How to Receive the Mantle God Has Destined for You - Enliven Publishing God positions you with people and leaders that He wants you to serve now. 1. So here you have it, the physical manifestation of the anointing and mantle on his life, which is proof that while they may have stolen the physical mantle, spiritually nothing changed! Serve them online. Ill like to add that One of the great things that this Solomon mantle give is FREEDOM & TIME!. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Solomon on the other hand never had to go through any of that and because everything was handed to him, it was harder for him to stay on track. Lust of the flesh. This is what the Sovereign of the UK wears and when she passes that mantle it will go to the next person (we think Prince Charles) and he will begin to wear it. Thank you for this post. It is a mantle for a season that the world and the church must go through. Verse Concepts. Samuel didnt even know who he was anointing when He went to Jesses house. Lol. And, He says No, there is no darkness in this. God brings about opportunities where we can minister to people and use our gifts. I texted him back telling him some nonsense about dis-ease, but he didnt reply back. Why WOULDNT you want to do that? You dont get to choose your mantle. Meaning, the next level up. 3. The first two were: Mantles and Anointing, this is where you should start so you can get a foundation in order to understand what you will read here and. They have financial troubles. You have to die to yourself. He was. Here was Davids response to that, 2 Samuel 1:14-16 (NKJV) 14So David said to him, How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lords anointed? 15Then David called one of the young men and said, Go near, and execute him! And he struck him so that he died. Thank you for writing on this matter. Good day I dont think Ive ever met someone with this anointing that people didnt like. We know that Solomon was tasked to build the temple. Some get one or two mantles with even more power or resemblance and some will get the mantle of one prophet and will be used by The Holy Spirit as vessels to manifest great anointing and power. prophets garment, robe. It made me to reflect on my life so far and has made me to understand most of the warfare that I have experienced. I just feel like its nice to read about others who smelled aromas and had dreams or even insights that almost made me think I was like God. Ease to carry out assignments. This is another reason they stand out. Why did God leave him there for 2 years? So what do you do? And the ministry God has for you will be above and beyond anything you could ever have dreamed. Again, God had not forgotten about him and made a way so that he could be standing in front of the Pharaoh 2 years later to interpret a dream that no one else could. Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). The Biblical oils used are ALMOND representing Spirit-filled life & power, BALSAM representing bringing healing through edification, exhortation and comfort. How can we receive the mantle God has ordained for us? It started before the election of 2016 bc of the bullying I got bc I didnt care for a man saying grab them by_______ bc I didnt trust men at that point bc they dont respect or protect women as much as they try to control or silence our voices bc we are a weaker vessel. I love children but dont have any so Im being a teacher as a part passion of mine. Thank you for this very helpful article. You cant buy it. They need love. (Gen 41:42). It is in the spirit and it is an anointing. It was all over his presentation. Ive only seen 1 Christian artist with this mantle. CALEB ANOINTING (Mantle) : Deliverance WARFARE: Joshua 14:12, Give Me He took His eyes off the words of admonition of His Father, King David. Required fields are marked *. David didnt become King immediately after being anointed by Samuel to be King because he wasnt ready. After that, I asked the Lord about this. In addition to this, Solomon went on to do and build other things. His brothers took it when they sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:23). You dont have to like them and they are not all good. All of these roles had authority but it progressed higher and higher. It also changed my perspective on this verse. 27 Bible verses about Anointing - Knowing Jesus The Anointing - Prophetic Ministries Not just any kind of worship but a deliverance mantle for worship. 19But then I saw seven sick-looking cows, scrawny and thin, come up after them. The wealth that Joseph accumulated was for the king. After the demons left the room, I felt the force that was holding us in our seats lift and we were able to stand up. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. Your journey from Anointing to Mantle 3Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. So- I deleted Facebook from the bullying post on page. Well, this is a very big store and as I am going aisle to aisle shopping I noticed there was really not a lot of people theremaybe 5 people. I was asking people to pray for me and he was one of them. and on time as well. The Lord said to Elijah, Go and anoint, as prophet in your place, Elijah. This led to the mantle being thrown onto Elisha. 1:11).and I believe that Solomon also came to realize this at the end of His many much study & activities, but I guess it was late cux He had wasted the time and freedom, that could have been put into something of lasting eternal worth and value. Who knows? (1 Kings 19:16). It doesnt matter how close your parents or grand parents were to Jesus or how devoted they were to Him. Consider Becoming a PMT Campus Partner Includes All Ministry Services Listed Below, Campus Partnership $247.00 Monthly Pledge. This is not the full story. This post on Solomons Anointing is part of a series. As Christians, I think we need to give value to how we spend or use the Freedom (Ease) and Time that the Lord has blessed us with and is about to add unto us even in this season. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know. So, Joseph had to go through the fire and be purified until God could manifest Himself through him in His FULLNESS. They are very focused because they know what they want. You can imagine how I got here? Therefore if he attacked him he was coming against the position and authority of his mantle. Well, that is what David did to Solomon he took all of his wealth and used it to build the temple. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, Prophetic Series Part 1 The Gift of Prophecy, developing the spiritual gift of prophecy, the gift of prophecy in the new testament and today, How to start using your Gift of Prophecy Prophetic Series Part 6, understanding the spiritual gift of prophecy, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor, You are on a journey and in a process that cannot be rushed, You need to position yourself to receive that mantle. But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease. (the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, hes not taking credit). You need a mantle to hold an office but you can operate in a gifting/anointing for an event without having the office. The desire God places in our hearts is just one indication, among other confirmations, of the calling that is ours. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory By Frequency Revelator Ebook USD 9.99 Add to Cart Share This Publication clearly portrays the progressive transition and migration from the realm of the anointing, through the mantle to the realm of glory, which are different aspects of manifestation of God's power. 6. He had a greater appreciation for what he received and knew how to walk with the Lord to maintain it. Thank you for the uplifting word. Welcome To Faith Realm TV , We upload Video clips of Wonderful Preachers of The Gospel, for building up of the church by Media .OUR AIM IS CAUSE YOUR FAITH. Because it was so long it is said that Joseph never worked because this is not the type of robe you wear when you work. At the end of the day its more than just gifts, anointings or mantles. I thank the Lord for giving you this revelation. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. learning to know our boundaries through warfare is beneficial even though at times it overwhelmes: of the king of Israel The coat of many colors his father gave him indicated favor, as well as his position as overseer to his brothers. Imagine that you are sitting there watching this conversation. Elijah's Mantle, Elisha's Anointing - Living Grace Fellowship Mantle Anointing is a book of unique, God-ordained relationships. If you read the entire story from start to finish it is hard not to see it. In this book you will discover: As Holy Spirit is to the believer, so the Area of Serving is to the Ekklesia.The Area of Serving is about to change from the way we know it!The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen will be the identifying characteristics of the end-time Guards and Laborers.Out of the heart of a Servant Leader, the motivation to serve . It is more likely you can move from having Josephs Mantle to Solomons as opposed to having both at the same time. When its time to fully take hold of your mantle the are people that cant go to where you are going. Then I see a light come out of heaven and go through one side of the prism. Shhhh. The mantle served the practical purpose of keeping people warm and protecting them from the elements. May the LORD grant you more grace with more revelation to the service of HIS children. The enemy is always going to attack you will the very thing you have as your anointing. (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. He supported him in a menial way and learned at his feet. Likeability. In a practical sense, if you are in arts and entertainment field you can have the mantle to be an actor that then changes to a directors mantle that then changes to a producer mantle when you own the movie studio. There is no Moses sister mantle. (2 Kings 3:11). Prophetic Mantles: Which Ones Are You Called To Wear? What are they used for? 16So David said to him, Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, I have killed the Lords anointed. . You just need to position yourself. Solomons Mantle is a very rare thing in the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit, the gifts, and my interest in how church leaders rallied behind _________ even thought I knew he was a liar from day one. Guide me by your Holy Spirit on how to steward the anointing in a way that will please you. The world needs the Josephs for the mountain of religion. . So God is going to arrange the meeting. I am now going to read the second part of your post which concerns Joseph. Asking God to show me. This one is a question please.can you pray the mantle by yourself with out your pastor/spiritual parents? Well, they forgot about him. God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. But for some reason when she goes anywhere they always ask her to sing. Mantles and Anointings have a progression. Now, I am asking Jesus Christ why He allowed me to read your post. In this post I want to address the subject of mantles and anointings. DALLAS, Texas A leadership and motivational speaker recently delivered what he called a "prophetic prayer" to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump via his attorney, claiming that God has given Trump "an anointing for the mantle of government." Lance Wallnau of Dallas posted a video on Facebook on Tuesday that showed the speaker . Pray, Hear, and Obey this is the Christian way. As each artist comes out to sing we all stood and applauded them. Its like they are a magnate that pulls people in. Elijah threw his mantle onto Elisha, which led to Elisha following in Elijahs footsteps and ministering in the same ways as Elijah. He showed me that she had a mantle for worship. (1 Kings 3:7-9). (1 Kings 11:1-8) Instead of him converting them to God, they converted him. This is true value of practical wisdom. Its very significant & remarkable to me. I even reread the story about Joseph in the Bible. Once we forget our purpose and assignments and begin to wonder off the path from God and into disobedience, God will lift His hand off us and we end up fighting for our lives again. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. I would implore you to read the entire life of Joseph (Genesis 37 50), and you will be able to pick up all the points that I am making in this post. They are forgiving people and they dont hold grudges, Prophecy (you cant have vision unless you have some idea of where youre going), Jealousy, ultimately the spirit of murder. May you all be blessed abundantly in the Mighty Name of Our Risen King Jesus. This is where he was a little boy who made a wish that he would be a grown up and he got his wish. Heres the picture to the left. Well, anything is possible with God. Then give me a tongue of wisdom to speak when the opportunity arises. Because I was driving I couldnt write anything down so I started to pray into this. Your actions and the fruit is what says you are saved. Self Reliance. N0! Psalm 45:7. More grace and blessings to the ministryp.s: Im sorry that my comment was quite long (this is the first time its happening, i didnt want to stop the flow). I have been richly blessed and strengthened in my spiritual journey to be in Gods presence. Your email address will not be published. I didnt understand what he meant by that and I didnt ask him to explain what he meant by that response to me. The good news is that he was repentant for it so we know that the Lord forgave him for that. I read the prayers also. He was raised up for a season when there was a famine and he was the supplier, the one with the resources to sustain the people. Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise! - Constant Contact and dix makes me realize Why you said that the mantle is rare (even in the body of Christ).not many are able to follow or pursue their God given purpose and assignment bcux of the ease (Freedom) & Time that they lack. Love Ashwen. 5. There is a lady that I know and the first time I heard her signing the Lord gave me a prophetic word for her. Amen This was a theater that holds about 15, 000 people. The next Hebrew word for mantle is meil, frequently applied to the robe of the ephod ( Exodus 28:4 Exodus 28:31 ; Leviticus 8:7 ), which was a splendid under tunic wholly of blue, reaching to below the knees. This was the first time I was talking to her so I didnt know anything about her. Your wealth will be for THE King. So the entire time until David became King, Saul was acting under the mantle with no anointing. People with this mantle have others give them things/money/resources/tools/time without even asking for it. He was operating under instructions. Your explanations have been quite clear and enlightening. Mantle Anointing Paperback - March 3, 2021 - This one is key and usually the main sign of someone who has this mantle. He actually didnt give his wealth to Solomon (1 Chronicles 29:3-5). Joseph right out the gate starts exhibiting the Seven Spirits of God. With the mantle it is in position of authority and you can operate with no anointing. Then I woke up. Dont worry about meeting that person right away. Serving with faithfulness and a teachable heart is a powerful means of being positioned to attain your God-ordained destiny. 38So Pharaoh asked his officials, Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God? (The Spirit of the Lord)39Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. But then Potiphars wife approached Joseph, wanting to seduce him. I shall be looking into more of them to receive further insight in Gods Word. This Mantle is very important, for it speaks of both the prophetic message of Elijah, and the double-anointing of the Holy Spirit that was given to Elisha, in order for Elisha to take up the call of God that he inherited from Elijah. The people with the Solomon and Joseph anointing are generally broke! A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. . I read part 1 and part 2 to better understand part 3. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!. Scriptures covered: 2Kings 2-3. Again, Joseph gets falsely accused by Potiphars wife for attempted rape so he was thrown in prison. Do you know how many wars David fought through his entire lifetime? The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory PDF - It is their time now. I Stumbledacross the looking for information about the mantle of wealth after having dream where I was told that the mantle was passed to me. She still needs to go through her process. Im not God- I believe in the Trinity. just a humble observation, i dont know if it was typing error,the scripture you quoted 1chronicles you cited chapter 22:9 instead of 28:9 . I did not ask for it. These definitions are taken from the Easton Bible Dictionary. 2The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. He has to know that He can trust you with the wealth of the land, the wealth of the mountain where He has called you to serve (money, resources, tools, information, knowledge, food) to help the people during times of famine and not sell it trying to make a profit for yourself. Your email address will not be published. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. He was the favorite (favor) of his father and as a result his brothers were jealous and envious of him. What a MAGITI (Fijian for Feast) that I am having here in your midst The Lord is REFRESHING me with so much confirmation after an almost 30 year journey. Favor. This is not just a singer, it is deliverance minister using song. The Joseph never waits for the position to look the part. So there is a time of process that we all have to go through from the moment God starts moving us into our role and purpose. Pre-k and Sunday school teacher. So, do you know what your mantle is? (1 Kings 11:26-43). All of those colors were in Josephs mantle. When Solomon came into power David had already collected what was needed to build the temple. Do you know how many wars Solomon fought? Ive been shopping in this particular store for about 2 years. How to Receive God's Destined Mantle for Your Life Following are some significant lessons about receiving your God-ordained mantle, from the stories of Joseph and Elisha [1]: 1. The Prophet Elisha received the Prophet Elijah's . Then the next time I go in I paid attention and it happened again. Thank you for your obedience. Reading the bible is like peeling the layers of an onion in that when you read it the first time you get the full meaning. He needed to grow into it. Thats all I have for you. When you hear people talk about stock market crashes and all of this, it is just a set up (another stepping stone) for the Josephs. So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of fatness. Mantle-of-Glory-Elijah-Spiritual Champion-Calling-MiniMannaMoments I love that, Lorelle! So what was that? Actually i already had a gift it is only that i recognize it now and he placed the robe on me because i reset my bloodline and broke generation curses like david who fought many battles. God always positions us exactly where he wants us to be, even when it appears that things are not going as planned. Have you thought about how ridiculous it sounds that the enemy (Pharaoh), takes the slave out of prison and puts him in charge of his kingdom?? The rainbow is also a sign of the covenant, the promises of God and that will surely come to pass. Who knows? Now imagine this scene everyone is pinned in their seat and the few that could get up were screaming on the floor until the demon got out of them. Prophets Mantle Prayer Anointing Oil 15 ML - I know my next steps is to apply Josephs wisdom and to immerse my 21 days of fasting of praying at the beginning of this 2022 for my deliverance and I know I be delivered.! Ask Him for it but remember you need to go through your process and He will deliver it to you. Guide me by your Holy Spirit every day while I am here to shine your light and be a living epistle for people to see, in Jesus name, Amen.
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