizens (USGS, 2016) . in a free-flowing channel, then the designer will estimate the peak = a' log(t) = 4.82. Return period and/or exceedance probability are plotted on the x-axis. a {\displaystyle r} In order to check the distribution of the transformed variable, first of all Kolmogorov Smirnov test is applied. ) Further research can be conducted considering other rational earthquake hazard parameters for different regions that are prone to earthquake occurrence. This means the same as saying that these ground motions have an annual probability of occurrence of 1/475 per year. Exceedance probability can be calculated with this equation: If you need to express (P) as a percent, you can use: In this equation, (P) represents the percent (%) probability that a given flow will be equaled or exceeded; (m) represents the rank of the inflow value, with 1 being the largest possible value. conditions and 1052 cfs for proposed conditions, should not translate m The GPR relation obtai ned is ln 1 The probability of exceedance using the GR model is found to be less than the results obtained from the GPR model for magnitude higher than 6.0. through the design flow as it rises and falls. This is not so for peak ground parameters, and this fact argues that SA ought to be significantly better as an index to demand/design than peak ground motion parameters. A region on a map in which a common level of seismic design is required. One would like to be able to interpret the return period in probabilistic models. The small value of the D-W score (0.596 < 2) indicates a positive first order autocorrelation, which is assumed to be a common occurrence in this case. ( According to the results, it is observed that logN and lnN can be considered as dependent variables for Gutenberg-Richter model and generalized Poisson regression model or negative binomial regression model respectively. in such a way that = ( 2 The procedures of model fitting are 1) model selection 2) parameter estimation and 3) prediction of future values (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989; Kokonendji, 2014) . p. 298. , log The return period for a 10-year event is 10 years. AEP However, it is not clear how to relate velocity to force in order to design a taller building. more significant digits to show minimal change may be preferred. The frequency magnitude relationship of the earthquake data of Nepal modelled with the Gutenberg Richter (GR) model is logN= 6.532 0.887M and with generalized Poisson regression (GPR) model is lnN = 15.06 2.04M. The model provides the important parameters of the earthquake such as. The peak discharges determined by analytical methods are approximations. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, (Fabozzi, Focardi, Rachev, Arshanapalli, & Markus, 2014). USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards . Q50=3,200 When hydrologists refer to 100-year floods, they do not mean a flood occurs once every 100 years. Q10), plot axes generated by statistical the probability of an event "stronger" than the event with return period . n , y As an example, a building might be designed to withstand ground motions imparted by earthquakes with a return period of 2,500 years as mandated by relevant design codes.2-For a ground motion with an associated average return period, the annual probability of exceedance is simply the inverse of the average return period. ". The dependent variable yi is a count (number of earthquake occurrence), such that Parameter estimation for generalized Poisson regression model. against, or prevent, high stages; resulting from the design AEP This process is explained in the ATC-3 document referenced below, (p 297-302). Model selection criterion for GLM. = years. the exposure period, the number of years that the site of interest (and the construction on it) will be exposed to the risk of earthquakes. "In developing the design provisions, two parameters were used to characterize the intensity of design ground shaking. ) The relationship between the return period Tr, the lifetime of the structure, TL, and the probability of exceedance of earthquakes with a magnitude m greater than M, P[m > M, TL], is plotted in Fig. Choose a ground motion parameter according to the above principles. This data is key for water managers and planners in designing reservoirs and bridges, and determining water quality of streams and habitat requirements. Effective peak acceleration could be some factor lower than peak acceleration for those earthquakes for which the peak accelerations occur as short-period spikes. 0.0043 . The AEP scale ranges from 100% to 0% (shown in Figure 4-1 Turker and Bayrak (2016) estimated an earthquake occurrence probability and the return period in ten regions of Turkey using the Gutenberg Richter model and the Poisson model. Konsuk and Aktas (2013) analyzed that the magnitude random variable is distributed as the exponential distribution. The devastating earthquake included about 9000 fatalities, 23,000 injuries, more than 500,000 destroyed houses, and 270,000 damaged houses (Lamb & Jones, 2012; NPC, 2015) . Care should be taken to not allow rounding . In a real system, the rod has stiffness which not only contributes to the natural period (the stiffer the rod, the shorter the period of oscillation), but also dissipates energy as it bends. For any given site on the map, the computer calculates the ground motion effect (peak acceleration) at the site for all the earthquake locations and magnitudes believed possible in the vicinity of the site. a The probability of exceedance in 10 years with magnitude 7.6 for GR and GPR models is 22% and 23% and the return periods are 40.47 years and 38.99 years respectively. The lower amount corresponds to the 25%ile (75% probability of exceedance) of the forecast distribution, and the upper amount is the amount that corresponds to the 75%ile (25% probability of exceedance) of the forecast distribution. In our question about response acceleration, we used a simple physical modela particle mass on a mass-less vertical rod to explain natural period. How we talk about flooding probabilities The terms AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability) and ARI (Average Recurrence Interval) describe the probability of a flow of a certain size occurring in any river or stream. The fatality figures were the highest for any recorded earthquake in the history of Nepal (MoHA & DP Net, 2015; MoUD, 2016) . The return periods from GPR model are moderately smaller than that of GR model. Scenario Upper Loss (SUL): Defined as the Scenario Loss (SL) that has a 10% probability of; exceedance due to the specified earthquake ground motion of the scenario considered. A single map cannot properly display hazard for all probabilities or for all types of buildings. Example: "The New Madrid Seismic Zone.". i i = The TxDOT preferred n ) What is the probability it will be exceeded in 500 years? cfs rather than 3,217 cfs). = . . The same approximation can be used for r = 0.20, with the true answer about one percent smaller. = t Solving for r2*, and letting T1=50 and T2=500,r2* = r1*(500/50) = .0021(500) = 1.05.Take half this value = 0.525. r2 = 1.05/(1.525) = 0.69.Stop now. {\displaystyle \mu =1/T} For example, if a river reaches a flood stage of several feet one time in 100 years, there is a 1 percent chance of such a flood in any given year. 1 ) ( i 1 1 i It states that the logarithm of the frequency is linearly dependent on the magnitude of the earthquake. The spectrum estimated in Standard 2800 is based on 10 percent probability of exceedance within a 50-year period with a Return period of 475 years. design engineer should consider a reasonable number of significant Seasonal Variation of Exceedance Probability Levels 9410170 San Diego, CA. i (1). Photo by Jean-Daniel Calame on Unsplash. ) Several cities in the western U.S. have experienced significant damage from earthquakes with hypocentral depth greater than 50 km. (To get the annual probability in percent, multiply by 100.) Because of these zone boundary changes, the zones do not have a deeper seismological meaning and render the maps meaningless for applications other than building codes. Exceedance Probability = 1/(Loss Return Period) Figure 1. acceptable levels of protection against severe low-probability earthquakes.

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probability of exceedance and return period earthquake