Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The color codes are as follows: Proposed excavation will be marked in white, power lines will mark in red, gas lines will mark in yellow, all communication lines will mark in orange, water marks in blue, sewer marks in green and Purple is for Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines. Homeowners FAQs - Know what's below. Call 811 before you dig Are there tables of wastage rates for different fruit and veg? Yard Blogger is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Its expected of a property owner to be bothered by the sight of colorful flags in their yard. and our High End Residential work. Have you ever wondered about orange flags? They usually have a validity of 30 calendar days. A tip from many homeowners is to bug the company about your concern. 175. Utility flags are meant to protect these utility lines when future homeowners or landscapers plan on digging. When calling for locates, please have the following information ready: Who the work is being done for (general contractor or project) Type . Digging works could involve installation, repair,and maintenance of underground lines. The question of legality and the right to remove utility flags from your lawn or property can be tricky. The question of permission and the legality of you removing utility flags will be discussed in this article.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yardpit_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Utility flags are the small, mostly orange reflective markers that are used to indicate underground utility lines. Keep in mind that even if you have not given any approval, utility companies can dig in your yard because of easements. Here is the official color code chart that is used to depict the location of underground utilities. The blue utility flag has a water drop symbol on it. If you see plenty of white flags wrapped around an area, that should give you an idea of how big the project is. If you have blue flags, you can call the water company, and so on. Power, telephone, gas, and water lines are buried underground, likely on your property. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. The flags are red (electric), orange (telecommunication) and yellow (gas). If you are unable to gather the information from the state 811, you can simply refer to the color of the flag. In the sections below, were going to provide you with tips on what you can do as a homeowner. These projects involve underground facilities that need to be protected. I deal with the stupid flags all the time. Utility flags are placed to avoid any disturbances or accidents in the area while utility work is ongoing. "They can tell you whether a utility flag has outstayed its 30-day limit, at which point you can remove it.". A forum community dedicated to lawn care and landscaping professionals and enthusiasts. Power, telephone, gas, and water lines are buried underground, likely on your property. Talk to an Expert Today | Weekdays 6AM - 6PM. Before You Dig | City of Longmont, Colorado Utility services such as cable TV, telephone, electric, gas, water and sewer are often buried underground. This allows utilities to come out and mark their buried lines before the project begins. If the house you purchased came with an easement, theres nothing you can do but comply. I'm assuming my neighbor needed to dig and had the lines flagged. Utility Flags & Markings - Nebraska City Utilities The start time is typically three working days after your locate request was placed. Refresh Marks requests can only be submitted for excavation projects that were started within 14 calendar days of the initial locate requests. About seven to eight utility companies are typically contacted. (We Checked), Can You Demo a House With a Mortgage? In general, you should not remove utility flags in your yard. Why Call Before Digging in my Yard? - Buzz Custom Fence Thanks for the insight - I'll leave all the flags where they are and hope they're gone in time for spring cleanup around the yard. Blue Water, slurry, and irrigation lines. Utility flags are placed to prevent any disturbances or accidents in the area as utility work is being carried out. Californians have made great strides to improve indoor water efficiency; however, outdoor water efficiency achieves much more water savings. So you know dig company and utilities do not have to inform home owner of rite of way work unless it will expand the ROW the markings in your yard are important to protect the utilities from damage. Insight Denton: Whose responsibility is it to remove those little Get answers directly from our subject matter experts.Never report a natural gas leak online. It signifies electric utilities, such as cables and power lines. It's been two weeks now the lawn is a mess because we are unsure of how to avoid all the markings and flags. It would also help you know if you can request removal or need to wait a while before requesting one. What do Julie flags mean? - In certain cases, temporary repairs will be made to avoid disruption in your mail delivery. The question of legality and the right to remove utility flags from your lawn or property can be tricky. The primary reason is because there is a planned excavation in the vicinity of your property. The American Public Works Association (APWA) has developed a color code for marking underground utilities, so it's easy to immediately identify any utilities in the proposed excavation area. FAQs | JULIE Before You Dig ago. Instead, they will call in several properties for one small excavation just to make sure that the locators have marked the proposed work area. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I've yet to . Antioxidants 1 Madison in playoff rematch, Police: Mans car shot at as he sat in driveway in far west Denton, Purple-and-Gold powerlifters to compete at regionals, Tornado damage surveys for 3/2 and 3/3/2023. This will result in everyday inconveniences that can affect not only you but also other people in the community. Is someone ever going to come? But just because there are flags on your lawn it doesnt always mean the utility company is going to start digging up your yard. Invalid password or account does not exist. athermalized lenses Give the utility flag company a call first to inquire about their presence, and whether or not its safe to remove them. There was an error processing your request. Sometimes calls come in for landscaping and these flags need to be placed, or sometimes it's a year long project that needs a long time to plan. custom marker flags Children may also accidentally take those flags out. Backyard Utility Marking Flag Guide (Dig Markings Colors) Have you ever wondered about orange flags? Do Butterflies Like Hibiscus? If the marks are past the row remove and mow. So, if you have been considering digging a, Read More Can I Dig a Well on My Property? Its even more frustrating to see people come to your yard and put up flags without permission. But if it happens to you, you should know that it means someone is planning to turn it into an excavation site. While you cant really prevent utility companies from doing their jobs, its good to know who is setting foot on your property and what theyre doing. Should I expect them to pay for the damages? Utility flags are placed to avoid any disturbances or accidents in the area while utility work is ongoing. (Answered), Do Deer Eat Canna Lilies? How To Protect Your Cable and Internet Lines When You're Digging in Privacy Policy. Ir Lens Do not remove the flags, stakes or paint marks until you have finished . Comcast tore up my yard, but they brought in new patches of grass to replace the grass they removed. The removal usually happens when the job is done. In most cases, the utility company will be held liable for the damages to your property. The removal usually happens when the job is done. Legal Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, and shouldnotbe interpreted aslegal advice or acted upon as such. If youre asking, what color will CATV flags in my yard or at&T flags in my yard be, then the answer is orange. This center will take care of communicating with your local utilities, who will send their people out to mark line locations. When I can remove them? Email your question for Insight Denton to Before a power line is built, Duke Energy acquires easements . I've started a nice collection of them in the back of my truck. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. These lines can include oil, gas, water, sewers, electrical lines, and telephone lines. Yard Blogger provides practical tips and friendly expert advice on everything relating to your home and yard. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Seeing colorful flags in your yard can be surprising and maybe at times, frustrating, especially if you like to maintain a beautiful, pristine yard. And a damaged gas line can cause soil contamination and even explosion. Moving or removing flags and paint markings will ultimately make you liable for any damage that occurs to that utility, and trust us those can be expensive. If the tree's projected height is 12 feet tall for example, dig your hole at least 12 feet away from the utility flag. Yard Blogger is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In cases where you accidentally removed it, its best to call 811 for help. I know he was mad I know they fixed it and put sod down. However, an easement holder doesn't own the land. (Do This Before Digging)Continue. At this point you might start to wonder, Can I remove utility flags in my yard?. Call 811 or Contact Your Local 811 Center Before You Dig These mark the power lines that connect to a neighbor's power grid. If you see yellow flags across your yard, it means that there will be a planned work involving natural gas lines. Manage Settings Try to avoid digging on top of or within 18-24" on all sides of utility marks, which may mean moving your project to another part of your yard less congested with buried lines. In cases where you accidentally removed it, its best to call 811 for help. Cable Company Runs Wire through Neighbor's Yard Without Asking Utility Marking Symbols: Color Codes for Utilities | 4M First, we can help answer they Why part of the equation. Every morning, get a link to our newly redesigned e-Edition and the top Denton headlines you need to start your day. Here's a key to the flags' colors: If flags are in your yard, please do not remove them, they may have a logo and/or the name of the utility that has placed it there. You may have removed it before realizing its purpose. Usually, this involves potable water. If so, when can I remove them? Utility companies are empowered by law to place such flags, given that such utilities are considered public property by law. Why Are There Flags And Paint In My Yard? - Gopher State One Call Accidental removal of the flags is inevitable. This means they can step on your yard and not be considered trespassing, as long as they use this access for a specific purpose. DIG CAREFULLY. (Roofing Ideas & Options), and they can do so legally to gain access to pipelines and cables. nitrosomonas converts Why are there flags and paint in my yard? | Deltona FL To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. There are different laws regarding utility flags their role, mounting, and removal across different states. The reason flags are put in your yard is to notify you of repair work on utility lines or the installation of a new utility line passing through your yard. When she is not writing, she goes camping with her husband and little kids. . Do not disturb the markings enough to make them disappear. Seeing colorful flags in your yard can be surprising and maybe at times, frustrating, especially if you like to maintain a beautiful, pristine yard. You also need to prove that they have failed to repair the damages or provide compensation. Why Are There Utility Flags In My Yard - The utility flags installed in properties are to be left in place for a minimum of 6 months before they can be removed, while other states have laws that do not allow the removal of utility flags. When your installation is underground a crew chosen by your fiber provider will dig a small trench on your property to bury the line that comes from the street. They were here today.They marked with both spraypaint and flags. Rights of Way Frequently Asked Questions - Duke Energy Placing orange flags means companies should be careful about digging this area, especially when people are expecting a big game on TV. Sewer lines need to be preserved if there are in-ground projects. She often shares practical tips and friendly expert advice on everything relating to home and yard on this blog. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Get exclusive coverage about business in Denton County in your inbox twice a month, with a focus on the housing market. If my crew shows up to a site that is marked, they are instructed to get a close as possible, but in no way disturb the flags or markings in anyway at all. Yellow Flags In Yard: What Do They Mean? [Here's What You Should Know You might also enjoy our post on Can I Dig a Pond on My Property? Ask the title company, attorney or your real estate agent to retain all documents . Modified 8 years, 9 months ago. Just purchased my first house and I'm shocked at the little things that I just never knew or understood about daily life. These will help workers locate important marked spots. 8 Ponder upsets No. Removing these flags could disrupt any project planned in the area. The only person who should be removing them is the one responsible for the placement of the flags. Calling 811 will get your underground utility lines marked and your project off to a safe start. Here are a few examples of the little colored utility flags that mark the location of underground utilities: When locating underground utilities, we may occasionally designate a utility to an unknown termination point. You can also make requests by calling 8-1-1 or 800-922-1987. (Do This First), Can I Dig a Well on My Property? Press J to jump to the feed. In some other states, the locate flags are removed by both the state apparatus and the property owners. While tempting, you should never remove these flags, as doing so can cause serious damage that you may be responsible for. The flags help utility workers locate the lines . The markings are valid per their rules for 30 days. Known as "locate flags," the person who called for their placement is responsible for removing them when the job is complete. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yardpit_com-box-4','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-box-4-0'); The utility companies are given this right for the major purpose of public safety as these utility lines are placed underground. If there are flags or markings in or on your yard or near your yard, it means somebody - a neighbor or someone planning to do construction work near your yard - has called Missouri One Call Systems to have all nearby utilities located. To reply to the question of the illegality of removing utility flags, yes, it is illegal to remove them. However tempting it may be, one should not remove those flags. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Cannot fix sidewall punctures, its either a new tire or a tube. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. There is typically only a few reasons these types of little colored flags will appear in your yard or lawn. Your electric power company, for example, usually has an easement to use the portion of your land on which its towers and lines sit. There are a few important reasons why there are flags on your lawn. When you see flags, you not only tend to question what it is and what purpose it serves but also what the different colors are. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The red flag utility marking is probably one of the most important ones that should be tampered with for any reason. If the company or its subcontractors do damage to your land while doing their work, you must immediately notify the persons involved. As you spot those flags, you may not be sure what to do or what they mean. The color of the flags are typically going to follow The American Public Works Association (APWA) Uniform Color Code. In the mean time is it OK to mow the . It could be that individuals or companies calling in the dig request cant provide the exact location to mark. once the construction is done, i will resume normal mowing. But just because there are flags on your lawn it doesnt always mean the utility company is going to start digging up your yard. If your cable company ripped out grass or landscaping, they need to replace it. Removing Your Lawn - California Neighbor Keeps Hitting Balls in My Yard: What To Do? Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? The colors follow the Uniform Color Code set by the American Public Works Association. mine haven't leaked in years. 99% of the time they do. one of them has like 10 plugs crammed into the same big hole. The purple flag indicates Reclaimed water lines, irrigation lines, and slurry lines. (We Checked With the USPS). The only person who should be removing them is the one responsible for the placement of the flags. A working day is defined as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, not including holidays. The blue flag marking indicates portable water lines and is not to be tampered with for any reason. More importantly, its your responsibility to follow-up so dont be shy about it. Damages to your property resulting from negligence or accidents is inevitable, especially when a utility company digs in your yard. Additional_Guard66 8 mo. I'm assuming the work hasn't been completed yet since the flags haven't been removed from their yard. The orange flag indicates communication lines, alarm lines, traffic loops, cables or conduit lines, and signal lines. Its worth noting that each state has different laws when it comes to this situation. Utility companies usually place flags to mark underground facilities for projects like repair and maintenance. Theyre eye-catching,, Read More Do You Need a Permit to Dig a Pond? The BANE of my lawn mowing existence - Utility Marking Flags To put it simply, an easement gives a company or individuals the right to legally use a landowners property for a specific purpose. Is it possible to create a concave light? I've read that it's illegal to remove them, and I should call 811 to find out more. A utility company can dig in your yard without permission. They are provided for informational purposes only. Other states place a validity of the flags for 30 calendar days. Why Are There Utility Flags in My Yard (8 Likely Reasons) If the line is damaged, the neighborhood could experience a flood or that water will not be safe for drinking for days. Utilities will send out locators who will come and mark the approximate location of buried utilities ., A long time coming: No. 2. Can I Have a Sheep in My Backyard? Red -it is the most common color and its used to mark electric utilities or power lines Marking an area with red will help to avoid a power outage that can affect the whole neighborhood. State law requires contractors, utilities or individuals who plan to dig even a homeowner planting a tree to call 811 to come locate underground utilities in the work area. Removing Your Lawn. In addition, you will be held responsible for damages to the utility. Scan this QR code to download the app now. In general, you should not remove utility flags in your yard. Always confirm the utility response by checking the status of the utility response before . The markings are valid per their rules for 30 days. This utility line work may involve excavation and digging. This is because the removal of utility flags can land you in trouble with the states authorities. Not only does the utility company have the right to use a strip of land for the lines, but they will also enter your property if repair and maintenance is needed. While most utility companies pay compensation to customers without any hesitation, others might put up a challenge. Get the latest, most up-to-date breaking news in your inbox. No such luck. Unfortunately yes, they can. Homeowner Frequently Asked Questions - Diggers Hotline If you must dig within 24" of utility marks/flags, be sure to dig with care. Error! infrared lenses There are a few utility flags that you may remove, but you need to contact the utility company handling your area to do that., Beth Maries has churned up a new flavor, North of Ordinary, to represent Denton, By John Fields i have plugs in both of my mowers. What are these little colored flags in my yard? | Utility Locator The flags wont be there for long. Doing so is illegal and you could pay a fine. rev2023.3.3.43278. They usually have a validity of 30 calendar days. The first one is that there will be an excavation project planned in the spot where the flags are. If this happens, do not plant the flags to the ground as you may not know where they were exactly located. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? Excavation, according to the law, means anything that moves, removes or displaces earth rock or other material in or on . 811: The Number to Call Before Digging - Erie Insurance Group A standing flag symbol is drawn on the pink utility flag. Greater Dickson Gas Authority, Dickson TN | Pipeline Safety - GDGA Utility flags are placed to avoid any disturbances or accidents in the area while utility work is ongoing. This is especially true if the utility company or the subcontractors didnt acknowledge the damage.
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