A good fireworks store is hard to find. Cakes are basically a little firework show all in one piece, so all you have to do is light the fuse, then sit back and enjoy the show. (Single Item), 25 Shots Thunder Rain (25 Sec.) ), 200 Shots Fan Crackling and Silver Chrys. ), 100 Shots Silver Blink/Green Blink/Blue/Chrys Willow (40 Sec.) Striking 3D label.https://www.jakesfireworks.com/fireworks/finales/toxic Class B Fireworks Wholesale Firework Cases - 18 Shot Color To Brocade, Howling Tail To Crackle, With Brocade To Crackle Finale 4/1 $170.36 . (Single Item), 25 Shots Fanned Gold Wave Palm w/Blue Bouquet(22 Sec. ), 100 Shots Fanned Crackling Comets to Crakling Willow w/Red Dahlia (35 Sec. ), 25 Shots Fan Brocade King & Crackling Willow (20 Sec.) Sometimes 200-gram cakes are also referred to as multi-shot cakes. Our Price: $495.99 (18 Assortments) Add To Cart. Fireworks Site Layout & General Advice - UKFR Meanwhile down on the ground, inside the cake, the original fuse is still burning and will reach the next tube to launch the next effect and so on until all the tubes have been fired. Formerly known as Class B fireworks, these are the very large fireworks and pyrotechnic effects used in professional fireworks shows. details. Whack Job Finale Cake; Star Spangled Banger Shells; 10-Ball Roman Candle; . Style: Name: Video. Flower (40 sec. products - Mandarin Fireworks salute w/color tail .75 - 1.25, 180 shot color tail & thunder (Gatling Gun) asst color tail & thunder (zipper cake), 104 shot Poisonous Spider (straight) color stars, whistling, whistle tails 1.5, 3 finale timed chain asst color w/tails (4 second delay between shells) 2 sets of eachChain #1 Red peony, yellow to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony, silver spider, purple peony, red & blue peony, red & green peony & red to yellow peony.Chain #2 Golden flashing white flashing, silver to purple peony, golden wave to silver, blue peony w/coconut pistil, time rain, coconut tree, colors dahlia, silver willow, silver wave to green & silver wave to blue.Chain #3 yellow to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, purple to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, silver crackling stars, dragon eggs, red ball, green ball, blue peony w/coconut pistil, brocade yellow, brocade crown & diadem chrysanthemumw/coconut tree core, 3 sunny asst w/tails(A) 18/2 Blue tip w/crackling willow w/red tail, gold strobe to green & blue peony, w/greentail, green & purple glitter w/silver tail, Kamuro w/red tip w/tail, lemon peony w/red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red w/silver variegated color w/silver tail, white strobe chrysanthemum & blue w/glittered tail, yellow peony w/green palm w/silver tail, white glitter &blue w/silver tail, lemon to red glitter w/green tail, purple crackling dahlia w/silver tail, orange to popping flower w/silver tail, gold palm tree w/gold tail, blue to fushia peony w/silover tail, red tip w/silver strobe willow w/red tail. We Guarantee It! (Single Item), 36 Shots Crackling Tail to Crackling Willow (22 Sec), 44 Shots Fanned Gold Wave to Blue Mine (18 Sec. Awesome Deals - Excalibur Platinum Coupon Plus 500g Fountain Offer. All of this will be explained in todays Pro-Talk blog! ), 100 Shots Fanned Gold Horse Tail (22 Sec. Check out our selection of Salute Cakes. China Liuyang Ace Fireworks Mfg.Co.,Ltd, China Fireworks Suppliers This process can take up to about three months. Be sure to check on your local city and county ordinances as well. Below are some examples of our 200-gram cakes. 2 shots have very large and impressive breaks! (Single Item), 19 Shots Silver Palm (32 Sec.) Zipper Cake:A zipper cake is similar to a sprinkler cake in that it fires shots back and fourth. See our top selling fan cake (also a sprinkler), Impressive as an example. Fireworks by Ace Fireworks are people's favorite! 500 gram pyrotechnic devices are the largest consumer fireworks allowed by federal law. Be sure to check all relevant laws before purchasing fireworks. (Please note: We love new customers but we cannot sell to the general public. Out of Season: Open for New Year's Eve Dec 31st 12pm- 8pm Otherwise You must call 847-722-6800 and arrange a time to shop, do not just drive to Boom Town Fireworks and hope we are available.. Model: DR2521; Min: 50 carton; Contact Now. & Blue Chrys. (Single Item), 10x10's "RW" Brocade Crown w/Tail & Brocade Crown Mines, 10X10's Assorted Color Chrys. Salute Cakes - Lynch Imports LLC For explosive fireworks . Categories: 1.3g Fireworks, Equipment, Regulated Items, All 1.3g Cakes, Cakes, Multishot Cakes, Salute Cakes. See you soon! ), 200 Shots Fan Silver Blink Wave/Chrys Willow/Crackling w/Palm (43 Sec. ), 65 Shot Fanned Silver Whirl w/Red & Blue Peony (16 Sec.) However, some states and municipalities restrict the size and type of 1.4G fireworks that may be purchased or used, and some ban them altogether. ), 100 Shots Fanned Gold Horse Tail (22 Sec. & Dragon Eggs (240 secs. They are an excellent way to cap off any large get-together like a festival or sporting event. ), 150 Shots Brocade w/Falling Leaves (30 Sec. ), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec.) Fire Art :: Professional Fireworks Shows & Displays, Michigan, Illinois | Powered by Safari Marketing | Privacy Policy, Some states require those who handle professional fireworks to obtain a state license, Not an illegal drug user or addicted to any substance, Not a fugitive, under indictment for any crime punishable by more than a year of imprisonment, or currently appealing a conviction punishable by more than a year of imprisonment, Never have been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year of imprisonment, Not an alien residing in the United States, Must prove the ability to safely store unused fireworks in accordance with federal regulations. Gibson fireworks . Customer service is a top priority and we are always working to improve our site. (Single Item), 100's Green Scenery (30 sec.) Popular American Fireworks Brand, Ship to American, European and more than 30+ countries. Welcome to skysong fireworks China Skysong Fireworks Company was founded in 2005. ), 100 Shots Fan White Strobe Peony Red Falling Leaves w/Blue Pearl (35 secs. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Tail to Red & Blue Peony (25 secs. $299.99 CLASS B All 5 cakes Watch on The Class B Bundle is a fireworks package that is exclusive to Fireworks Plus. Ju Ju Spetacular. Cake (firework) - Wikipedia ), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec.) For further information please go our Shipping Information Page, If a shipment is refused and returned to sender, the full charge of the freight delivery will fall upon you. In some locations, PGI certification can be substituted for state or local licensure. $ 319.00. Wholesale Fireworks - 1 Inch Snub Nose Artillery - 6 pack Case 24/1 Rating: $160.73 Wholesale Fireworks - 1.75 Inch Ball Festival Balls - 6 pack Case 15/1 Rating: $191.36 Wholesale fireworks - 1.91 Inch Consumer Fiberglass Mortar Case 50/1 Rating: $168.00 Wholesale Fireworks - 10 Ball Magical Roman Candle 4Pk Case 36/1 Rating: $85.43 5CPY122. Welcome to Pennsylvania's largest factory-direct, wholesale and retail fireworks outlet. ), 100 Shots Flower Wave & Color Dahlia w/Color Tails (24 Sec. Read more about our "No Substitution Guarantee" on our Policies page. Call (812)623-0099 or email sales@lynchimportsllc.com today. ), 2.5" 36's Pink & Grass Green Chrys./Blue & Red Half Color Peony/Sea Blue & Orange, 2.5" 36's Red Chrys. (Single Item), 36 Shots Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (15 secs. We guarantee orders to be exactly what you ordered with no substitutions when a non-refundable 50% deposit is provided to hold your order. Youll want to start small, maybe with some 200-grams, and build into bigger breaks and effects like 3 cakes before heading into your finale. In other locales, you must still pass the state or local test, but PGI certification can be substituted for the training portion of the licensing requirement. Fireworks - Jake's Fireworks Salute, 100's Blue Scenery (30 sec.) In conclusionConsumer Fireworks = 1.4G = Class C Fireworks. If the shots go back and fourth across the cake, its also called a sprinkler. ), 210's "X" Green and Orange Rhyme of Dancing, 210's "X" Red & Green to Silver Crossette, 25 Shot Fanned Red, Green, Purple, Orange, (23 Sec.) Electronic background checks are performed on all employees who submit the questionnaire. Jake's Fireworks offer World Class brand America's Favorite, HD product videos, retail and wholesale sales, and information on the industry. ), 50 Shots Fan Red Blink Bouquet/Ti-Chrys/Crackling Willow (Single Cake), 50 Shots Red Glittering Willow (22 Sec.) In the firework world when we talk about cakes, we dont mean the delicious sugary kind you eat! $ 65.00. These include, but are not limited to, M-80s, M-100s, quarter sticks, cherry bombs, and silver salutes. (Single Item), 49 Shots Instant Titanium Whistle (2 Sec. Black Dynamite is a wave cake that is loaded with performance. CONTACT US. Welcome To The Dominator Professional Fireworks Product Catalog! Multishot Cakes - Lynch Imports LLC Note: This selection changes the prices shown in shopping list, Copyright 2012 Fire Art, LLC All Rights Reserved. Wholesale Fireworks - Casabella Pyrotechnics Model: DR2304; . All Rights Reserved. ), 36 Shots Crackling Tail to Crackling Willow (22 Sec), 36 Shots Crackling Tail to Crackling Willow (22 Sec) (Single Item), 36 Shots Red Tail to Silver Blink Willow (15 Sec.) By spending some time on our website, you can see which items you like the best and can start building your own backyard show! 500 Gram Cakes | Jeff's Fireworks We are a premier 1.3g and 1.4g firework wholesaler. ), 100 Shots Fan "Z" Red, White, Blue Tail to Ti-Thunder (15 Sec. We are happy to help you get your license if you don't have one.) From colors that radiate to loud aerial explosions with whistling and crackling sounds our medium sized cake fireworks are an awesome set up to your grand finale firework display. For explosive fireworks, freight shipping must be utilized. Some states have different types of licenses for different job classifications or types of pyrotechnics. So you'll always know if we have what you need. Class B Fireworks. Item Found 165 Page 1 of 1 < 1 > Item Per Page Item Found 165 Page 1 of 1 w/Tail (30 Sec. Items classified as 1.4G explosives are consumer fireworks intended for use by the general public. Store Department - Boom Town Fireworks In order to purchase, store, or use display fireworks (any fireworks not specifically marked as 1.4G or Class C consumer fireworks), you must have a professional fireworks license. (Single Item), 10x10's "RW" Brocade Crown w/Tail & Brocade Crown Mines, 10X10's Assorted Color Chrys. We also provide the information you need to know to use them responsibly, legally, and safely. So you'll always know if we have what you need. At Dynamite Fireworks, we dont only sell top-quality, name-brand fireworks. Prices are subject to change without notice. (Single Item), 100's Quick Assorted Whistles (4 sec.) Case Quantity: 1 pieces per case (193 shots each). ), 100 Shots White Blink Willow/Crackling Willow (32 Sec. ), 665 Shots Fan Red/Green/Blue Tail to Small Thunder (15 Sec. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Tail to Pink & Lemon Peony (25secs. Here is what you need to know. All novelty and party products are eligible for standard ground shipping. Please Wait: Data is loading, this should only take a moment. Model: DR2306; Min: 100 carton; Contact Now. Nostalgia Pyrotechnics, Inc. ), 100'S Assorted Chrys. ), 100 Shots Silver Blink/Green Blink/Blue/Chrys Willow (40 Sec. . ), 100 Shots Silver Blink/Green Blink/Blue/Chrys Willow (40 Sec. Cakes are very popular for backyard shows, as they only require you to light them one time and have multiple shots and effects. ), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (22 Sec.) | 1.3g Professional . (Single Item), 50 Shots Fan Red Blink Bouquet/Ti-Chrys/Crackling Willow (33 Sec. Should you want to obtain a full certificate, you must also log experience working on four professional shows in any capacity, and one show as the lead or co-lead shooter. ), 90 Shots W Shape Red Peony w/Red Tail (L), White Peony w/White Tail (C), & Blue Peony, 49 Shots Green to Purple Crossette w/Green Tail (21 Sec. Bulk salutes are high explosives and must be stored in Type-1 or Type-2 magazines. There we also list our unbeatable selection of affordable firework equipment & supplies for sale near Chicago, IL. ), 665 Shots Fan Red/Green/Blue Tail to Small Thunder (15 Sec. All or part of this product is currently enroute to our facility. In most of the country, 1.4G fireworks are legal to possess and use without any special training or permits. 5" Silver Spinning w/Blue to Red Crossette Ring (Cylinder) 18/1. The effects we learn about today can be seen in consumer fireworks, but are much more impressive in professional fireworks (known as Class B fireworks). ), 100 Shots Green Tail to Titanium Salute and Brocade Crown Bouquet (35 Sec. Requirements for state licensing run the gamut from filling out a form to passing a written test to demonstrating previous experience as an assistant at professional fireworks shows. Starting with cake 1, the firer lights this and then moves across to cake 2. ), 140 Shots Fan White Blink With Bouquet (20 Sec. ), 100 Shots Fan "Z" Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (15 Sec. If the investigator is satisfied, he or she will make a recommendation that you receive a license. 3"Sunny Asst w/Tails (B) 18/2 Orange to Glitter Peony w/Silver Tail, White Strobe Flitter & Red w/Red Tail, Green Stobe Flitter & Purple w/Green Tail, Yellow Flitter & Blue w/Red Tail, Lemon & Purple Peony w/Lemon Tail, Red Magic Ring w/ Red Tail, Red to White Strobe w/Red Tail, Purple & Blue Peony w/Glitter Tail, Silver Glitter w/Silver Tail, Green to Crackling Flower w/Tail, Variegated Color w/Silver Tail, Blue to Popping Flower w/Silver Tail, Silver Palm to Red Strobe w/Silver Tail, Silver to Red Peony w/Silver Tail, Red Peony w/Red Tail, Lemon to Red Glitter w/Green Tail, Kamuro w/ Red Tip w/Silver Tail, Silver Coconut w/Red & Blue Tip w/Silver Tail. Fireworks policy of the United States - Wikipedia ), 19 Shots Green Blink w/Wave Palm Pistil (30 Sec. Our cakes range from 13 to 665 shot. I have a link you can use to sign up and we both get $5 when you use it! Product Code: AT242. ), 100 Shots Fan Blue Tail to White Blink Willow (32 Sec. All novelty and party products are eligible for standard ground shipping. ), 150 Shots Colorful Bouquet & Red Wave, Silver Wave, Blue Wave & Ti-Thunder (150secs. ), 100 Shots Fan White Strobe Peony Red Falling Leaves w/Blue Pearl (35 secs. Toy smoke devices are generally legal, though it is important to check the relevant laws. Most of the firework manufacturers divide their cakes into two levels, 500-grams and 200-grams. (Single Item), 100 Shots Fanned Gold Tail to Gold Wave (40 Sec. Our business would not be possible without you and we truly love helping you put on displays to make people smile. w/Crackling &Ti. A few once-common fireworks and related devices are now illegal at the federal level due to their inherent dangerousness. SKU: JSCP30238. Note that if you have employees who come into contact with professional fireworks as part of their employment, they must fill out ATF Form 5400.28, the Employee Possessor Questionnaire. If youve been following our blog, youve now learned the different types of effects you see as well. ), 25 Shots Fan Brocade King & Crackling Willow (20 Sec.) Best Fireworks to Buy | Fireworks 101 - Dynamite Fireworks 1.3 Fireworks, Class B fireworks, wholesale fireworks, professional fireworks, display fireworks, fireworks displays, 1.4 Fireworks, Consumer Fireworks, 1.4 pro fireworks, Dominator Fireworks . The term generally excludes aerial effects and firecrackers, as well as any novelties that include these as part of their design. Chinese Consumer Cake Fireworks 19 Shots Whistling Class B Fireworks. 36 shot 2.5 AMERICAN BADASS-. Formerly known as "Class B" fireworks. 1.3G Display Catalog and Videos | Welcome to Wald Fireworks, Co. Kastner Pyrotechnics 1.3G Fireworks Wholesale - Imports 1.4G Fireworks Class B Fireworks Suppliers, Manufacturer, Distributor - Alibaba 1m). To be considered for a professional fireworks license, all of the following must be true: If you meet all of the above criteria, you are eligible to apply for a professional fireworks license, but it is no guarantee that you will receive one. Due to shipping issues, Wald & Co. will not release at 2022 Class B catalog. ), 100 Shots Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (12 Sec. Arriving February 2019. Safe and sane is both a legal term used by some states and a general term used to describe fireworks effects that are considered less hazardous or risky than others. ), 49 Shots Blue Tail to Silver Crackling Wave (25 Sec.) We are a professional and consumer fireworks wholesaler located at 11628 Indiana 46, Sunman, IN 47041 Map. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Doremi (28 Sec. At Dynamite Fireworks, we dont only sell top-quality, name-brand fireworks. Straight Cakes; Fan Cakes; Z/W Shaped Cakes; Zipper Cakes; 1.4G Pro. You wont have to break your budget while trying to throw a memorable new year or 4th of July party ever again! Toy noisemakers such as party poppers and caps also fit into the category of novelties. ), 100 Shots Green Tail to Titanium Salute and Brocade Crown Bouquet (35 Sec. In addition, many states, counties, and towns have their own sub-classifications that determine which types of fireworks are legal or illegal in that area. 200 Gram Cakes - Fireworks Plus See the diagram below to understand how cakes work. ), 49 Shots Brocade King (16 Sec.) ), 49 Shots Red Tail to Ti-Chrys w/Ti-Chrys Bouquet (40 Sec. w/Tail, Assorted Crackling Crossette & Golden, 10x10's Fan R/W/B/Thunder R/W/B/Thunder R/W Crossette (30 sec. Price $105.00. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3; Page 4 . (15secs. May 11th thru June 11th 12pm-7pm June 11th-July 11th 10 am to 10 pm All Sundays during these two months we are open 12pm-7pm. Check out Evolution of Fire below, for a great example of a finale cake. ), 2.5" 36's Green Peony w/Red Bees Mines (30 sec. Class B Fireworks Products - USWHOLESALEFIREWORKS Next, try to drop one of your shells into the mortar tube. Phone: (812) 623-0099 Email: sales . (Single Item), 49 Shots Brocade King (16 Sec.) ), 2" 25'S Fan Shaped Brocade Crown (Single Item), 2" 50's Assorted Dahlia w/Silver Tail Salute Mines, 2" 50's Multi-Color Peony Finale w/Silver Tail, 2.5" 36 Shots Assorted Color Chrys. Salute w/s/t 36 Shot 2 1/2", Shimmering Crackling Gold 25 Shot (CASE ONLY), Shimmering Crackling Gold 100 Shot shot, Thunder King Strobe 25 Shot 1 1/4" (CASE ONLY), Thunder King Strobing 25 Shot (CASE ONLY). The range of fireworks products includes both Class B fireworks and Class C fireworks: cakes, 2 While our affordable class B fireworks are perfect for larger events, our low-priced consumer-grade fireworks are perfect for enjoying at birthday parties or graduations. 812-972-7180. We have everything you need for an excellent firework display, big or small. Item# JSCP30238. Contains 3 box fountains, 6 cylindrical fountains, 6 crackling balls, 12 ground bloom flowers, 12 snakes, 6 strobes, 100 snaps, 1 party popper, 18 sparklers, and 5 punks. ), 100 Shots Brocade King w/Blue Stars (28 Sec. For Great Deals On Class B Fireworks Online See Fireworks Plus Chicago 200-grams are a much smaller scale of 500-gram cakes but can still pack a very impressive punch for their size. Professional Shells: Professional Cakes: Item No. We also provide the information you need to know to use them responsibly, legally, and safely. Shop by: Any price All brands Dominator Fireworks Mad Ox Fireworks Winda Fireworks Shogun Fireworks Pyro Demon Fireworks . Email YES, we are OPEN. Arriving Mid- June. If you are in the Chicago, IL, area, you can find great deals for Class B Fireworks online from Fireworks Plus. We have landed several containers since July 4th, and there are many great items now available. However, a zipper will do this very rapidly. When you put together a show, you never want to see the same effects twice in a row. Aerial Cake - 200 Gram; Aerial Cake - 350 Gram; Aerial Cake - 500 Gram; Aerial Cake - Hybrid; . Home; Catalog; News; Featured Products . document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) USWHOLESALEFIREWORKS, 16 Shot Nishiki Willow With Crackle Pistol, 18 Shot Color To Brocade, Howling Tail To Crackle, With Brocade To Crackle Finale, 24 Shot Triple Crackle Mine W/ Double Crackle Shells, 25 SHOT CRACKLE MINE TO NEW COLOR DAHLIA WITH CRACKLE WILLOW FINALE, 25 SHOT SPECIAL COLOR PEONIES WITH CRACKLE WILLOW FINALE, 27 Shot Color Change Mine To Color Change Shells, Go Getters, And Varigated Crackle Finale, 9 SHOT - BROCADE WITH COLOR AND STROBE PISTILS, 9 Shot Nishiki WIllow With Color Nishiki Willow W/ Crackle Finale, 90 SHOT CRACKLING COMETS TO BIG CRACKLE SHELLS, Wholesale Firework Cases - 18 Shot Color To Brocade, Howling Tail To Crackle, With Brocade To Crackle Finale 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 16 Shot Nishiki Willow With Crackle Pistol 12/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 25 SHOT CRACKLE MINE TO NEW COLOR DAHLIA WITH CRACKLE WILLOW FINALE 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 25 SHOT MIXED COLORS WITH STROBES 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 25 SHOT SPECIAL COLOR PEONIES WITH CRACKLE WILLOW FINALE 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 27 Shot Color Change Mine To Color Change Shells, Go Getters, And Varigated Crackle Finale 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 7 shot Insight 8/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 9 SHOT BROCADE WITH COLOR AND STROBE PISTILS 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 9 Shot Nishiki Flower Crown 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 9 Shot Nishiki WIllow With Color Nishiki Willow W/ Crackle Finale 4/1, Wholesale Firework Cases 90 SHOT CRACKLING COMETS TO BIG CRACKLE SHELLS 2/1, Wholesale Firework Cases Shot Triple Crackle Mine W/ Double Crackle Shells 4/1. Glossary of Fireworks Terms This person will verify the information on your application, review storage and recordkeeping requirements with you, and make you aware of state and local regulations.
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